Page 16 - Jewish News_September-2020
P. 16

16                             September 2020                                                          COMMUNITY FOCUS

                                                                                    Temple Sinai offers support

                                                                                    to HOPE Family Services

                                                                                    By Gail Glickman
                                                                                          emple  Sinai  is  preparing  for   a safe environment in which to make
                                                                                          its annual collection of clothes   choices  that  empower  them  to  live  a
                                                                                    Tand other needed items to sup-       life safe from the controlling tactics of
                                                                                    port an agency that provides shelter to   an abusive partner. It allows individu-
                                                                                    victims of domestic abuse. This year,   als a chance to organize opportunities
                                                                                    the collection will be for HOPE Family   in the best interest of themselves and
                                                                                    Services,  a  not-for-profit  organization   their children.
                                                                                    based in Bradenton.                      The Women of Sinai will be col-
                                                                                       HOPE Family Services, providing    lecting for this worthwhile agency on
                                                                                    services to survivors of domestic vio-  Tuesday, September 15 and Thursday,
                                                                                    lence, has a primary prevention youth-  September 17 from 10:00 a.m. to noon.
                                                                                    based program to teach young people   The collection will be in front of the
                                                                                    the signs of an abusive partner. Other   main  entrance  to  the  temple,  4631
                                                                                    services  include  an  emergency  safe   South Lockwood Ridge Rd., Sarasota
                                                                                    shelter, children’s programs and coun-  (enter  off  of  Proctor  Road  only,  be-
                                                                                    seling, to name a few. In keeping with   tween  Beneva  and  Swift).  Clothing
                                                                                    its theme of tzedakah, Temple Sinai of-  for  men  and  women  as  well  as  chil-
                                                                                    fers its support to this important orga-  dren will be accepted. HOPE operates
                                                                                    nization.                             a resale shop with clothing, toiletries,
                                                                                       HOPE  provides  a  safe  place  in  a   household items and furniture. All pro-
                                                                                    confidential  location  for  victims  of   ceeds benefit its clients.
                                                                                    domestic violence to evaluate their op-  For more information, contact Judy
                                                                                    tions. The  shelter  is  designed  to  pro-  Polivy at
                                                                                    vide a place to live for those who need

                                                                                                     Last year’s team collecting items for Rosh Hashanah
                                                                                    Keeping connected and
           IN 2019,                                                                 kosher with Shabbat meals

           ANTI-SEMITISM                                                            By Susan McCann and Valda Kaye        uals who are otherwise distanced from

           GREW BY
                                                                                           uring this difficult time, there
           12               %                according to the ADL’s                 Dlove going on at Temple Beth         is they get to enjoy homemade kosher
                                                                                           is still lots of care, concern and
                                                                                                                          their religious community. The bonus
                                                                                    Sholom! Temple  Beth  Sholom  Cater-
                                                                                                                          meals such as brisket, grilled chicken
                                                             the ADL
                                                    ding t
                                                                                    ing is continuing to provide affordable
                                                                                                                          and lasagna, all of which include des-
                                             annual audit
                                                                his is
                                             annual audit. This is
                                                                                    weekly  Shabbat  dinners  for  curbside
                                                                                                                             At this time, Temple Beth Sholom
                                                                                    pick-up  every  Friday.  The  meals  are
                                             the highest numb
                                             the highest number on
                                                                   er on
                                                                                    brought to the cars by volunteers and
                                                           e 1979.
                                                    d sinc
                                             record since 1979.
                                                                                                                          tion with the local Jewish community
                                                                                    staff members.
                                                                                       This  heartwarming  connection     plans to continue to foster this connec-
                                                                                                                          by  offering  pick-up  Shabbat  dinners
                                                                                    with our members and greater Jewish   through the end of the year with more
                                                                                    community  is  much  appreciated  as  it   good food and smiling faces to come.
                                                                                    is an awesome opportunity to say hel-  Shabbat  dinners  are  available  for
                                                                                    lo and also drop off donations for our   curbside pick-up every Friday for just
                                                                                    ongoing community food drive. Just a   $12.95.  Menus  and  order  forms  can
                                                                                    few minutes of in-person contact with   be  found  at
                                                                                    Beth Sholom is meaningful to individ-  events.
                                            Jewish cemetery, Quatzenheim, France, 2019
                                            Photo Credit: Consistoire of the Lower Rhine
             What are we doing about it?
             The Robert and Esther Heller Community Relations  Committee
             takes a firm stand against anti-Semitism. We use community resources and
             influence to combat a rise in anti-Semitism and anti-Zionist sentiments,
             which often result in aggressive acts and rhetoric  against  Jews. Through   Temple Beth Sholom member Ellen Schwartz   Volunteers Sam Haven (left) and Luke Adelstein
             education, advocacy, and building relationships with the greater community   brings a meal to her husband Malcolm  (right) help TBS executive catering coordinator
                                                                                                                           Susan McCann (center) prepare for pick-up
             and  law  enforcement,  together we  can  combat hatred,  bigotry, and
             harassment of Jews and other minorities.
                                                                                           we are
             For more information contact Jessi Sheslow at 941.343.2109 or  FED
                                                                                                 Educating Jewish Minds  Engaging Jewish Lives  Enriching Jewish Hearts


                                           Be sure THE JEWISH NEWS follows you to your new home.
                                             Send your new address to Bobbi at or 941.371.4546 x0

                                                    Follow us on social media @jfedsrq                                                                                    For virtual events, visit our community calendar at
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