Page 48 - Demo
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48www.i-am-magazine.comBy Emma PeetersPursue YourOwn Vision ofCareer SuccessHaving a rewarding career depends uponpursuing your own vision of professionalsuccess. Otherwise, you%u2019re likely to spend yourdays trying to live up to the expectations ofothers or mindlessly drifting from one job tothe next.Of course, success itself means different thingsto different people. For some, it%u2019s a matter ofearning more money and climbing thecorporate ladder. For others, it%u2019s more aboutstretching their skills and contributing tosociety.Make your work life more satisfying and buildaccomplishments that you can be proud of.Use this checklist to plan your future and putyour plans into action.Planning for Career Success:Identify your strengths: Think about yourtalents and how you can apply them. Do youlike working with numbers or do you have apassion for design? Browse online for aptitudetests that will suggest careers that suit yourpersonality.1.