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                                    39www.i-am-magazine.com5. Delays diabetes:Research has shown that turmeric can actuallydelay the onset of diabetes. In a study,participants were tracked over a period of timeand given either a placebo or curcumin tablets.At the end of the study, not one participantwho had taken the curcumin had developeddiabetes. It is argued this finding is due to theanti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.6. Cancer prevention:Turmeric has been shown to have importantantioxidant properties, which may help to protectcells against cancer, particularly in cells in thecolon. Turmeric can help to protect vulnerable cellsagainst free radicals, which can be harmful to thebody.Moreover, turmeric can help the body to expelmutated cells that may have developed canceralready. However, research is still working out howturmeric can help with cancer prevention.7. Lowers cholesterol:High cholesterol is a common disorder andhas been linked to many disorders, somevery serious.Initial research shows that the oil inturmeric, curcumin oil, can help to lowercholesterol levels. It works on the liver andencourages it to produce more receptorsthat produce lower cholesterol.
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