Page 56 - Demo
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56www.i-am-magazine.comBy Violet PrichardTThhee PPoowweerr ooff aaVViissiioonn BBooaarrddVisualizing what you really want in lifecan be one of the most powerful ways tomanifest your dreams. A vision boardcan be a simple yet truly powerful tool invisualization.Vision boards are also known as goalmaps, goal boards, and treasure maps,and the concepts behind them havebeen used for generations. Still, they'regathering renewed interest as peoplerealize how powerful they can be inbringing dreams to life.Start using these basicguidelines to create this tool foryourself:A vision board begins with afoundation: This may be a posterboard, foam board, trifold board, orcork board. Use what works bestfor you. Choose a foundation thatspeaks to you, one that you feelyou can easily and effectively buildupon.1