Page 33 - Jewish News_September-2020
P. 33
JEWISH INTEREST September 2020 33
An Israeli microcosm of the polarization Stars of David Interested in Your
that infects politics across the globe By Nate Bloom, Contributing Columnist Family’s History?
Editor’s note: Persons in BOLD CAPS are deemed by Nate Bloom to be Jewish
for the purpose of the column. Persons identified as Jewish have at least one Jew-
ish parent and were not raised in a faith other than Judaism – and don’t identify
with a faith other than Judaism as an adult. Converts to Judaism, of course, are Nate Bloom (see column at left) has become a family history expert in 10
also identified as Jewish. years of doing his celebrity column, and he has expert friends who can help
when called on. Most family history experts charge $1,000 or more to do a
The Emmys, New TV Shows by ANNA WINGER (W), ALEXA full family-tree search. However, Bloom knows that most people want to start
and Streaming Films KAROLINSKI and DANIEL HEN- with a limited search of one family line.
The Emmys, for excellence in TV, will DLER.
be “virtually” presented on Sunday, Lead actor, comedy series: MI- So here’s the deal:
September 20 at 8:00 p.m. (ABC). CHAEL DOUGLAS, The Komin-
My coverage is condensed this year to sky Method, and EUGENE LEVY, Write Bloom at and enclose a phone number.
make room for regular TV premieres. Schitt’s Creek; Supporting actor, com- Nate will then contact you about starting a limited search. If that
My sense is that these “times” make edy: ALAN ARKIN, Kominsky, and
us more interested in new stuff than an DAN LEVY, S. Creek; Lead actress, goes well, additional and more extensive searches are possible.
awards show without a red-carpet pa- comedy, TRACEE ELLIS ROSS, The first search fee is no more than $100. No upfront cost. Also,
rade. Nominee ages are omitted for the Black-ish; Supporting actress, come-
Emmys. If a series creator (below) has dy: ALEX BORSTEIN, Mrs. Maisel; several of this newspaper’s readers have asked Bloom to locate
a “W” near their name, they are also Lead actress, limited series: SHIRA friends and family members from their past, and that’s worked out
nominated for a writing Emmy. Other HAAS, Unorthodox; Supporting ac- great for them. So contact him about this as well.
writing nominees are omitted this year. tress, drama series: JULIA GARNER,
Seven of the eight series nominated Ozark.
for best comedy have a Jewish creator: Please check the internet for the soccer team despite having no soccer guished writer.
Curb Your Enthusiasm (LARRY DA- TV series episodes that these Jewish coaching experience. BRETT GOLD- Racheted is an original Netflix se-
VID); Dead to Me, LIZ FELDMAN; directors are nominated for helming: STEIN, 39, an English Jew, has a large ries that begins streaming on Friday,
The Good Place, MICHAEL SCHUR LENNY ABRAHAMSON, JAMES supporting role (Roy Kent). September 18. It is a horrific prequel
(W); The Kominsky Method, CHUCK BURROWS, MIMI LEDER, NI- Away is a Netflix series that pre- to One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. It
LORRE; The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, COLE KASSELL, MATT SHAK- mieres on Friday, September 4. Hilary focuses on the Nurse Ratched character
AMY SHERMAN-PALLADINO; MAN, LESLI LINKA GLATTER Swank stars as an American astronaut in Cuckoo (the villain). Sarah Paulson
Schitt’s Creek, EUGENE LEVY and and ALIK SAKHAROV. who must leave her husband and teen plays Nurse Ratched. The supporting
his son DAN LEVY (W); and What We The film Magic Camp had its daughter behind in order to command cast includes COREY STOLL, 44,
Do in the Shadows, TAIKA WAIT- worldwide premiere on August 14 an international space crew embark- and SOPHIE OKONEDO, 51. The
ITI. Three of the eight nominated (Disney+). Andy (Adam Devine) is ing upon a treacherous three-year mis- documentary All In: The Fight for
(best) drama series have a Jewish cre- a magician whose career isn’t going sion. There are six more characters Democracy also begins streaming on
ator: The Crown, PETER MORGAN well. Roy (JEFFREY TAMBOR, 76), in the credits, and I presume they are September 18 (Amazon). LIZ GAR-
STAY CONNECTED (W); The Handmaid’s Tale, BRUCE Andy’s former mentor, runs a summer crew members. Two are Jewish: JOSH BUS, 51, directed this film about voter
MILLER; and The Mandolarian, JON camp for young, aspiring magicians. CHARLES, 48 (The Good Wife), and suppression. It is narrated by African
FAVREAU. He persuades Andy that being a camp MARK IVANIR, 51. American Stacey Abrams, a Geor-
The following were nominated counselor might help raise his spir- Coastal Elites is an HBO film that gia politician and an anti-suppression
for (best) limited series and have a its. The film was co-written by MAX premieres on Saturday, September 12. movement leader.
Jewish creator(s): The Watchmen, WINKLER, 36 (HENRY WINK- It is a satirical comedy about people Filthy Rich is an ABC drama
DANIEL LINDELOF (W); Unbe- LER’s son.) in New York and Los Angeles who are (starts Monday, September 21) about
lievable, AYELET WALDMAN and Ted Lasso, a new 10-episode sit- coping with politics and the pandem- a mega-rich Southern family that made
MICHAEL CHABON, her husband; com, also began streaming on August ic. The five co-stars include BETTE their money off of a Christian TV net-
and Unorthodox (based on a book by 14 (Apple TV+). Jason Sudeikis stars MIDLER, 74, and DAN LEVY, 36. work. The founder suddenly dies and DEBORAH FELDMAN). The series, as an affable American football coach The screenplay is by PAUL RUD- his will discloses the he has three heirs
about a Hasidic woman, was written who is recruited to coach an English NICK, 67, a very funny and distin- continued on page 39
We at Temple Beth Israel understand these past few months
have been challenging, however, we hope you remain in L'Shana
good health and that our community continues to take all
necessary precautions when going out to ensure remaining
safe and healthy as we get through this together. Tova
Friday, September 18 8:00 PM EDT
Erev Rosh Hashanah Service
Saturday, September 19 10:00 AM EDT
Rosh Hashanah Morning Service
Sunday, September 27 8:00 PM EDT
Kol Nidre and Erev Yom Kippur Service
Monday, September 28 10:00 AM EDT
Yom Kippur Morning Service 10:00 AM EDT
Yom Kippur Afternoon Discussion 2:00 PM EDT Medical & Cosmetic Dermatology
Robert P. Finkelstein, D.O.
Yom Kippur Afternoon Service 3:00 PM EDT Board Certified Dermatologist
Yizkor followed by Ne'ilah 4:00 PM EDT
Michelle Selvaggi, ARNP-C
Nurse Practitioner
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(941) 383-3428 WWW.TBI-LBK.ORG Sarasota, FL 34240
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