Page 33 - Demo
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www.i-am-magazine.com33Do You Have a Growth Mindset?Do you have a routine that resistschange or are you open to change?Do you believe that achievementsare down to effort, not just talentsyou are born with, or are youresilient and open to exploring anddeveloping your potential?Are you willing to learn from yourmistakes and find value inconstructive feedback or do youavoid feedback and failures to learnfrom?Do you believe your intelligence andability can be developed or is thisfixed by the time you are an adult?Are you willing to ask questions andadmit when you don%u2019t knowsomething, or do you stick to whatyou know and have always done?Do you seek out challenging tasksand risks (within set safetyguidelines) to develop new ideasand possibilities?Most of us adopt different mindsetsdepending on the situation we%u2019re in.Consider these questions:Why Have A Growth Mindset?A growth mindset will allow you tobecome more resilient and embracesetbacks and %u2018failures%u2019 and take ongreater challenges.A growth mindset will enable you to bemore adaptable to learning and growingand will mean you are less likely to feelthreatened by changes.A growth mindset can help you maintainpositive attitudes within your team andwork. You are more likely to increaseyour optimism and confidence to lead ininspirational ways.