Page 29 - Jewish News_September-2020
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JEWISH HAPPENINGS                                                              September 2020                                             29

               MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14                                                               WHETHER A VIRUS OR

 Just Reel Education: H I Jew Positive          “Religions of the World” with Dr. Steven Derfler  TERRORISTS, ISRAELIS DEPEND
            Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee                               ON ONE ORGANIZATION
            Join us at 10:30 a.m. on Zoom for the final installment of Dr. Derfler’s          WHEN LIVES NEED SAVING.
            “Religions of the World” series as he explores the religion of Islam. To reg-
            ister, please visit For more information, contact Jeremy
            Lisitza at or 941.343.2113.

                    Cooking with Chef Michael Solomonov
            Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
            Join us at 8:00 p.m. on Zoom for an interactive Rosh Hashanah-inspired
            Virtual  Cooking  Class  with  five-time  James  Beard  Foundation  award-
            winning  Chef,  Michael.  The  presentation  will  be  moderated  by  James
            Beard award-nominated food journalist Gabrielle Gershenson. There will
            be Q&A opportunities for participants to ask Chef Solomonov questions
            throughout the class. Recipes for the menu will be sent in advance: Kale,
            Apple,  Walnut  and  Sumac-Onion  Tabbouleh;  Honey  Glazed  Chicken;
            Apple Cake. Registration is required to participate in this cooking class. A
            Zoom link and password to join the program will be issued in a reminder
            email as the event gets closer. To register, please visit
            For more information, please contact Program Director Trudi Krames at
   or 941.706.0037.

                      “Jewish Resistance in the Holocaust”                                   Israel’s emergency medical service has been on the
            Jewish  partisans  focused  on  whatever  they  could  do  to  slow  down  the   front lines in the fight against coronavirus while also
            German  war  machine,  like  cutting  down  communication  lines.  Groups          contending with terrorist attacks, car accidents,
            of  men  went  out  on  nightly  missions  to  blow  up  Nazi  trains  traveling           and other threats to Israeli lives.
            the  Grodnow  Railway,  then  fleeing  back  into  the  Rudnicki  Forest  near
            Vilna.  The  four  Jewish  partisan  detachments  in  Rudnicki  were:  “The      But Magen David Adom is not government-funded.
            Avengers,”  “For  Victory,”  “Death  of  Facism”  and  “Struggle,”  totaling   Its 25,000 EMTs and paramedics, most of them volunteers,
            300  Jews.  General  Eisenhower  praised  “the  disruption  of  enemy  rail
            communications...  by  the  Resistance.”  This  class,  presented  by  the Al     rely on support from people like you for the supplies and
            Katz Center, begins at 11:00 a.m. via Zoom. Cost: $10 per day or $50 per        equipment they need to perform their lifesaving work.
            month for all classes. To RSVP and receive the Zoom link, please call
            Beverly Newman at 941.313.9239.                                                   No gift will help Israel more in these difficult times.
                                                                                              Keep the people of Israel strong this coming year.
                            Aliyah Amidst a Pandemic:                                           Donate to Magen David Adom. Shanah Tovah.
                  Jewish National Fund and Nefesh B’Nefesh
            Join  Jewish  National  Fund-USA  and  Temple  Emanu-El  to  learn  how          Give today at or call 866.632.2763.
            Nefesh B’Nefesh (NBN) is working in a historic window of opportunity
            for the State of Israel through aliyah (immigrating to Israel) and its critical
            role in sustaining modern-day Zionism. Israel is expecting 90,000 new
            immigrants  within  the  next  18  months  and  250,000  within  3-5  years,
            doubling  Israel’s  annual  immigration  numbers.  This  free  Zoom  event
            begins  at  1:30  p.m.  and  features  guest  speaker  Doreet  Freedman, Vice
            President of Partnerships and Development at NBN. For more information                      
            or to RSVP and receive the Zoom link, contact Rabbi Elaine Glickman
            at, or Joshua Mellits, Director, JNF-USA
            Western Florida at 941.462.1330 x865 or

                     High Holiday and Jewish Trivia Night
            Trivia buffs are encouraged to join Temple Beth Sholom for a pre-High
            Holiday night of fun with trivia master Dr. Marshall Horwitz as he chal-
            lenges us with both Jewish and High Holiday trivia questions. It’s a fun
            way to learn about Jewish and High Holiday facts and bond with others.
            Space is limited to 15 slots at this 7:00 p.m. Zoom event, so email Marshall
            at right away to secure your space. There is no
            cost but donations are always appreciated. For more information, call the
            temple office at 941.955.8121 or email                                    Rabbi Kahn


