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                                    69www.i-am-magazine.comthe book cornerRaising children can be daunting, but with the rightresources, it can be a fulfilling and enrichingexperience. An excellent anthology is available thatis perfect for parents, guardians, coaches, children,students, libraries, churches, and anyone wanting tolearn and develop a healthy parenting mindset. Thisguide contains true-life stories detailing theimportance of raising a healthy child.Raising Children Is Not Easy But It's Worth ItBy Sandra E. JacksonBounce Backby Jay \I have gone through a lot in my life. The type ofthings that most men and women would have losttheir sanity over. I was born into the lineage of twoalcoholic parents, grew up in dysfunctionalhouseholds and environments, was sexuallymolested at age ten, rejected by my biological father,and betrayed by family and so-called friends.Despite the countless setbacks I encountered,despite the statistics that said I should have beendead or in a prison cell, I was able to defy them all.
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