Page 43 - Demo
P. 43
43www.i-am-magazine.comIn the thought-provoking movie, TheMatrix, Neo (a.k.a. The Chosen One) wasoffered to take either a Red or Blue Pill.The Red Pill, if accepted, would reveal theunpleasant truth about Neo%u2019s reality. TheBlue Pill, if taken, would have allowedNeo to remain in blissful ignorance, towhich he would have never been able totake steps to change the world and seethe horrible truth of humanity%u2019soppression.Ask yourself these questions:Can you see yourself living in agreater dimension of prosperity andsuccess on a level that blows yourmind?Have you thought about what lifewould be like if you were not moldedinto a systematic way of thinkingsince you were born?What does it look like to operate inthe power we were born with, at thecore and essence of whom we arecreated to be, rather than whom weare taught to be?What does it mean to color withinthe lines, and why are we taught todo so?The road to learning %u201cYOU%u201d at your corecan be difficult. However, here are a fewthings that you most likely knew from thedeepest part of yourself at a young age.You would be successful, like anattorney or in the corporate world.You would earn a good salary thatwould allow you to provide a decentlife for your family.You would chart your course on yourterms and never allow yourself to beput into a box.You were as good as anyone else andwould seize the opportunities likeeveryone else.Your eccentric behaviors were yourgenius, but others were blind andunable to see it.