 To the Inaugural Issue
 Synagogues, Food, Culture & More
 On the Detailed Map Locator  DID YOU  The Jewish A PUBLICATION OF                                                                                  Bethany Leinweber
 F R E E JE W I S H     KNOW?                  community in                                                        Rabbi Kahn  Chazzan Abramson
                                               Sarasota-Manatee has
 R E SO U RC E  G U I D E !                    doubled in size.
 Get a copy of our wildly popular publication, SHALOMSRQ.  Has your business?
 SHALOMSRQ is the ultimate resource guide to everything Jewish
 in Sarasota and Manatee counties! It  covers  everything  a  local
 resident, visitor or newcomer needs to know:   ACT NOW to reserve your space in upcoming
           editions of The Jewish News:
 •  Synagogues & Temples  •  Jewish Housing                                                                      Bethany Leinweber  Laura Freedman
 •  Jewish Clubs  •  Jewish Youth & Teen Programs  ISSUE   DEADLINE  th
 •  Jewish Cultural Arts  •  Jewish Calendar  OCTOBER 2020 .........Sept. 1, 2020                                  Rabbi Kahn  Chazzan Abramson
 •  Jewish Education  •  Israel Connections  NOVEMBER 2020 ......Oct. 1, 2020   75  Annive  sa   y of Libe  atio
 •  Jewish Food  •  History of Jews in Sarasota
 •  Jewish Gift Shops  •  Maps with Drop-pin Locators  DECEMBER 2020 .......Nov. 2, 2020  FEDERATION NEWS
 •  Jewish Service Providers  AND MORE!   JANUARY 2021 ..........Nov. 30, 2020  Celebrating Jewish Life in Sarasota and Manatee Counties, Israel and the World
           FEBRUARY 2021 ........Dec. 28 , 2020                  50                     See more on pages 20–21
 What better way to enjoy a Jewish Florida lifestyle than with a   MARCH 2021 .............Feb. 1, 2021                                    Celebrating        Years  P U B L I S H E D   B Y
 publication that will help make life easier!                                    The Jewish

