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P. 42

                                    42www.i-am-magazine.comTThhee PPoowweerr ooff DDiivviinneeAAuutthheennttiicciittyy::PPrroossppeerriittyy BBeeggiinnss WWiitthhFFiinnddiinngg YYoouurr \By Jacqueline \We now live in a world where the word AUTHENTIC ORAUTHENTICITY is overused, abused, and spoken like a clich%u00e9without proper context.Traditionally in everyday use, authenticity implies that thecontents of the thing in question correspond to the facts andare not fictitious (hence \Let%u2019s take you on a short journey of prosperity andauthenticity that begins with FINDING YOU.Suppose you fail to assert your free will to explore beyond theone-way view others have of you and wash directly into yourbrain. In that case, you%u2019ll forever be trapped in the hypnoticstate of someone else%u2019s tunnel vision of whom you are andengulfed by what you deem is right through the regurgitationof what someone else has said about you.We often, unknowingly, give up our freedom to thinkindependently and walk in our Divine Authenticity because wedon%u2019t know what that is. Moreover, our thoughts depend onoutside information and a singular perspective.
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