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45www.i-am-magazine.comNotice that regardless of collegeeducation and performance inexcellence, women were being told howto look, what to say, how to say it.The 1980s, 90s, and the 21st century didusher in a bit of freedom. Women cannow wear their hair naturally, in braidsor locks, yet; they are still told what tothink and what their aspirations shouldbe.Here is the meat of all this, the struggleand sometimes fight to become one%u2019sauthentic self and operate in one%u2019sactual superpowers continues to bechallenged in some cases.Here are a few suggestions for finding,knowing, and operating in your Divine,authentic superpowers:Discover your genius zone and knowthe difference between operating inexcellence and your genius.Become interested in learning aboutCreator or God-given superpowersfor PHENOMENAL SUCCESS in life.Embrace the need for a shift if youfeel stuck and pursue operating inyour authentic self as long as youremain appropriate in all that you do.Remember, our Creator or God doesnot want us walking around withmultiple personalities that fitdifferent occasions or assignments.Therefore, in scripture, God tells us,\e not conformed to this world.%u201dHowever, we must trust that God willtake our astonishing selves and makeus prosperous.Set your path to grow beyond%u201cworldly%u201d or %u201csociety%u2019s%u201d success.You are likely to see others notice theauthentic, intelligent person thatshows up in your genius vs. yourexcellence. There is always time fortransformation.As for me and why I write this article,today, I am a dynamic Women%u2019sLeadership consultant, ICF certifiedcoach, transformational speaker,reverend, international bestselling Coauthor, and master class teacher. Butto achieve this success, I had to learnto embrace a personality that met withcriticism while growing up andthroughout my adulthood. I%u2019m here tolead and encourage women because Iknow every woman deserves a brightshining life that sings to their soul. I%u2019ve%u201cunmasked my voice,%u201d now hear me,ROAR!