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49www.i-am-magazine.comSet specific goals: Create objectivesthat will motivate you and allow you toevaluate your progress. Give yourselfrealistic short- and long-term targetsthat are challenging but feasible.2.3.Address obstacles: You may find thatyou need some additional resources tocomplete your goals. Figure out what%u2019sholding you back and how you%u2019llovercome it.4.Consider your brand: What makes youunique? Understanding your personalbrand will help you to market yourself.You%u2019ll know what you stand for and theaudience that you%u2019re trying to reach.5.Think ahead: Career planning is anongoing process that requires more thankeeping your resume updated. Reviewyour job status regularly to decide if it%u2019stime to make a change.6.Write it down: Put your career plandown on paper. You%u2019ll be more likely tokeep your strategy in mind instead ofletting it get buried under daily events.Implementing YourCareer Plan:Manage your time: Block out spacein your calendar for activitiesessential to your goals. You mayneed to cut down on distractionslike watching TV or shopping online.Maximize your network: Build astrong network where you can sharepractical and moral support. Askothers for help when you need it. Begenerous with sharing informationand referrals.Learn from others: Benefit from theexperience of others. Find a mentoror shadow a star employee at yourcompany.