Page 41 - Jewish News_September-2020
P. 41

COMMENTARY                                                                     September 2020                                             41

        Anti-Semites – their actions and their words

        By Rabbi Howard A. Simon
        “        ow long, O Lord, how long?”   learn the truth regarding the harm cre-  be two-fold. We must keep our Jewish

                 That is the question we ask   ated by his remarks. Upon further re-  houses  of  worship  safe  and  eradicate
          Has our country and the world       flection, Jackson stated that he “never   anti-Semitism at its core through edu-
        see the rise of anti-Semitic actions and   should have posted anything Hitler did,   cation.”
        words. Three examples of such state-  because Hitler was a bad person, and I   Anti-Semitism  will  not  just  go   be faced, challenged and eradicated so
        ments and actions have taken place re-  know it.”                           away.  It  must  be  faced,  dealt  with,   that all people, regardless of their re-
        cently in terms that shock,                          Nick  Cannon,  the     and  made  clear  to  Jew  and  non-Jew   ligion, can live in peace without fear,
        frighten and raise questions                     voice  of  Viacom  CBS’s   alike  that  this  is  an  expression  of     without hate, without anti-Semitism.
        as to why this hatred of our                     Cannon Class,  stated  in   hatred  based,  not  on  fact,  but  rather   Rabbi Howard A. Simon is the found-
        people and our faith is on                       an interview with Richard   ideas propagated by those who wish to   ing chair of the Robert and Esther
        the rise in the United States                    Griffin that “Black people   destroy our people and our faith. This   Heller Community Relations Commit-
        and throughout the world.                        are the true Hebrews and   cannot  be  ignored.  It  cannot  be  ac-  tee, formerly known as the Heller IAI.
            On July 15, an individ-                      Jews  have  usurped  that   cepted as some kind of normal. It must
        ual spray-painted swastikas                      identity.”  He  then  went
        and anti-Semitic graffiti on                     on  to  say  that  “Jewish
                                                                                             AFTER THE
        the walls  of Temple Ema-                        people, white people, Eu-
        nu-El  and  Temple  Sinai.                       ropeans have a deficiency
        The  perpetrator,  Vincent   Rabbi Howard A. Simon  that  historically  caused       AFTER THE
        Martinez, was charged with attacking   them to act out of fear and commit acts
        Temple Emanu-El on April 2, and then,   of violence to survive. They had to be
        three months later, again spreading his   savages.” Following these remarks, Vi-
        hate on two of Sarasota’s synagogues.  acom CBS severed ties with Cannon.                 CURTAIN
            Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver     Actions taken, words spoken, and
        DeSean Jackson placed posts in which   what do they add up to? Hateful attacks
                                                                                          HAS CL
        he shared a screenshot of a quote wide-  against the Jewish people by individu-
        ly  attributed  to Adolph  Hitler  saying   als who should know better, but do not,
        in  part,  “Jews  will  blackmail Ameri-  thus  letting  their  inner  feelings  come   HAS CLOSED
        ca.”  In  response  to  this  anti-Semitic   out in the most destructive manner pos-
        remark,  New  England  Patriot  wide   sible.
        receiver  Julian  Edelman  remarked       What  are  we  as  a  community  to
        that he knew DeSean said some ugly    do  regarding  such  actions  and  such
        things. He made it clear to the Eagles   words? Howard Tevlowitz, Chief Ex-
        football player that there is “no room   ecutive Officer of our Federation, stat-                  You can still watch
        for  anti-Semitism  in  this  world.”  He   ed  the  following:  “As  anti-Semitism
        then offered to accompany Jackson to   increases around the country and now,                   many of our programs at
        the United States Holocaust Memorial   right  here  in  our  own  backyard,  we
        Museum where he hopes Jackson will    must  take  action.  The  response  must       JFEDSRQ      .org/ProgramR            ecordings

           Join us in our campus re-imagination...

             build.                                       advocate.

                               remember. support.
                          Join us as we reimagine our 32 acre campus.
                               We are JFED Proud & Strong!
                 KLINGENSTEIN JEWISH CENT ER   |  5 80 MCINTOSH RD, SARASOTA FL 34232  |   941-371-4546  |

               Government Affairs

                                 Contact us to learn more.
 Stay connected at  Howard Tevlowitz  Kim Mullins  Ilene Fox  Rich Bergman
                  Meetings with elected officials are increasingly important as we see support
                    for Israel eroding around the world. Advocating for Jewish interests starts
                                                            Major Gifts
                 941.343.2110  941.552.6300   941.343.2111  941.552.6306
                      locally and often goes to Washington D.C. You can count on the Heller CRC
                        when it matters most, from advocating in our local school systems to
                          championing national bills.

                                                                                                                             ^  Builds Bridges
                                                                Robert and Esther Heller                           ^  Advocates through
                                                                     CRC                                            Government Affairs

                                                                COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE       ^  Remembers the Holocaust
                                                                                                                  ^  Supports Hillel


                                                   Heller CRC assists school teachers, synagogues, churches and
                                                     libraries to “Never Forget.” The Holocaust Speakers Bureau
                                                      brings survivors’ personal stories to school children and
                                                       adults alike. Classrooms Without Borders takes elite
                                                         teachers each year to Poland with a survivor. These
                                                          experiences change how they teach the Holocaust,
                                                            helping them create upstanders in their schools.

                          HELLER CRC’S MISSION

                         To build relationships within
                      the Jewish and non-Jewish

                    communities and to advance
                  common interests through
                education and advocacy.                                                                

                  Published by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee •
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