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FEDERATION NEWS September 2020 9
Volunteer Spotlight
Mark Smotkin: investing his time to strengthen our future
By Sandy Chase
ark Smotkin has played a what motivates each group – is key to with management to ask relevant ques- Mark has also been active on other
pivotal role at The Jewish attracting younger participants, while tions and provide oversight, not to mi- committees:
MFederation of Sarasota- continuing to serve our retirees, includ- cromanage the process.” Nominating: Selecting candidates
Manatee since 2017, sharing his ex- ing snowbirds.” Mark explains, “The committee re- for the board
tensive financial background, past Mark insists that “the particular views the annual budgets and forecasts COVID-19: Overseeing reopening
board experience and legal expertise as character of the greater Sarasota area with the goal of furthering our mission plans, as Federation deals with the
a Finance Committee member. makes it especially important that we and providing funding for programs shutdown, providing programs vir-
In January 2020, he was elected remain relevant and attractive, offering appealing to our community.” tually while ensuring safety
to the Board of Directors, seeing his diverse programs to What’s critical to Campus Utilization: Redevelop-
membership as another opportunity to all.” Mark is reviewing man- ing The Larry & Mary Greenspon
help perpetuate the relevance of Fed- He’s concerned agement’s current and Family Campus for Jewish Life,
eration in our community. that American Jews projected budgets, initia- including longer-range visions for
Having retired in 2013 as a partner ages 20-35 don’t tives and any other finan- Federation property
with Ernst & Young, specializing in have the same strong cial issues holistically, “Whether on the board or individu-
transactional tax law, this CPA has an Jewish connection taking into consideration al subcommittees, I try to be proactive,
impressive resume: current part-time as in the past, say- the overall community ensuring that Federation takes advan-
consultant with Alvarez and Marsal, a ing that their identity Federation serves. tage of current or future opportunities,”
global financial advisory firm; law de- with Israel is gener- Mark views finance says Mark.
gree from Georgetown University; and ally less supportive as the lifeblood of any Before Mark and his wife Danielle
past board memberships in the greater and more critical. enterprise. “Without ad- and their children Natalie and Eddie re-
D.C. area. “These young equate funding,” he says, located to Longboat Key in 2015, they
Federation’s Chief Executive Of- adults see Israel in Mark Smotkin “plans remain dreams. lived in Potomac, Maryland.
ficer Howard Tevlowitz praises Mark’s a less favorable light than when I was The more stable the financing, the Mark’s pastimes include playing
extensive knowledge, saying, “We’re younger. If this trend continues, we’re more an organization can take on bold golf and reading, including several dai-
fortunate to have someone on our fi- in danger of losing that vital connec- initiatives to seek changes and im- ly newspapers. He remains involved
nancial team of Mark’s caliber. His ex- tion, undermined by media and univer- provements for the future.” with the Advisory Committee of the
pertise and counsel have always been sities that appear to be less sympathetic The rewards that Mark reaps from Robert H. Smith School of Business
spot-on and we’re indebted to him for toward Israel,” says Mark. his volunteering speak volumes. (University of Maryland), his alma
being so available to our organization.” In fact, Mark accepted his recent Being able to work with dedicated, mater.
But that’s only one side of the coin. board position because he believes fer- qualified people is paramount, as he Federation is indebted to Mark,
Since his youth, Mark has helped vently in doing “whatever I can to help says, “Both management and other who invests his time strengthening
others in his York, Pennsylvania, perpetuate that bond with Federation. board members have the best interests Jewish identity in our community and
hometown. Membership in Aleph Za- I’m more than willing to make that of Federation at the heart of their think- promoting support for Israel, always
dik Aleph (AZA), a B’nai B’rith high- investment of time.” ing and decisions.” taking demographics into account.
school fraternity focused on good Federation Board President Ran- Expanding on his praise, Mark If you are interested in volunteering,
deeds and activities, established the don Carvel is grateful for Mark’s back- says, “They exhibit a passion and there are many ways to contribute and
foundation for his later commitment to ground and perspective, saying, “After strong sense of purpose in their in- be part of the volunteer life at the Fed-
the Metropolitan Washington Jewish a stellar career, his experience and fi- volvement. Although there can be dif- eration. For more information, please
Social Service Agency and now Fed- nancial acumen have helped consider- ferent views on any particular issue, contact Jeremy Lisitza, Director of In-
eration. ably.” it’s always done respectfully, with novation and Volunteer Engagement,
Mark’s impressive credentials are As a Finance Committee member, good intentions and getting to the best at 941.343.2113 or
strengthened by his foresight and dedi- Mark strives to ensure that Federation result for Federation.”
cation to promoting the Federation’s maintains its financial strength and vi-
mission. He says, “Understanding ability now and for future generations.
demographics – especially knowing Mark says, “I see my role as working
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from Stacy is passionate about real estate and strives to build
ever-lasting relationships based on exceptional service,
uncompromising values and a strong work ethic.
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Published by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee • The Jewish News is a monthly nonprofit newspaper supported by generous readers,
committed advertisers and The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.