Page 37 - Jewish News_September-2020
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JEWISH INTEREST                                                                September 2020                                             37

        10 moments...continued from previous page
        other French swimming titles, many of   his  exclusion  from  national  compe-  Auschwitz,” as he managed to swim in   was one of only two Jewish Olympians
        them setting national records.        titions  because  of  his  “Jewishness.”   the camp’s water tanks. Toward the end   to compete in the Olympic Games after
            In 1942, Nakache began approach-  While media and officials tried many   of the war, he was transferred to Bu-  surviving a concentration camp.
        ing  the  Jewish  resistance  networks,   tricks and cited many clauses and rules   chenwald,  yet  somehow  Nakache  not   A  water  polo  player  as  well  as
        mainly  by  helping  with  the  physical   to keep Nakache out of the water, some   only  survived,  but  found  the  resolve   swimmer, Nakache was posthumously
        preparation of the recruits. As an Alge-  French  swimmers  withdrew  from  na-  to return to swimming. When he was   inducted into the International Jewish
        rian Jew, he lost his French citizenship   tional competitions in support of their   freed by the Allies, he was one of the   Sports Hall of Fame in 1993 and into
        and was restricted from entering races.   fellow athlete. The French Swimming   47  survivors  of  this  camp,  weighing   the  International  Swimming  Hall  of
        Under  the  Vichy  regime  he  was  for-  Federation,  however,  finally  gave  in   only 42 kg (92 pounds) at the time.  Fame as a member of the Class of 2019
        bidden to practice or compete, lest he   to the pressure from the Germans and   Less  than  a  year  after  the  libera-  in  Fort  Lauderdale,  Florida,  on  May
        “muddy the waters of France with his   banned  Nakache  from  swimming  in   tion of Buchenwald, he was part of the   18, 2019.
        filth.” Other journalists wrote that “the   the 1943 national championships.  French team that set a world record in
        Jew Nakache should not be allowed to      In  1943,  Nakache,  his  wife  and   the  3x100m  relay.  That  year,  he  also   The AJC West Coast
        hold any European titles because he is   their  two-year-old  daughter  were  all     became  French  national  champion  at   Florida office, located in
        Jewish.” The media was split in their   arrested by the Gestapo and deported   butterfly  and  in  the  4x100m  relay.  In
        support for Nakache. While some wel-  to Auschwitz. Both his wife and daugh-  the 1948 Summer Olympics in London,   Sarasota, can be reached
        comed his swimming and the records    ter  were  murdered  there.  Nakache   Nakache  swam  in  the  200m  breast-      at 941.365.4955.
        broken  by  Nakache,  others  called  for   became  known  as  the  “Swimmer  of     stroke,  reaching  the  semi-finals.  He

        K’zohar Ha-Ivrit

        Te-vah – Nature

        By Dr. Rachel Zohar Dulin
                 uch  has  changed  in  our   te-vah is based on the biblical verb ta-
                 world  since  the  summer  of   vah, which means ‘sink,’ ‘drown’ and
        M2020  arrived.  The  Corona-         ‘imprint,’  and,  as  such,  it  appears  10
        virus  is  still  claiming  its  casualties.   times in the Bible (Ex.15:4; Jer. 38:6
        Wearing  masks  and  social  distancing   et al).
        is still the norm, although not adhered   Interestingly, other frequently used
        to by all. To top off these difficulties,   words  are  derived  from  the  verb  ta-
        social  unrest,  vandalism  and  destruc-  vah. An example is the word ta-ba-at,
        tion  entered  our  streets  as  legitimate   namely ‘ring.’ In ancient times, ta-ba-
                           calls  for  change   at was not just a beautiful ornament on
                           were  usurped  by   one’s finger, but also a signet ring, the
                           destructive  ele-  seal, which indicated the authority of
                           ments  of  our  so-  the king or his designate (Gen. 41:42;
                           ciety.  To  escape   Est. 8:10). Also, the Hebrew word mat-
                           the  tumult,  many   be-ah, namely ‘coin,’ is based on the
                           of  us  search  for   verb ta-vah. Here, too, it implies that
                           peace  in  nature,   the image ‘was sunk,’ namely pressed
                           in outdoor activi-  into the mat-be-ah, giving the coin au-
                           ties. Going to the   thenticity.
           Dr. Rachel Dulin  beach, walking in    With time, many idioms and phras-
        the park or hiking in the forest brings   es were coined using the word te-vah,
        solace to the heart and mind.         nature. I will mention but a few. The
            In Hebrew, the term for nature and   lovely  term  be-chaik  ha-tevah  means
        the outdoors is te-vah. It is interesting   literally, ‘in the bosom of nature,’ im-
        to  note  that  the  word  te-vah,  which   plying the peacefulness of the outdoors,
        refers  to  the  entire  physical  universe,   whereas ei-ta-nai ha-tevah means ‘the
        does not appear in the Bible. This ab-  forces of nature,’ such as earthquakes,
        stract concept entered the Hebrew lan-  hurricanes, tsunamis and the like. Mi-
        guage with the influence of the Greek   tevah ha-d’-varim  means  literally  ‘in
        and Arabic worlds.                    the nature of things’ or ‘naturally,’ and
            Te-vah appears in Hebrew for the   shelo ke-de-rekh ha-tevah implies the
 Please consider making a legacy gift in your   first time in the 12  century CE with   opposite, namely ‘contrary to the law   PLEASE SUPPORT
 will, trust, retirement account or life insurance   the Hebrew translation of Maimonides’   of nature.’ We will end with the term te-
        important  manuscript,  The Guide for   vah shai-ni, meaning ‘a second nature,’
 policy to our LIFE & LEGACY  Partners.                                                          OUR ADVERTISERS
        the Perplexed.  The  Rambam  wrote    which  is  an  additional  characteristic
        his  manuscript  in  Arabic  and  it  was   acquired by adapting to a situation.
        translated into Hebrew by Samuel Ibn      As the summer progresses, I hope
 Sarasota-Manatee                                                                                    THEY HELP MAKE
        Tibbon.  So,  it  was  Ibn  Tibbon  who   we will have the chance to enjoy the
        translated  the  Arabic  word  ta-bi-ya,   beauty  of  chaik  ha-tevah  in  peace.   THE JEWISH NEWS POSSIBLE.
 Chabad  meaning ‘the nature of something,’ or   However, we should keep in mind that
        ‘natural  world,’  into  the  Hebrew  te-
                                              mi-te-vah ha-d’va-rim,  the  possibil-
 We Are  vah, implying “that which is imprinted   ity exists that ei-ta-nai ha-tevah in the
        in one’s personality.” And, at the same
                                              form  of  wind  and  rain  may  spoil  the
        time,  he  also  coined  the  word  tiv-ee,
 Grateful...  meaning ‘naturally.’ In his lexicon at-  Dr. Rachel Zohar Dulin is a professor
        tached  to  the  translation,  Ibn  Tibbon
                                              of biblical  literature at Spertus Col-
        commented that since “Hebrew lacked
                                              lege in Chicago, and a retired adjunct
                                              professor of Hebrew and Bible at New
        writings in the exalted science,” he had
        to resort to translating close to the orig-
        inal. It should be noted that the word   College in Sarasota.                                    Your Local
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                  The Jewish News is a monthly nonprofit newspaper supported by generous readers,
                           committed advertisers and The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.
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