Page 58 - Demo
P. 58
58www.i-am-magazine.comThe general elements of an effectiveand motivating vision board are:Visual: Your subconscious tends towork in terms of images andpictures, so your vision board shouldbe as visual as you can possiblymake it. Supplement the images withphrases and words as needed.Emotional: Every image on your goalmap should evoke some type ofpositive emotional response in you.Seeing it should fuel your motivationto achieve your dreams.Beyond these basic guidelines, let thistool be whatever you want to make of it.Ultimately, it's yours to design, developand utilize as you see fit. You can addto it and change it over time as yourgoals and focuses change.Start creating your own Vision Boardand begin your journey to your dreamlife!!Strategic: This tool should be placedstrategically in a location where youreceive maximum exposure to it.Seeing your vision board as often aspossible will help you stay focusedon your goals and dreams.Personal: Your vision board needsto emit positive energy. If you thinkthat you'll be criticized or forced tojustify yourself for your vision board,then keep it in a private location sonobody else can bother it or you.Love,Violet