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30                             September 2020                                                       JEWISH HAPPENINGS

            HIGH HOLY DAYS INVITATION                                                      TUESD      A Y ,   SEPTEMBER          1 5
                                                                                           TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15

          The Jewish Congregation of Venice (JCV) invites the community to worship                 PJ Parent Night In: Artisan Honey
             with us as our guests while we observe the HIGH HOLY DAYS 5781.                             and Apple Tasting Party!

            Starting on September 16, you can access                                   Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
           links to pre-recorded services on our website,                              PJ parents: You are invited to an artisan honey and apple tasting party at
 , by follow-                                    8;00 p.m. from the comfort of your own home! Pre-purchase your tasting
            ing the prompts for High Holy Day services.                                kit for $15 (valued at $30… thank you PJ Library!). Join other PJ parents
                                                                                       for this “aweZOOM” event featuring local beekeeper and mom, Lauren
             Rosh Hashanah services including shofar                                   Hofing, who will share her beekeeping and honey knowledge, and guide
             blowing Yom Kippur Kol Nidrei, morning,                                   you through tasting each of the honeys. Your kits will also include special
                  and Yizkor Memorial services                                         Rosh Hashanah signature cocktail ingredients so we can toast to the New
                                                                                       Year. Supplies and Zoom space are limited, so register now. Go to jfedsrq.
                                                                                       org/events to purchase your kit and receive the Zoom participation link.
               Rosh Hashanah         Yom Kippur begins on     For questions, call
           begins on Friday evening,   Sunday evening,        the         at           For more information, contact Andrea Eiffert at or
                September 18.           September 27.          941.484.2022.

                         Jewish Congregation of Venice                                  WEDNESD          A Y ,   SEPTEMBER          1 6
                                                                                        WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16
                         600 N. Auburn Road   •   Venice, FL 34292

             941.484.2022                                   NCJW Reel Women Zoom Encounter
                                                                                       NCJW (National Council of Jewish Women) cordially invites you to join
                                                                                       its local chapter at its first event of the year, The Reel Women of NCJW, on
                                                                                       Zoom from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. The film Isle of Dogs is available for view-
           We meat all your High Holiday needs.                                        ing prior to the event on YouTube, Amazon Prime, Vudu, Microsoft and
                                                                                       Red Box (but not on Netflix). The reviewer is Karen Pariser, coordinator
                                                                                       of Reel Viewers Movie Club of Sarasota. Isle of Dogs by Wes Anderson
              Delivering a full line of Glatt Kosher Beef,                             (Hotel Budapest) is a sophisticated, animated story winning viewer and
                                                                                       critical acclaim. Complex and abstract political and social themes abound
                      Poultry, Lamb, Fish & Groceries                                  above and beyond the simple message of love conquering all. Dogs speak
                                                                                       English. People speak Japanese. Closed captioning is available. To receive
                                                                                       your invitation to this Zoom meeting, RSVP (please include your email ad-
                                                                                       dress) to Karen Pariser by Thursday, September 10: email karenpariser@
                                                                             , text 585.747.1989, call 941.312.5409.

                                                                                                  “Beekeeping and Honey Harvesting
                                                                                                          for a Sweet New Year”
              FREE DELIVERY on all orders over $100                                    Join  Temple  Emanu-El  member  and  beekeeper  Lauren  Hofing  for  this

                                                                                       amazing program at 7:00 p.m. Lauren will take us on a Zoom tour of her
                    FAST & EASY ONLINE ORDERING                                        seven beehives and share fascinating facts about bees and their societies,
                                                                                       the  work  of  a  beekeeper,  how  honey  is  made  and  harvested,  and  what
                                                                                       inspired her love of bees and beekeeping. It’s a fun and unique way to
                Receive a 5% DISCOUNT on your order by entering                        prepare for the sweetness of the High Holy Days. To receive the private
                                                                                       Zoom link to this free event, please register at or call
                     coupon code JNHH5781during checkout                               941.371.2788.

                                                                                                         Pre-Rosh Hashanah DIY
                                                                                       This year will be unlike any other. The Chabad of Venice mission is to be
                                                                                       here for you and provide you with the most meaningful, authentic and up-
                                                                                       lifting High Holiday experience possible. Are you wondering how you are
                                                                                       going to do Rosh Hashanah while at home? This free class, which begins at
                     Temple Beth Sholom                                                7:30 p.m. on Zoom, will cover all you need to know about doing your very
                                                                                       own Rosh Hashanah at home, from the apple dipped in honey, to prayers,
                     Sarasota's Conservative Synagogue                                 songs and Tashlich. In addition, a free DIY Rosh Hashanah step-by-step
                                                                                       guide  is  available  via  PDF  or  by  mail.  RSVP  at  www.chabadofvenice.
                          Welcomes all to join us for                                  com/preHH. For more information, contact Rabbi Sholom Schmerling at
                 Shabbat, High Holy Day, & Festival Services                           941.493.2770 or

                                                                                            FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18
                                                                                            FRID    A  Y ,   SEPTEMBER          1 8
                       VIRTUAL HIGH HOLIDAY

                          SERVICE OFFERINGS                                                     Drive-by Rosh Hashanah Meal Pick-Up
                                                                                       Chabad’s annual Taste of Rosh Hashanah will be available at your homes
                                                                                       this  year.  Enjoy  round  challah,  delicious  brisket,  carrot  loaf,  tzimmes,
                                  Rosh Hashanah
                                                                                       gefilte fish, Chanie’s eggplant dip, Rosh Hashanah salad, apples and honey,
                        Eve Service - Sept. 18 at 6:30pm                               and more. Come to The Chabad House (5712 Lorraine Road, Bradenton) at
                             Day 1 - Sept. 19 at 10am                                  1:00 p.m. Deliveries are available in Lakewood Ranch upon request. RSVP
                                                                                       by Monday, September 14. Cost: $25 per person. For more information
                             Day 2 - Sept. 20 at 10am
                                                                                       and  to  RSVP,  visit,  call  941.752.3030  or
                                     Yom Kippur
                   Kol Nidrei Service - Sept. 27 at 6:30pm
                   AM Service & Yizkor - Sept. 28 at 10am
                 Talk w/ Rabbi Siegel - Sept. 28 at 4:30pm                             ADULTS
                     Afternoon Service - Sept. 28 at 6pm                                                                 CULTURE
                Final Shofar Sounding - Sept. 28 at 7:45pm
                                        Sukkot                                                 JEWISH
                         Erev Sukkot - Oct. 2 at 6:30pm                                      CALENDAR
                              Day 1 - Oct. 3 at 10am                                         OF EVENTS          Your Hub
                              Day 2 - Oct. 4 at 10am
                                                                                              IN SARASOTA       for Jewish Events
                     May your year be filled with an abundance                                AND MANATEE
                     of  happiness, good health, and harmony!

                        Contact Kelly Nester for more information &
                        service materials. No one is ever turned away.              FAMILY
                            Voluntary contributions are welcomed.

                                   Call 941.955.8121

                          Due to COVID-19, please check with each organization for event updates. 
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