Page 2 - Jewish News_September-2020
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2 September 2020 FEDERATION NEWS
A year of philanthropy Virtual programming...continued from page 1 learning or being entertained. Keep
As a snowbird, I am concerned
By Ilene Fox, Chief Development Officer, about coming to the area at all. it going forever!
and Rich Bergman, Major Gifts Officer Your virtual programs have been We will keep it going! Kim Adler,
he decision to present all of our which specifically helps Jewish indi- a positive during a very negative Chief Operating Officer, says, “Our
events for the coming season viduals or organizations impacted by time. programming team is hard at work
Tvirtually was a heart-wrenching this crisis, we are also raising money Terrible to try and program during coming up with innovative and timely
one and we will miss seeing you in for security for our local Jewish com- this awful time. Planning for it is events and programs. We are exploring
person. We look forward to our special munity through our KEEP US SAFE even worse! Good luck. I hope that many avenues and working with our
events as much as you do! The Jew- fund. Both of those funds, along with virtual events in the frequency they Federation and JCC partners around
ish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee our annual campaign efforts, are criti- have been occurring will continue the country. We will be bringing you
relies on ticket and sponsorship rev- cal to the future of the health and safety regardless of what happens with Jewish celebrities, authors and ex-
enue derived from our events. Just of our community. COVID-19. perts, all from the comfort of your own
as important, we value the personal We will miss sharing a laugh or a We were heartened to hear the pos- home.”
connections at our events that help to hug, but please know that you are wel- itive reaction to the virtual programs The Jewish Film Festival, which
build our community. Given the pan- come to reach out to us if there is any- we have been offering since March: morphed into a successful virtual run
demic and its impact on our world, we thing you need. We hope to see you on I think your Federation has done last spring, will be virtual as well in
believe this year will be “the year of Zoom! a wonderful job keeping everyone 2021. The committee has already star-
philanthropy,” with the emphasis being If you wish to help, please visit informed and maintaining positiv- ted the process to choose films that will
placed on taking care of our commu- We appreciate gifts at ity throughout the community. no doubt enlighten and entertain.
nity. So many have heeded the call for any level. Thank you for being a gener- Congrats to the Federation for Be sure to visit our website fre-
financial support, and we hope that ev- ous philanthropist! all the adjustments that are being quently at to see all
eryone will look deep into their hearts Ilene Fox can be reached at ifox@jfed made. You’ve been very respon- our virtual program offerings. If you
and give when asked. or 941.343.2111. Rich Berg- sive to the situation. are not already receiving our bi-week-
In addition to our STRONGER man can be reached at rbergman@ Federation’s virtual events have ly eblasts, visit and click on
TOGETHER Coronavirus Relief Fund, or 941.552.6306. been wonderful. Some of the best “eblast sign up” in the top right cor-
lectures and events. While I miss
ner. That is the best way to proactively
the “touch,” I have really enjoyed
know about our many programs. And
finally, please follow us on the Federa-
everything I have watched and
we are FED I think your current virtual pro- tion’s Facebook page, where we update
commend you. I would definitely
our program offerings regularly.
appreciate continued programming
Our 2020-20 program year will
surely be one for the record books. You
gramming has been so good that
can count on us to keep you involved,
of other Jewish organizations, it is
ing safe in the comfort of your home!
Enriching Jewish Hearts between your programs and those entertained and informed…while stay-
making my life difficult deciding
For more information, please con-
which ones to do! We have days tact Trudi Krames at tkrames@jfedsrq.
we’ve done three Zoom events. org or 941.706.0037.
But I love sitting on my lanai and
Federation awards assistance...continued from page 1
our Federation strives to enrich Jewish hearts in our Sarasota-Manatee
Ycommunity — from life-changing trips to Israel for teens, community AVIVA – A CAMPUS FOR SE- Holiday services and weekly pro-
leaders and mothers and fathers to our Shapiro Teen Engagement Program NIOR LIFE: To provide funding gramming.
(STEP) to Gulf Coast Hillel and much more. to assist with the purchase of per- TEMPLE EMANU-EL: To pro-
sonal protective equipment, sanita- vide technology support for its
tion supplies and COVID-19 tests High Holiday services and pro- • 941.371.4546
for staff and residents. gramming.
provide weekly Shabbat meals to LANDS COUNTY: To assist with
families in need and support for its providing weekly meals to home-
three-week virtual Camp in a Box bound and in-need congregants.
program. TEMPLE SINAI: To provide
CHABAD OF SARASOTA: To technology support for its High
provide weekly Shabbat meal de- Holiday services and weekly pro-
A Conversation with livery to needy families in their gramming.
Due to the devastating impact of
congregation and support for its
preschool summer camp program. COVID-19, this High Holiday sea-
Michael Ian Black CHABAD OF VENICE: Assis- son promises to be very different from
tance with their Corona Care & our normal celebrations. Many of our
Relief food delivery program and friends and neighbors will be suffer-
the virtual Camp Gan Israel pro- ing terribly from the pandemic and we
gram. are all facing an uncertain future. We
CONGREGATION FOR HU- feel it will not be safe for large groups
MANISTIC JUDAISM: To pro- of people to gather and we don’t see
vide technology support for its sharing apples and honey with friends.
High Holiday services and pro- How do we wish each other L’shana
gramming. Tova and mean it? We do it by con-
CONGREGATION KOL HANE- tinuing to support the lives of the
Monday SHAMA: To provide technology most vulnerable in our community.
and administrative support for its
Our Stronger Together Granting Com-
September 21 • 8pm High Holiday services and pro- mittee sees firsthand the good that our
Federation is doing with the money
HERSHORIN SCHIFF COMMU- raised to address this challenge.
NITY DAY SCHOOL: Funding to On behalf of the staff and leader-
On Monday, September 21 at 8PM support the hiring of a guidance ship of the Federation, we are so grate-
EDT, our Federation will join in on a counselor to support the needs of ful to the donors who supported the
students and staff.
webinar featuring noted comedian/ JEWISH CONGREGATION OF Stronger Together fund, thus making it
possible for our synagogues and agen-
actor/writer/director Michael VENICE: To assist with providing cies to receive this much-needed sup-
Ian Black. The focus will be on weekly Shabbat meals to home- port during this difficult time.
Michael’s forthcoming book, A Better Man: A (Mostly Serious) bound congregants. Stacey Gillman says, “As always,
Letter to My Son, which will be released on September 15. It is JFCS OF THE SUNCOAST: This I am honored to be part of such a gen-
one of BuzzFeed’s Most Anticipated Books of the Year and feels grant is a partnership with Aviva to erous community. L’shana Tova!”
For more information about the
provide mental health counseling
quite appropriate for these introspective days in between Rosh services for residents dealing with Stronger Together Grants, please con-
Hashanah and Yom Kippur. issues of isolation. tact Kim Adler at 941.552.6300 or
TEMPLE BETH EL: To provide
technology support for its High
To register, please visit JEWISHPHILANTHROPYCT.ORG/MIB
For more information, contact Trudi Krames, Program Director CHARITY Y
at or 941.706.0037 KIDS S
IN SARASOTA for Jewish Events
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