Page 21 - Jewish News_September-2020
P. 21

JEWISH INTEREST                                                                September 2020                                             21

        Jewish-themed Crossword Puzzle

 Pilecki’s  report  was  thus  able  to   Your monthly crossword puzzle                 DON’T DO IT
 confirm  for  the  Allies  the  Holocaust
 that was then taking place. It was the   is generously brought to you by                           ALONE!
 first insider documentation authenticat-
 ing the Holocaust to reach the Allied
 countries in the West.
 Upon returning to Warsaw, Pilecki
 resumed his role as an officer with the
 AK. The Warsaw  Uprising  broke  out                                                            We find SAFE
 on August 1, 1944. He fought against
 the Germans until the Uprising was de-
 feated and then became a prisoner of
 war. He returned to Poland in October                                                Senior Care Options
 1945, but was arrested by the commu-
 nist regime on May 8, 1947, as part of
 a crackdown of Home Army members.                                                                at NO COST!
 Subjected to a show trial on March 3,
 1948,  he  was  sentenced  to  death  and
 executed on May 25, 1948.
 After  the  end  of  communism  in
 Poland,  Witold  Pilecki  was  rehabili-
 tated by Poland’s new democratic gov-
 ernment on October 1, 1990. In 1995,
 he was posthumously decorated by the
 Polish  government  with  the  Order  of
 Polonia Restituta, and in 2006 received
 the highest Polish decoration, the Or-
 der of the White Eagle.
 Dr. Paul Bartrop is Professor of His-
 tory and the Director of the Center for
 Holocaust and Genocide Research at
 Florida Gulf Coast University. He can
 be reached at


                                                                                                   Call the EXPERTS
        “Maestros” by Yoni Glatt,
        Difficulty Level: Medium
        Across                                Down                                      at Care Patrol. In business  1. Minute drink         1. GI who can’t be found
        5. Project segment                    2. Major sports org. Down Under           for over 20 years and able
        10. Epic trilogy composed by          3. She tried to make Spain Jew-free in            to assist Nationally.
              47-Across, for short
 Voices of the   14. “In that case... “       4. Dunkin product (but not Krispy
        15. A no-hitter compared to a one-
   HOLOCAUST        hitter, e.g.              5. Carnivore’s catch                              Most people are not
                                              6. Major Ford part
        16. “How ___, Doc?”
                                              7. Biblical refuge
        17. See 38-Across
                                              8. In good taste
        19. Make ___ dash for
 Holocaust, Genocide    Inspiring Speakers:  20. Bobbing sea marker  9. Marine eagle     prepared when they finally
        21. French for “my”
                                              10. Letters on Anaheim scoreboards
 and Tolerance Education  23. Common contraction  11. (Metallic) Element #76              realize they need ongoing
                                              12. “___ wrap!” (“Were done!”)
        24. George Washington didn’t have
 GEORGE ERDSTEIN        any during his second term  13. Show embarrassment, say
 RIFKA GLATZ  26. B’nai B’rith watchdog org.  18. Jay of “Jerry Maguire” and “SNL”           care and support. They
        28. Monopoly buy                      22. Second Torah reading portion
 HELGA MELMED  30. Incapacitated              24. Word after Ki, in a parsha                    wait too long to truly
 DAVID MILBERG  31. See 71-Across             25. Matmid Club airline
        34. Tzaddik Baba                      26. Any minute, to Shakespeare
 GINETTE HERSH  36. Sends to the canvas, for short  27. License to drill, for short?       benefit from life enriching
        37. Total daily Jewish prayers written    29. Olympic legend Jesse
              by non-Jews                     32. One of ___
 1,912 Sarasota-Manatee   38. 17-Across composed the music for    33. Condition in a vacuum             opportunities.

 students learned about          this 1992 film and its 2019 remake  35. Cerebral output
 the Holocaust from   40. Barry Levinson Best Picture with    39. Even more calamitous       Don’t wait for the crisis.
                                              40. Some marsupials
              music by 63-Across
 survivors last year  #NEVERFORGET  44. Word before “Od Milvado”  41. Loc. where Elijah was victorious  BE PREPARED!
        45. Islands finger food
        46. Eyelid nuisance                   42. Hara preceder
                                              43. Irving and Harris, e.g.
 Listening to your heart-wrenching story, I started    47. See 10-Across  45. Dissertation finisher, hopefully
 to tear up. Your story of survival moved me and    52. Summer camp worker, for short  47. Like erev Shabbos in some homes

 I will remember you for the rest of my life.  53. Zero out  48. Princess Leia’s last name
        54. Has one’s fill and more, briefly  49. Garcon
 –North Port high School StudeNt  55. Lebowitz and Drescher  50. Certain East African
        57. Tech on display in 10-Across      51. Israeli singer Netzer
 History is not just about events,   58. “CD” follower  56. Change the borders of, say
                                              59. Shalom preceder, in some
        60. Israeli billionaire Idan
 it is about human lives.  61. Giants Golden receiver?        congregation names
        63. See 40-Across                     60. Lead singer of Black Sabbath,
 Learn what “Never Forget” means, before it is too late.    68. No Clue        familiarly
 Invite a Holocaust survivor to your school, synagogue or library.  69. “Hashem Melech” singer  62. Start of Sabbath?
        70. Word with mechanics or dynamics   64. Org. that relocated to Orlando
 To book a speaker contact Anne Stein  71. One of many Pixar movies with    65. Actor Mineo of “Exodus”  CALL US TODAY
 Holocaust Speakers Bureau Coordinator •         music composed by 31-Across  66. A low one is good on the diamond
        72. Bagel alternative                 67. Biographer Chernow                         941-237-0846
        73. Prearrange
             See the Crossword Puzzle        solution on page 22                                        

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