Page 6 - Jewish News_September-2020
P. 6
6 September 2020 FEDERATION NEWS
Sentiments of love from
the interfaith community
By Jessi Sheslow, Director of Community Relations By Gayle Guynup
ur community experienced a this graffiti inflicted on the congregants ichael Solomonov is an
JUSTre el O15, 2020, when we woke to the sacred spaces. Entering through these Mand restaurateur, best known
award-winning Israeli chef
deep and stinging pain on July
who built, sustain and cherish these
for his highly acclaimed Philadelphia
very doors, often in their most vul-
news that Temple Emanu-El and Tem-
restaurant, Zahav. At the invitation
ple Sinai were desecrated with vile an-
nerable moments, people gather for
from around the country, including
EDUCATION ti-Semitic graffiti. It’s easy for many of worship, comfort and mutual support. of a number of Jewish Federations
Their security and confidence must
us to dwell on how someone can hate
The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-
us so much, which can send us into
never be compromised.
Manatee, Solomonov will be doing a
profound despair. What brings the Jew-
ish community the greatest comfort is strengthening ties that bind us together virtual cooking demonstration of dish-
OPERATION WEDDING across faiths and across the city. May es for the High Holidays on Monday,
This is a documentary film about the Dymshits– we be a refuge for one another in times September 14 at 8:00 p.m.
“Food is a mainstay of Jewish cul-
of great stress, offering mutual aid and
Kuznetsov hijacking affair, an escape attempt from support “until the storms of destruction ture,” said Federation Program Direc-
the Soviet Union by a group of young Soviets, mostly pass us by.” (Psalm 57:2) tor Trudi Krames. “We’ve had many
Jewish, who were denied exit visas. The documen- The Sarasota Ministerial requests for Jewish cooking demon-
tary is told from a personal point of view of the Association: strations and programs from members
in our community. It is our goal to
filmmaker, Anat Zalmanson-Kuznetsov, daughter of The hearts of those signing this letter present one each month as we continue
are injured with grief and sorrow that
group members. 2016, 63 minutes such evil has struck against the sacred on this virtual programming journey.”
places of worship, learning and fel- Solomonov was born in Gnei Ye-
The link to view the film will be available from August 28 – September 3. lowship of Temple Sinai and Temple huda, Israel. The family lived there
On Thursday, September 3, at 3:00 PM join a Zoom discussion on the film Emanu-El. We reach out with our care for three years before moving to Pitts-
with film director Anat Zalmanson-Kuznetsov.
and prayers, hoping for all to be able to burgh. They then moved back to Israel
Best Writing, History Film Festival, Croatia, 2018; Young Jury award for Best find strength and comfort as we stand when Michael was 15. “My family
Documentary, The Rasnov Histories and Film Festival, Romania, 2018; Best the community-wide demonstration of together. We declare that you who con- stayed, and after a year, I moved back
Feature Documentary, International Filmmaker Festival of New York, 2018 support proving that we are not alone stantly are faced with hate know that to the United States, where I attended
when we need it the most. With sincere our love and care for you is ceaseless the University of Vermont for a bit, be-
gratitude to our non-Jewish friends and and will never end. fore coming back to Israel,” he said.
Dearest Jewish Brothers and Sis-
“I fell into cooking when I was
H. I. JEW POSITIVE partners, you prove that Sarasota-Man- ters, receive our love now and every in Israel, when I worked in a bakery.
atee has more love than hate.
This film presents the dealing with every day, Catholic Here are some of the excerpts of day. In solidarity with the Jewish com- That’s when I fell in love with restau-
Poles who discover that their parents kept their true solidarity we received: munity for friendship and love, rants and cooking. Very shortly after I
identity hidden from them —the fact they were First Presbyterian Church Signed by started working at the bakery, I realized
Jewish, second and third-generation to Holocaust of Sarasota: • Imam Mohammed Ben-Khaled that this was what I wanted to do. Af-
with the Islamic Society of
ter the bakery, I got a job working in a
First Presbyterian Church of Sarasota
survivors. It happens to people of all ages from all stands with Temple Emanu-El, Temple Sarasota and Bradenton café, and after that I came back to the
socioeconomic backgrounds, in villages and in big Sinai and the Jewish community at • Bishop Frank J. Dewane, U.S. and attended culinary school in
cities. These are The New Jews of Poland. This is a story large as they once again face acts of Diocese of Venice in Florida Florida,” he said.
