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www.i-am-magazine.com34Experiment and %u2018play%u2019 with new creativeproblem-solving tools and approaches.Challenge things that have %u2018always beenthat way%u2019 and understand why and whatcan be gained from updating them.Caution:Don%u2019t try to change everything at once.Remember this as a new mindset forgrowth and the ability to embracechange, grow your resilience and learnabout possibilities.Look for the areas of your life where youare using a greater growth mindset andsee if you can transfer some of thatmindset to other areas, environments orsituations.Instead of abandoning new thingsquickly, reflect on what can be learnedfrom the experience and incorporate thatinto what you already do.Ways To Develop Your GrowthMindsetIt is possible to develop a growthmindset, from a fixed mindset by startingwith small things.You might start by shaking up yourmorning routine. Try driving to workfollowing a different route, or evenparking in a different place, for example.You might hold meetings using adifferent format or let someone in theteam lead the meeting, for example. Youmight try the idea you have been holdingonto for a while, and see what you learnfrom it.