Page 25 - Jewish News_September-2020
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JEWISH HAPPENINGS                                                              September 2020                                             25

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          Jewish Happenings

                                                                                         WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2
                TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1
                TUESD       A Y ,   SEPTEMBER          1                                 WEDNESD          A Y ,   SEPTEMBER          2

                   Torah & Tea at The Virtual Chabad House                                                   STEP Open House
            Join Chanie Bukiet on Tuesday mornings from 11:00 a.m. to noon on Zoom     Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
            (Member ID: 734 722 984, Password: chabad) for a weekly dose of Torah      Calling all Sarasota and Manatee high school students and parents! Join
            spiced with lessons on “Jewish Women Throughout the Ages” and round-       STEP  Chair  Marni  Mount  and  Federation  Teen  and  Family  Program
            table discussions. For more information, call Chabad at 941.752.3030 or    Coordinator  Andrea  Eiffert  from  7:30  to  8:30  p.m.  for  a  lively  and
            email                                          interactive Zoom presentation about all of the Shapiro Teen Engagement
                                                                                       Program  events  and  activities  planned  for  the  coming  year,  which  will
                 “Getting More Out of Friday Night Services”                           remain socially distant but well connected! With a variety of volunteer,
            This  Temple  Sinai  class  with  Chazzan  Cliff Abramson  reviews  prayer   social justice and informative programs this year, it’s the perfect way to
            book liturgy so that everyone can get more out of the Friday evening Erev   engage, empower and educate our teens to STEP into leadership roles!
            Shabbat  Service  on  Zoom  (       To register, please visit For more information, contact
            Classes take place on Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m. For more information, call    Andrea Eiffert at or 941.552.6308.
            the temple office at 941.924.1802 or email
                                                                                                        “Roosevelt and the Jews:
                        Temple Sinai’s Clergy Coffee Talk                                            The Jews Should Keep Quiet!”
            Rabbi Samantha Kahn, Chazzan Cliff Abramson and Rabbi Geoff Hunt-          As  WWII  loomed  and  then  became  a  reality,  the  U.S.  participated  in
            ting would love to hear from you. We know you have a lot on your mind.     two international conferences on refugees, the first in Evian, France, in
            Join them on Tuesdays at 1:30 p.m. via Zoom. You will be invited into the   1938, and the second in Bermuda in 1942. Although in both cases Jews
            show’s waiting room and then put online to ask a question, give an opinion   were the most desperate of refugees, facing annihilation, not just wartime
            or even just to say hello. We look forward to hearing from you on Zoom:    disruption, the word “Jew” was rarely even mentioned, and no plans for
    For  more  information,  go  to    saving Europe’s doomed Jews were even seriously discussed. What was
  , call the temple office at 941.924.1802 or    Roosevelt’s powerful role in these failed conferences? This class, presented
            email                                                 by the Al Katz Center, begins at 11:00 a.m. via Zoom. Cost: $10 per day
                                                                                       or $50 per month for all classes. To RSVP and receive the Zoom link,
                                                                                       please call Beverly Newman at 941.313.9239.
               High Holiday services and events                                               Temple Emanu-El “Lunch with the Rabbis”

           will take place on the following dates:                                     Are you looking for a great lunch date? Grab a bite to eat, log into Zoom
                                                                                       and  join Temple  Emanu-El  Senior  Rabbi  Brenner  Glickman, Associate
           Erev Rosh Hashanah: Sept. 18                                                Rabbi Michael Shefrin and friendly, interesting companions for socializing
                                                                                       and  discussion  of  current  events  and  subjects  of  Jewish  interest.  This
           Rosh Hashanah: Sept. 19-20                                                  popular monthly program has become a hit online as new and old friends
                                                                                       enjoy  the  opportunity  to  gather  virtually.  All  are  invited  at  noon.  To
           Yom Kippur Eve: Sept. 27                                                    receive the private Zoom link, please register at or call

           Yom Kippur: Sept. 28                                                        941.371.2788.

          Please contact the area’s temples for their

          specific schedules and more information.                                   WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2                            continued on next page
                                                                                             Sneak Peek

                                                                                Between the Pages

                                                                                        Preview Event

                            PEOPLE OF THE BOOK

                                                                              Tuesday, September 29

                Author Lecture Series                                             at 11:00am via Zoom

                                 Attend this event to:

                                 •  Be the first to hear about the 20+ authors in this season’s series
                                 •  Get a sneak preview on some of the featured books

                                 •  Learn about Sponsor Benefits
                                 •  Get a discount on the Page Turner Pass

                                 •  Have your questions answered

                                 •  Hear about these October events:

                                                Opening Night: An evening

                                             with actor Stephen Tobolowsky

                                           Wednesday, October 14 at 7:00pm

                                                                                                           Alana Newhouse: Wednesday,

                                                                                                                 October 28 at 7:00pm

          Register for this free event at

                          Due to COVID-19, please check with each organization for event updates. 
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