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                                    www.i-am-magazine.com32process failures, adapt to them, andlearn from the experience.When you have a growth mindset, youare always looking for ways to developby learning new skills, having newexperiences, experimenting with newapproaches, and developing greaterabilities. It is about sharpening the toolsyou have in your toolkit for even greateruse in new situations.When you have a growth mindset, youwill look for ways to improve, try newthings and develop in constant change.You will have greater resilience torecover more quickly when things seemlike setbacks.Having a growth mindset does not meanthat you won%u2019t have stress, setbacks, orexperience frustration from challenges.It does mean that you have the resilienceto tap into your strengths, look for thelearning or opportunities in experiencesand work through problems to bounceback more quickly or easily.This resilient, forward-thinking mindsetis an essential tool for your toolkit andwill help foster a positive attitude tochange, achieving goals, overcomingobstacles, and aligning with your valuesin your work life and personal life.You may find you have more ability toretain your growth mindset in someareas of your life than in others. Forexample, you may have more of a growthmindset in your personal life than inyour work life or vice versa. It may bethat you are more resilient in someenvironments, with some people orsituations than in others.Carol Dweck%u2019s research found thatpeople with a growth mindset (thosewho believe that their abilities, talents,and intelligence can be molded andimproved with continuous work) arelikely to achieve greater things thanthose with a fixed mindset (those whobelieve that their abilities are set instone).Are you growing your mind? You alwayshave the choice of what seeds in yourmind you are growing.%u201cThe seeds that are wateredfrequentlyare those that will growstrong%u201d- Thich Nhat Hanh
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