Page 60 - Demo
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60www.i-am-magazine.comPor Melina ZovkoWHAT ARE ANT EXPENSES?Today I will talk to you about %u201cantexpenses%u201d, and I will help you identify,reduce or avoid them.%u201cAnt expenses%u201d are small expenses thatwe incur, which seem insignificant, areusually unconscious or unplanned, butcan hurt our economy. Why do we callthem %u201cant expenses%u201d? Because they areas small as ants, so they go almostunnoticed.They generally represent smallamounts of money.At first glance they are unimportant.They are frequent expenses.They are not planned.They are expendable.%u201cAnt expenses%u201d have the followingcharacteristics:When we add up the ant expenses at theend of the month, they add up to asignificant amount of money that couldrepresent a weekend getaway. If we dothe sum, it turns out that ant expensesare small leaks of money that have asignificant effect on our finances. Weusually don't pay attention to these smallexpenses, but they can affect our abilityto save and even create a mountain ofdebt.Think about the coffee you buy at the gasstation every morning. A coffee a day isnothing. It's needed to start the day, andit's only $2.30 a day, right?It seems like only a minimal expense thatwe unconsciously make every day, butthen what is the impact on our wallet?Let's say, you buy that coffee 5 days aweek on your way to work, so we'retalking about $11.50 a week, $46 a month,and about $552 a year in coffee.