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                                    61www.i-am-magazine.comSo the ant expenses are small amountsthat do not matter to us, but they arecumulative expenses that can create animpact or a hole in our economy. That iswhy it is important to identify them, andto be aware of what we buy.According to studies, ant expenses are$150 on average per person in a month,that's $1,800 per year.Can you identify the costs of the antsfrom your spending pattern? I am surethat you have already been able toidentify some %u201cant expenses%u201d.The following tips can help you reduceor minimize these small leaks ofmoney:1. Start tracking expenses for the last 2months. In this way, you will be able toidentify those small purchases that youhave been able to avoid. Ask yourself:Was it necessary to buy that coffeewhen I went to pay at the servicestation? Wouldn't it be better to take mycoffee from home instead of going toStarbucks every day?2. Check the subscriptions. Rate the onethat is most useful to you. Run an appcleanup on your mobile phone, anddelete the ones you don't use or the onesthat have the same function. Try to avoidapps that serve the same purpose. I amsure that you will find subscriptions thatyou do not even use and for which youpay a negligible amount of money. Checkthe Streaming platforms to which youare subscribed. I assure you that you donot need them all and that sometimesyou do not even have the time to usethem.3. Make an inventory of your basicservices and your insurance. You couldbe paying phantom consumption.
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