Page 10 - Jewish News_September-2020
P. 10
10 September 2020 FEDERATION NEWS
Norman Weinberg to speak on Commandment,
his first novel
By Gayle Guynup
orman Weinberg, having lived then, I have been involved with 70 to ticking for this world?” each other, we will be killed. Ultimate-
a life rooted in science, has 80 different publications, and have 35 What makes Weinberg think the ly, it is man’s choice.”
Nfound new success as author patents, as well. Everything I did was clock might be ticking? “Just look According to Weinberg, the book
of a sci-fi thriller, Commandment. The all science-based,” he said. around the world. We have the situa- could be looked at as a science fiction
Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Man- Commandment is Weinberg’s first tion in Iran. We have China and India book, a novel, a Jewish book or a book
atee will host a free program via Zoom novel, and it is based on his main inter- in conflict. India and Pakistan. And about the Holocaust. You can call it
on Thursday, September 10 at 11:00 est over the last few years – microbiol- they are all loaded with nuclear weap- what you want, but it is a book about
a.m., in which Weinberg will speak ogy. ons. We have the U.S. and Russia. It mankind on the verge of destroying it-
about his book and be interviewed by “When I came down to Florida only takes one crazy person, one Hit- self unless we realize what we are do-
Rabbi Anat Moskowitz. there was red tide. I set up a little lab ler, to say, ‘I am going to conquer the ing and do something about it.
Weinberg was born and grew up in in our cabana. I bought myself a mi- world.’ The book, now available on Ama-
Toronto. Having graduated with his de- croscope and be- “I condensed all of that zon and Kindle, has garnered the atten-
gree in chemistry, Weinberg moved to gan studying these into a book called Com- tion of several major publishers who
Lancaster, New York (a suburb of Buf- algal blooms and mandment. The book is also are currently reviewing the work. “I
falo), where he was part of a research how to kill them,” about a pandemic, even am wavering about whether to write a
and development business in electro- he said. “In fact, though I started writing it sequel to it,” he said.
chemistry and environmental chem- with another four years ago – long before Weinberg has given several talks
istry. At one time, he was part of the friend, I have a anyone had heard of the for the Federation – on healthy aging,
group that discovered the first lithium patent application COVID-19 virus,” Wein- and on his and Hannah’s work in Po-
battery. pending on a pro- berg said. land, restoring the Jewish cemeteries
“One day in Buffalo,” he said, “I cess to destroy red “In this book, I am there. They were both awarded med-
was filling my car with gas, went to tide.” proposing that there is a als by the Polish government for their
pay and slipped on black ice. I found His interest in civilization out there which work.
myself looking up at the sky. A voice both microbiology realized that their civiliza- “The Jewish Federation of Sara-
came down from above that said, and in healthy ag- tion was going to be de- sota-Manatee is phenomenal. We have
‘What the hell are you doing in Buffalo ing are the seeds stroyed. So, they send out a Federation in Buffalo and it is very
in the middle of winter?’ That’s when from which Com- Norman Weinberg this microorganism called good. It really is. But what the Sarasota
we decided to move to Florida.” mandment grew. “The novel,” he said, RED, which has some amazing prop- Federation does is just amazing – with
The Weinbergs (Norman and his “started with a question. There are lots erties. This organism was sent out its outreach and its educational arm,”
wife Hannah) had some friends who of scientific efforts going on to harness with a genetically implanted purpose, Weinberg said. “We are pleased to sup-
suggested coming and staying at The microbes. The question I had was: If which was to implore our civilization port the Federation in whatever way
Meadows. “The idea was just to rent we can harness these things, what if to “do not kill.” This culture, that is on we can,” he said.
a place for a month. That’s what we a super-advanced civilization out in the verge of destroying itself, realizes For more information on Wein-
did, but once we settled into the life- the universe knew how to use these that life is sacred everywhere and they berg’s September 10 virtual presen-
style, we found a place of our own and microbes to do even more spectacular might be able to save life on Earth, if tation, contact Gisele Pintchuck at
moved here for six to seven months out things? Pondering that, I started on my the Commandment is obeyed,” Wein- 941.706.0029 or gpintchuck@jfedsrq.
of each year. Today, we have homes novel. ‘Commandment’ in my book berg explained. And therein is the org. To sign up for the program, visit
in Buffalo, Sarasota, and Chautauqua, refers to the commandment ‘thou shalt book’s hopeful message: “If we don’t
New York.” not kill.’ Civilizations can self-destruct. stop warfare, if we don’t stop killing
Weinberg says he was always a They can also be destroyed by more
pretty good writer. “By the time I grad- successful civilizations. Or they can 280 kosher characters
uated from college, I had already writ- be eradicated by disease, or by nature,
ten several technical publications in such as a pandemic. So, the question
chemistry and electro-chemistry. Since becomes, “Is there a doomsday clock
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