Page 13 - Jewish News_September-2020
P. 13

COMMUNITY FOCUS                                                                September 2020                                             13

 Florida Rewilding Collective, and me,
 Sarasota’s PJ Library Professional, on
 Thursday,  September  10  at  8:00  p.m.
 for  an  informal  discussion  and  learn
 more  about  what’s  in  store  in  terms
 of  commitment,  work  and  program
 structure. Please help us decide if this
 project is a good fit for our PJ commu-
 To register and receive the Zoom
 link  to  participate,  go  to
 events. For more information or ques-
 tions,  please  contact  me  at  aeiffert@ or 941.552.6308.

 Virtually better together… the next best thing

 to being there

 This  program  is  open  to  Jewish
 high school students from Sarasota and
 Manatee counties and there is no fee to
 participate.  Program  sessions
 will  take  place  weekly  from
 October 20 thru December 15,
 and students must be available
 during  that  time  and  commit
 to the entire program (with the excep-
 tion of Thanksgiving week). Students
 who complete the program will receive
 commensurate  volunteer  hours  and  a
 certificate of completion.
 For more information or to partici-
 pate,  contact  me  at  aeiffert@jfedsrq.
 org or 941.552.6308.

 for a few years and saw that Harper was
 doing a program for another Jewish or-
 ganization about Shavuot through chal-
 lah baking. I viewed the program and
 knew immediately this was something
 that  Hillel  International  would  love
 to bring to all our students! I reached
 out  to  the  staff  of  Hillel@Home  and
 the rest is history. We worked together
 for  about  a  month  preparing  to  push
 the  event  out  onto  various  marketing
 platforms.  I,  along  with  one  of  my
 students,  actually  facilitated  the  day
 of the event, as well as conducted the
 Q&A.  We  had  61  viewers  on  Zoom
 and even more watching on Facebook
 Hillels  from  around  the  country
 and  Canada  not  only  co-sponsored
 the  event,  they  participated  as  well:
 Florida State University, Bradley Uni-
 versity, Michigan State University, The
 Ohio State University, Ohio Universi-
 ty, Wake Forest University, Bingham-
 ton University, University of Virginia,
 Princeton  University,  Maryville  Uni-
 versity, Calgary Hillel and all the col-
 leges in North Carolina.
 Hillel International has shared that
 it would like to continue this kind of
 programming,  so  we  look  forward  to
 working with these and other schools
 again soon.
 For  more  information  about  Gulf
 Coast  Hillel,  contact  me  at  sydney@  For  information  about
 Hillel International, visit

 Hebrew letter Shin challah

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