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                                    38www.i-am-magazine.com2. Treatment for Inflammatory Bowel Disease:Inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn%u2019sdisease are common disorders that affect manypeople throughout the world and can be quitedebilitating. Studies have investigated the effectof turmeric on mice who have such diseases.Although the researchers are not entirely surehow it works, curcumin oil improved cellfunctions and reduced the symptoms. Certainsymptoms such as mucosal ulceration werealmost completely removed.3. Indigestion and Heartburn Relief:Turmeric has also been shown to help with thecommon conditions of indigestion andheartburn. These are frequently experienced byindividuals and can be incredibly frustratingand uncomfortable.Turmeric stimulates the gallbladder andincreases bile production; in Germany, turmericis prescribed for such problems.4. Heart disease:Studies have shown that there is a protective effect ofturmeric on the heart. Initial research shows thatturmeric can help to reduce the build-up of plaque inthe heart, a key contributor to heart attacks. Turmericmay help to prevent oxidized cholesterol, which iswhat damages blood vessels. Damaged blood vesselsare a critical factor in many heart diseases, such ashealth attacks, strokes, and atherosclerosis.
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