about the search for love and identity, a journey that began anti-Semitism. At times like these, we • Sarasota City Mayor While his plan was to move to New
Jen Ahearn-Koch
in Warsaw, moved to Israel, and returned to Poland. A voyage of people whose identity are reminded that actions against fol- • Sarasota City Commissioner York, on his way there he stopped in
Philadelphia, which was undergoing a
lowers of one faith are acts against all
has been shattered. 2013, 70 minutes people of faith. However, we know that Liz Alpert restaurant renaissance at the time, and
The link to view the film will be available from September 8 – September 13. our Jewish brothers and sisters in faith • The Sarasota Chapter never left. He worked at the Striped
On Sunday, September 13, at 3:00 PM join a Zoom discussion with film director have suffered from hatred for centuries, of the NAACP Bass, and at an Italian restaurant called
Ronit Kertsner. and that in recent years anti-Semitism • UNIDOS Now
has become more common, more vis- • HEAART (Hatred Ends As All
Krakow International Film Festival, Poland , 2014 ible, and among some small segments Rise Together) Action Team of
of our country, even more accepted. SMA
May the peace of God be with you * * * HIGH HOLIDAYS AT
now, and always. The comfort we felt by these
EVA: A-7063 Unitarian Universalist Church words and many others helped to quell CHABAD OF VENICE
This documentary tells the full, astonishing story of of Sarasota: the pain that the Jewish community felt
We just learned that two synagogues
in the days after July 15. We send our
this historic figure for the first time, tracking her were seriously vandalized early on deep appreciation to our fellow faith-
from Auschwitz to Israel to the United States — Wednesday morning. Temple Sinai and based organizations for the support we WE GOT YOU
even into the U.S. Capitol for her jaw-dropping Temple Emanu-El were severely de- needed so badly.
arrest - and ultimately to her courageous return to faced with spray-painted swastikas and To learn more about the Heller
the Nazi death camp. 2018, 90 minutes graphic anti-Semitic language that can- CRC, please visit Covered
not easily be removed. More damaging or contact me at
than the graffiti or the physical and fi- or 941.343.2109.
The link to view the film will be available from September 18 – September 24. nancial harm are the spiritual wounds
On Thursday, September 24 at 3:00PM join a Zoom discussion with Dr. Michael
Berenbaum, a renowned Holocaust scholar, and Eva’s son, Alex Kor.
Every woman
Grand Prize Rhode Island International Film Festival; Winner Chagrin E ver y woman
Documentary Film Fest, 2018; Winner Heartland International Film Festival
matters here.
matters here.
Post film discussion with The Women’s Giving Circle [ “Ma’agal
Dr. Michael Berenbaum Nashim”] is a giving circle that empowers
and Eva’s son, Alex Kor. women as funders, decision makers and
agents of change. Each member contributes
$500, and each has an equal voice in
directing our funds. The giving circle model
To register for these films and talk backs, please visit multiplies individual actions, creating a tremendous collective impact.
In the last five years, we have distributed
These events are free, but we would appreciate your consideration more than $273,006 in grants to
of a donation to The Jewish Federation’s STRONGER TOGETHER: nonprofits in Israel that help women and
Coronavirus Relief Fund to help people who are impacted by this crisis. children of all backgrounds live safer,
To make a contribution, please visit healthier and more meaningful lives.
Our Mission
BR OUGHT T O Y OU B Y Our Mission
To enhance the lives of Jewish women and children • Indoor and Outdoor Service Options
who are in need of help and live in Israel. • Pre-Holiday Zoom Program
• Free Holiday In Home Box & Prayer Guide (delivery available)
More information:
Contact Jeremy Lisitza at 941.343.2113 • 941.493.2770
Read the current and previous editions of The Jewish News online at Stay informed throughout the month. Sign up for the Jewish Federation’s Enewsletter at