           Contact Adam Kaplan at                                               OF SARASOTA-MANATEE
 To view SHALOMSRQ, go to     16A  Community Focus        FAMILY CAMPUS FOR JEWISH LIFE     Bethany Leinweber  Laura Freedman
                                               INSIDE THIS ISSUE:
                                                                               THE LARRY & MARY GREENSPON  or 941.552.6307.                39A  Life Cycle  our Jewish Federation
                                                26A  Jewish Interest
                                                32A  Commentary
                                               January 2020 - Tevet/Shevat 5780                Volume 50, Number 1
                                                36A  Focus on Youth
                                                          2020: Join us as we TRANSFORM
 or get the FREE magazine mailed to you by contacting         1B  Jewish Happenings  formation. Our recent Jewish commu-  ‹ Learning and building community
                                                         and Howard Tevlowitz, Chief Executive Officer
                                                          n 2020, The Larry & Mary Green-
                                                         By Randon Carvel, President; Kim Mullins, Chief Operating Officer;
                                                          spon  Family  Campus  for  Jewish
                                                         ILife will begin a tremendous trans-
 Bobbi Barger at 941.371.4546 x.0   Download the Media Kit at   years,  presents  The  Jewish  Federa-    Offering formal K-8 Jewish educa-  coming environment
                                                        nity  study,  showing  that  our  Jewish
                                                                     tion and engagement for our area’s
                                                        population has doubled in the last 18
                                                                                 communities in an inclusive, wel-
                                                                     youth, with our partner, Hershorin
 or        opportunities  for  growth  in  outreach,   ‹    Educating  our  community  about   ‹ Cultural arts, food and programming
                                                                     Schiff Community Day School
                                                        tion of Sarasota-Manatee with huge
                                                                                  Producing innovative, quality pro-
                                                    3A  for  families  and  so  much  more.  Our   vocacy  against  anti-Semitism,  in   ‹  gramming for “babies to bubbies”
                                                                     diversity,  the  Holocaust  and  ad-
                                                        cultural  arts  partnerships,  programs
                                                                    Center        Providing  affordable  communal
                                            Sarasota’s Blumenthal family:
                                                                   ‹           ‹  meeting space and catering services
                                                                    the Robert and Esther Heller Israel
                                                       community  members  expressed  their
                                            Building for a better tomorrow
 SHALOMSRQ is published by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee  *Statistics compiled from a survey of our publication   like-minded individuals, and thought-    Continuing to act as a community     Bringing  the  best  Jewish  thought
                                                       desire for greater connections to other
                                                       Jews, more options for engaging with
                                                                                leaders  and  entertainment  from
           by the Circulation Verification Council    as the hub for many of these offerings.   with  the  Jewish  and  non-Jewish   Manatee area continued on page 2A
                                                                    convener,  building  relationships
                                                                               around the world to the Sarasota-
                                                       provoking, innovative educational pro-
                                                       grams.  Our  centrally  located  32-acre
                                                       campus on McIntosh Road will serve
                                                      However, in order to meet the demand,
                                                      a complete renovation is in order.
                                                   8A  quired. Federation will remain nimble
                                                       Space  will  be  flexible,  allowing
                                                      Federation to respond quickly to com-
                                           Save the date for Federation’s
                                          annual Jewish Film Festival
                                                      munity  needs.  No  membership  is  re-
 Due to COVID-19, please check with each organization for event updates.   Due to COVID-19, please check with each organization for event updates. 
                                                     with  a  pay-for-service  model  focused
                                                     on the following areas:
                                                    By Gayle Guynup
                                                     Jewish Federation announces
                                                 11A  Trectors  approved  its  new  slate
                                                    2020 Board of Directors
                                                      he Jewish Federation of Sara-
                                         Namesake Israel Center donors
                                         Robert and Esther Heller
                                                      sota-Manatee’s  Board  of  Di-
                                        honored by Federation
                                                               on our incredible re-imagined 32-acre
                                                    of  officers  for  2020  at  its  December
                                                               campus and by bringing Federation to
                                                               them throughout our two-
                                                               county area.”  formation about the needs and wants of
                                                   meeting. Randon Carvel will serve as
                                                   the new president of the board.
                                                                           other Jewish organizations valuable in-
                                                                Past President Michael
                                                    “My  goals  as  the  new  president
                                                               Ritter  noted,  “During  the
                                                   will  include  continuing  to  raise  valu-
                                                                             our community members.
                                                   able resources in order to provide for
                                                              last two years, through the
                                                                              “Our  new  President,
                                                              hard work of our talented
                                                   those members of our community who
                                                                             Randon  Carvel,  has  been
                                               38A  Jewish community, now with approxi-  32-acre  campus,  as  well   nization and its challenges.
                                                              staff  and  lay  leadership,
                                                  still have real needs in spite of the eco-
                                                                             very  involved  with  Fed-
                                                              we’ve  made  great  prog-
                                                  nomic  gains  most  of  our  community
                                                                             eration  for  several  years
                                       Temple Sinai Religious School
                                                  has experienced,” Carvel said. “In light
                                                              ress  toward  realizing  our
                                       students enjoy Hawaiian Luau
                                                                             and understands our orga-
                                       and Scavenger Hunt
                                                  of  the  amazing  growth  of  our  local
                                                              vision of redeveloping our
                                                                            I  am  very  confident  that
                                                  mately 35,000 people living in Jewish
                                                                       Randon Carvel
                                                                            Randon is up to this chal-
                                                  households,  we  hope  to  engage  them
                                                             as  successfully  launching  our  capital
                                                             campaign required to fund the project.
                                                                            lenge  and  will  do  a  great
                                                 in  even  more  meaningful  ways  both
                                      A publication of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
                                                             We also completed our first communi-
                                      The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life
                                      Annual voluntary subscription: $25
                                                                          Other officers will include Michael
                                      Klingenstein Jewish Center, 580 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota, FL 34232
                                                       NON-PROFIT ORG.   ty-wide population study in 18 years,   Ritter,  Immediate  Past  President;  Ian
                                                             which will provide the Federation and
                                                       U.S. POSTAGE
                                                                        Black,  Vice-President  Campus  Utili-
                                                               ▼ Fine   zation; Merrill Wynne, Vice-President
                                                        PAID  t Fine
                                                       MANASOTA FL       Jewelry  continued on page 2A
                                                       PERMIT 167
                                                              ▼ Expert
                                                             t Expert
                                                                            ▼ Watch
                                                                             t Watch
                                                            t Jewelry
                                                              ▼ Jewelry          Battery
                                                                              & Bands
                                                                               & Bands
                                                                            ▼ Pearl
                                                                            t Pearl
                                                                            t Buying Gold
                                                               Located in Lakewood Ranch
                                                                Located in Lakewood Ranch
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