Page 32 - Jewish News_September-2020
P. 32
32 September 2020 JEWISH INTEREST
An Israeli microcosm of the polarization
that infects politics across the globe
Book review by Philip K. Jason, Special to The Jewish News
Disengagement: A Novel, After swiftly and thoroughly de- and feelings, their intimate our younger selves.
by Daniella Levy. Kasva Press. feating the neighboring Arab states, selves, with great skill and We need to develop
232 pages. Hardcover $21.95. Israel assumed control over the Gaza ardent understanding. the vision and tools to
Strip and held the area by populating Farmers and fisher- reconnect by learning The Emmys, New TV Shows
his brilliant and troubling nov- it. A series of border communities, the men, immigrants and na- about ourselves through and Streaming Films
el pursues what many Israelis settlements served as a defensive mea- tives, a Holocaust survivor such trials. The Emmys, for excellence in TV, will
Tconsider a national disaster, and sure against incursion into Israel by and a left-wing journalist This novel is more be “virtually” presented on Sunday,
others consider a necessary accommo- various Palestinian forces. – all seem unmoored, in- than a story of condi- September 20 at 8:00 p.m. (ABC).
dation to reality. In 2005, Israel forc- Israeli interaction with Palestinian cluding the young, articu- tions in Israel. Levy, who My coverage is condensed this year to
ibly removed those Israelis who had “neighbors” was almost nonexistent. late rabbi who had lost a did considerable research make room for regular TV premieres.
settled and lived in Gaza for the better Levy’s storytelling, however, is foot while defending his in preparing this book, My sense is that these “times” make
part of a generation. best approached without such histori- country. As the victims has a deep understanding us more interested in new stuff than an
To tell the story in Disengagement, cal trappings. Its heart is found in the of the disengagement of the traumatic processes awards show without a red-carpet pa-
the author Daniella Levy invents a rep- settlers’ varied reactions to the Israeli policy take sides, the she writes about, and she rade. Nominee ages are omitted for the
resentative settle- government’s decision in 2005 to send community falters. People find it hard is able to convey the heartache and dis- Emmys. If a series creator (below) has
ment, Neve Adva, its soldiers into the settlements for the to listen to one another, to value the orientation in an engaging manner and a “W” near their name, they are also
and populates it purpose of destroying them. That is, possibility that someone’s seemingly with a sense of immediacy. nominated for a writing Emmy. Other
with a large cast of destroying the lives and hopes of Is- contrary position has merit, and that This review was first published in writing nominees are omitted this year.
characters with a raeli citizens. the various voices deserve respect. the Washington Independent Review Seven of the eight series nominated
range of perspec- Readers receive heart-wrenching How can one’s country, this coun- of Books and is reprinted by permis- for best comedy have a Jewish creator:
tives about the descriptions of individual reactions to try in particular, demand that you give sion. Curb Your Enthusiasm (LARRY DA-
disengagement this disastrous upheaval in their lives. up your dreams? Philip K. Jason is Professor Emeritus VID); Dead to Me, LIZ FELDMAN;
and each other. Several of these passages have the It’s clear that the author sees this of English from the United States Na- The Good Place, MICHAEL SCHUR
These characters grace and resonance of prose poems. breach in a community’s expectations val Academy. He reviews regularly for (W); The Kominsky Method, CHUCK
Phil Jason had various rea- Many Neve Adva residents under- and the urgent need to nurse the social Florida Weekly, Washington Indepen- LORRE; The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel,
sons for relocating to the Gaza Strip: stand and support the government’s and psychological wounds as a para- dent Review of Books, Southern Lit- AMY SHERMAN-PALLADINO;
patriotism, religious conviction, and action; many others do not. They feel digm for other experiences of disen- erary Review, other publications and Schitt’s Creek, EUGENE LEVY and
the opportunity to shape and nurture a gagement. Sooner or later, most of us the Jewish Book Council. Please visit his son DAN LEVY (W); and What We
community in their own image. are forced to disengage from careers, Phil’s website at www.philjason.word Do in the Shadows, TAIKA WAIT-
Generally, the characters are pre- families, a belief system, and even from ITI. Three of the eight nominated
sented in family groupings, and a good (best) drama series have a Jewish cre-
number of the children cannot remem- STAY CONNECTED ator: The Crown, PETER MORGAN
ber another home. The characters’ STAY CONNECTED (W); The Handmaid’s Tale, BRUCE
motives seem like a modified version MILLER; and The Mandolarian, JON
of those that fed the modern Jewish FAVREAU.
state’s founding, but the parallels are The following were nominated
not drawn in detail. for (best) limited series and have a
Most historical narratives of Is- Jewish creator(s): The Watchmen,
raelis in Gaza go something like this: DANIEL LINDELOF (W); Unbe-
On June 5, 1967, some weeks af- Daniella Levy lievable, AYELET WALDMAN and
ter Egypt blockaded the Straits of abused and abandoned. The solidity MICHAEL CHABON, her husband;
Tiran and cut off Israeli shipping, Is- of the community, its civic pride, is and Unorthodox (based on a book by
rael launched an attack against Egypt, undermined by the government’s ac- DEBORAH FELDMAN). The series,
beginning the Six-Day War. tion. Levy takes us into their thoughts about a Hasidic woman, was written
We at Temple Beth Israel understand these past few months
have been challenging, however, we hope you remain in
we for you necessary precautions when going out to ensure remaining
good health and that our community continues to take all
safe and healthy as we get through this together.
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