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Build your qualifications: Seekopportunities for education andtraining. Take certification coursesonline and check out the adulteducation catalog at your nearestcommunity college.Increase your visibility: Promoteyourself by volunteering forcommittees at the local chapter ofyour professional association. Writearticles for your company websiteor publish your own industry blog.Negotiate compensation: Researchcurrent salary data when you%u2019reexploring a new line of work orexpecting a job offer. Talk with youremployer about fringe benefits thatare important to you, such aschildcare or flexible hours.Take risks: If you want to excel atwork, you%u2019ll need to move beyondyour comfort zone. Focus ongradual growth you can sustain,and the small victories will add up.Deliver a presentation at a staffmeeting to prepare for addressingthe crowd at your annualconvention.Stay positive: Your professionalcareer may last 50 years or more,so a cheerful attitude will help youto persevere. Look on the brightside of difficult situations and learnhow to laugh at yourself.50www.i-am-magazine.comCreate a career that enables you to dowhat you love and achieve balance inyour personal and professional life.Start planning today so you can makedecisions based on your values andgoals.Be amazed at what you can do when youfocus on the vision of a better you,personal and professional!!Cheers,Emma