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FEDERATION NEWS September 2020 3
Geri and Ron Yonover: Their generosity speaks volumes
learning or being entertained. Keep
it going forever! By Marty Katz, Senior Director of Communications & Marketing
We will keep it going! Kim Adler, hen I spoke with Geri and organization and we have been most was an associate at a large Chicago law well as a fund for a tutoring program
Chief Operating Officer, says, “Our Ron Yonover, longtime do- impressed with it.” firm. She then went on to become a law at Booker Schools through JFCS of
programming team is hard at work Wnors to The Jewish Federa- Geri and Ron Yonover have been professor at Valparaiso University Law the Suncoast. “That’s the only way to
coming up with innovative and timely tion of Sarasota-Manatee, I could tell School for 18 years.” It was a wonder- break the cycle,” they add.
events and programs. We are exploring they were a little reticent to share their ful, stimulating time,” she said. The Yonovers also support many
many avenues and working with our story. As they are very private people, Over the years they became more arts organizations in Chicago and Sara-
Federation and JCC partners around I promised I would go easy on them. charitable, with education being at the sota, including the Asolo Repertory, for
the country. We will be bringing you When I asked why they agreed to talk, top of their philanthropy list. Geri said, which Geri serves as a board member.
Jewish celebrities, authors and ex- they answered, “Because Rich (Berg- “We believe the only way to break the We are so grateful to the Yonovers
perts, all from the comfort of your own man) is very convincing and we are poverty cycle is to enable young peo- for their generosity to help young peo-
home.” very fond of him and Rebecca (Rich’s ple to get successfully through high ple succeed and thus reduce inequal-
The Jewish Film Festival, which wife).” school, hopefully to college, get good ity. They may be quiet and private, but
morphed into a successful virtual run Relationships with our donors are jobs and then help change the tremen- their goodness speaks volumes.
last spring, will be virtual as well in at the heart of everything we do. Rich, dous disparity in our country.” For information on how you can
2021. The committee has already star- who works as the Major Gifts Officer As a result, they have established support The Jewish Federation of
ted the process to choose films that will of the Federation, said, “Ron and Geri Geri and Ron Yonover scholarships at the Federation, Chica- Sarasota-Manatee, contact Ilene Fox at
no doubt enlighten and entertain. are wonderful supporters of our Fed- going back and forth between Chicago go-Kent College of Law, Culver Acad- or 941.343.2111.
Be sure to visit our website fre- eration, Israel and our Jewish people. and Longboat Key since 1990 and are emy and the Gulf Coast Foundation, as
quently at to see all We are so happy they are part of our Florida residents. Ron is CEO of a pri-
our virtual program offerings. If you community and that they are our good vate family business, Indiana Sugars in
are not already receiving our bi-week- friends.” Gary, Indiana. He proudly reported that Who does the Jewish community turn to for
ly eblasts, visit and click on Geri commented that she and Ron it is a fourth-generation business with the most trusted service in real estate?
“eblast sign up” in the top right cor- also give to the Federations in Chicago his son and grandson also involved.
ner. That is the best way to proactively and Indiana, “but we are more active in Geri went to law school when her old-
know about our many programs. And Sarasota.” Ron added, “The Sarasota est son was a teenager and eventually
finally, please follow us on the Federa- Federation is a very warm and vibrant clerked for a federal judge and then
tion’s Facebook page, where we update
our program offerings regularly. Fighting anti-Semitism
Our 2020-20 program year will
surely be one for the record books. You
can count on us to keep you involved, in Sarasota-Manatee Contributing to the
entertained and informed…while stay- prosperity of our
ing safe in the comfort of your home! By Jessi Sheslow, Director of Community Relations Jewish Community
For more information, please con- n the wake of recent anti-Semitic Speak Up. Hate must be exposed since 1979!
tact Trudi Krames at tkrames@jfedsrq. acts of vandalism at Temple Emanu- and denounced. Share hate inci-
org or 941.706.0037. IEl and Temple Sinai, the work of dents and report them to news or- Ryan Ackerman Barbara Ackerman
the Heller Community Relations Com- ganizations. 941.387.1818 941.780.6045
mittee (CRC) is even more vitally im- Educate Yourself. Being informed
portant. The CRC works toward justice improves your effectiveness. Re-
for all with a commitment to Jewish search hate groups’ symbols and #1 Small Team in the State of Florida - 2019
values. Together with community part- agendas. Understand the differ-
ners, we engage in dialogue about diffi- ence between a hate crime and a
cult issues to seek better understanding bias incident.
and community healing. Pressure Leaders. Elected officials
The Heller CRC is there for the and other community leaders are
Jewish community by: important allies. Take an active
Organizing the community to de- role in explaining how anti-Semi- Now access private sessions
nounce hate and stand up to anti- tism has affected you. Build rela-
Semitism tionships and speak up if they show from home via
Educating about the lessons of the bias or fail to act against hate.
Holocaust Teach Acceptance. Bias is learned
Advocating for Israel early, often at home. Schools can
offer lessons of tolerance
and acceptance. Examine
your child’s textbooks
for bias. Expose your
child to multicultural
experiences and include
your child’s non-Jewish
Bridging differences in the inter- friends too!
faith community Dig Deeper. Look inside yourself
We need more of the community to for biases and stereotypes. We all
get involved. You can help by: have biases, but acknowledgment
Advocating to elected officials is the first step to better under-
Talking to students, churches and standing.
minority groups about anti-Semi- These tips are not reserved only for
tism and Israel the Jewish community. We need and
Participating in our Holocaust count on our non-Jewish friends to help
Speakers Bureau and Generations us fight the scourge of anti-Semitism.
After group Finally, we have started a new
Writing letters to the editor fundraising campaign initiative, called
Many of us feel the need to do the KEEP US SAFE fund. Paying for
something on our own to fight anti- upgrades in technology and additional
Semitism and stand up to hate. Here security at our houses of worship and CURING HEADACHES SINCE 1979
are some specific suggestions you can Jewish agencies, a full-time Commu-
do yourself: nity Security Director and more educa-
Act. Call a friend, sign a petition tion to teach about the lessons of hate,
and help repair acts of vandalism. is going to be expensive. We need your
Unite. Reach out to allies from help! To donate, please visit jfedsrq.
synagogues, churches, schools, org/keepussafe.
clubs and other civic groups. Invite If not now, when? NOW is our
guests to your Shabbat dinner table time to stand up against hate.
and Jewish holiday celebrations. For more information, please con-
Support the Victims. Hate crime tact me at 941.343.2109 or jsheslow@
victims are especially vulnerable.
Be there for each other.
with your Jewish Community
1484 Main Street | Sarasota, FL (941) 312-5566 |
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