Page 4 - Jewish News_September-2020
P. 4
4 September 2020 FEDERATION NEWS
Hunger in Sarasota Where your dollars go
and Israel This series highlights mission-based programs and projects that are supported by
By Rabbi Brenner Glickman The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee. Funding for these initiatives is de-
rived from the Annual Campaign. The series helps to explain where your generous
he pandemic has created an un- Bank. Lauren Yoked is the Executive dollars are spent and features certain initiatives that enrich the lives of Jews living
precedented need to feed hun- Director of American Friends of Leket in Sarasota-Manatee, local projects with area partners, and overseas programs that
Tgry people, while at the same – Israel’s Food Bank. These are the ex- support the social and humanitarian needs of Jews in Israel and around the world.
time cutting off steady supplies of food perts and leaders we need to hear from. Your generous support is found in our tenet of tikkun olam – repairing the
donations. It is a crisis on two fronts In normal times, these two food world!
in Sarasota and our beloved Israel. Just banks rescue food that would be dis-
when the need is greatest, the food is carded, and distribute this food to hun- American Friends
harder to find. Two food banks have dreds of food pantries, soup kitchens
responded by upending their business and organizations that feed hungry of Leket Israel
models in a time of emergency. They people. That is still their mission, but
are finding innovative ways to get food the need has grown exponentially. By Trudi Krames, Program Director
to growing legions of those who are Hundreds of thousands of people in he Jewish Federation of Sara- Leket Israel “Jewish Federation of
hungry. Israel and Sarasota have suddenly be- sota-Manatee is proud to share Sarasota-Manatee 15-Ton Truck”
come unemployed. Tsome updates from the posi- (prominently displayed with decals),
Hundreds of thou- tive impact we made to Leket Israel continues to rescue and/or deliver a to-
sands of people in in 2016-2017 by donating $50,000 to- tal of 3,860,000 lbs. of nutritious food,
Israel and Sarasota ward the purchase of a 15-Ton Rescue/ annually, free of charge to 180 non-
have become food Delivery Food Truck (paid for over profit organizations (NPOs) and 100+
insecure for the first two granting cycles). Since then, in schools in over 70 cities throughout the
time in their lives. a recent report from Leket Israel, the country, positively impacting 140,000
They worry about
feeding their fami-
lies. They call out to
us, and we need to
Join us for a
Zoom webinar on
September 3 at 4:00
Sandra Frank Lauren Yoked p.m. The program is
On Thursday, September 3, we get free and open to everyone. To regis-
a chance to learn how they are doing it, ter, please visit For
and what we can do to help. Two he- more information, contact Program
roes of food rescue are giving us one Director Trudi Krames at tkrames@ Federation donated $50,000 toward the purchase of this 15-Ton Rescue/Delivery Food Truck
hour in a special webinar. Sandra Frank or 941.706.0037. sponsored Federation truck continues needy people every week.
In addition, during the year, the
is the CEO of our local All Faiths Food to make hundreds of food pick-ups/de- Sarasota-Manatee truck continues to
liveries in the region from Nahariya in
the north of the country to Dimona in
make pick-ups from hundreds of food
we are FED the south. suppliers and deliveries to dozens of
Food is critically needed by thou-
partner NPOs, including a network of
soup kitchens, shelters for youth at risk,
sands of Israelis in need – the elderly
senior homes and meals on wheels-
including Holocaust survivors, chil-
dren at risk, the working poor, single
type programs throughout Israel.
parent families and many more. The
To learn more about Hunger in
value of the fruit and vegetables alone Sarasota and Israel, join us for a pre-
Educating Jewish Minds Engaging Jewish Lives Enriching Jewish Hearts
is $3,350,000. sentation on Thursday, September 3 at
Serving as Israel’s National Food 4:00 p.m. with Leket Israel, sponsored
Bank and largest food rescue network, by the Federation and facilitated by
Leket Israel’s primary mission is to Rabbi Brenner Glickman of Temple
alleviate the problem of nutritional Emanu-El. (See the article at left.)
insecurity through the rescue and re- We are proud to be a partner in this
distribution of excess, nutritious food important work and helping to repair
currently benefiting 140,000 needy the world. For more information, visit
Israelis each week. The sponsored
Leket delivers produce to those in need Leket lunch at elderly center
New to the
Sarasota-Manatee area?
We Welcome You
Shalom! Welcome to paradise!
We hope you feel at home and become active
members of the Sarasota-Manatee
Jewish community.
Please contact Ilene Fox • 941.343.2111 •
Get Newcomer information:
The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life • Klingenstein Jewish Center
580 McIntosh Rd, Sarasota, FL 34232
Follow us on social media @jfedsrq