Page 52 - Demo
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52www.i-am-magazine.comOOVVEERRCCOOMMIINNGG TTHHEEFFEEAARR OOFF BBEEIINNGGUUNNCCOOMMFFOORRTTAABBLLEE!!By Tim S. Marshallhe more that you do and act on something that%u2019s uncomfortable, no matter what it isin your life, the more comfortable it will become. When you do something a lot over anextended period of time, you become an expert. Imagine becoming an expert at the verything that gives you anxiety today. It%u2019s hard for people to say no to experts.You can avoid confrontational situations in which your fear takes rein by taking thenecessary steps to build relationships with your customers. How much you know aboutthe customer will determine your comfort level (or discomfort level). How do we flipthat into becoming comfortable without the reverse? Once you know more than anyoneelse about your product or service, your job will be complete. That is what you signedup for %u2026 to sell that product or service.Do your job repeatedly until you reach the point where you built a core of resilience.You%u2019ll be able to positively handle rejection. It is at this point that the %u201crejection tape%u201dyou play in your mind is erased. The only thing keeping your job from becoming yourcareer is pride, ego, and Fear. Sometimes you have to feed someone else%u2019s pride and egoin order to solidify a relationship. Once you are more interested in the buyer and/or thepotential customer than you are in your own agenda, success is far more likely. In theprocess, though, you may be exposed to more objections, but you%u2019ll be building yourfortress. Each time you overcome an objection, you add a block to your fortressbecause