Page 42 - Jewish News_September-2020
P. 42
42 September 2020 COMMENTARY
Public distrust of government
By Harold M. Halpern
tu, was both loved and loathed in his 14 All this has led to the public los- late 2021.
Things sure change fast. When I years in office, few doubted he knew ing faith in the government’s ability to Gantz wants a two-year budget as
Swrote to you a month ago, I be- what he was doing. control the virus and deal with the eco- agreed upon for stability and to avoid s parents, we always worry
lieved the incorporation of a part of the Now they have lost that confidence nomic fallout. another budget fight in 2021. This is about our kids’ transition from
West Bank was uncertain. in his competence. This occurred in the Horovitz urged the government to also politically important to Gantz. A Athe comfort of their family
Despite the uncertainty, Prime last couple of weeks. It has been fu- get its act together; stop crushing dis- two-year budget would limit the op-home to the distress of adapting to a
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was rid- eled, Horovitz wrote, by the pandemic senters and inform the public the rea- portunity for Netanyahu to dissolve the new college campus. Will their room-
ing high in the and meltdown of the economy. This son for its decisions and make sure Knesset, ensuring Gantz would serve mate be nice? Will they eat well? Will
polls with Likud is manifested in nightly protests of it knows what it is doing. The public as Prime Minister. they wake up in time for morning
projected to win thousands around Netanyahu’s home. doubts that is the case. It must regain Some may suggest this fight over classes? These are typical concerns to
42 seats if elec- Those who have for years protested the public’s trust to get compliance the budget is like Nero fiddling while which every parent can relate. How-
tions were then his corruption have now been joined with its directions. Rome burned, possibly the meaning ever, as Jewish parents we have ad-
held, a significant by large groups of business owners in Consistent with Horovitz’s obser- of Nakdimon’s criticism of consider-ditional worries: Will my child face
increase over the the restaurant and entertainment indus- vations, polls show a decrease of seats ing personal benefit over the need to be anti-Semitism and is he/she prepared
current numbers. tries, unemployed workers (22% un- Likud would win but still in the 32 united for the good of the nation. to handle it? Will they encounter an
It was enough employment), left-wingers, members range and a doubling of the seats for The pandemic and economic fall-“apartheid wall” or a “die in?” Do they
Harold M. Halpern for him to form a of Likud, striking nurses and young Yamina, a party right of Likud (and a out is dayenu. But the government and
right-wing coalition with the religious people. All are hurting. member of the preceding government the Israeli people must simultaneously
parties and Yamina. Initially when the virus first struck, of Netanyahu) to about 15 seats. deal with political turmoil, Netan-
Now, as I send this email a month Netanyahu recognized the dangers of Some writers have speculated that yahu’s trial on bribery and breach of “
later at the end of July, everything has the pandemic and Horovitz wrote that Netanyahu may call for a new elec- trust, possible annexation of portions
changed. Netanyahu is no longer rid- he was keenly focused on thwarting it. tion believing he and his coalition of of the West Bank with unknown conse-
ing high. A week or so ago, Shlomo The public followed the government Yamina and Religious parties will win quences, and the ongoing threats from
Nakdimon (my cousin) wrote a piece instructions. enough seats to form a Right govern- Hezbollah on the north and Hamas in
in Yediot Aharonot condemning the Not so with the second round of ment without Benny Gantz and his the south. It’s a balagan (mess).
government as incompetent, and the the virus. This time the government has Blue and White party. Stu, how do I conclude this email?
coalition of Likud and Blue and White not reacted in any consistent way; one The government is mandated to May the dangers give renewed strength
acting not for the good of the country, day it directed restaurants and bars to have a budget by August 25. Netan- to Israel and its leaders to overcome all
but only for their political interests. close, followed shortly by an order of yahu and Gantz agreed to a two-year obstacles as they have done for the last
This contrasted to the time when the rescission and then a partial reinstate- budget on forming their coalition. Not- 75 years.
late Menachem Begin joined the Labor ment of the closure. withstanding, Netanyahu wants a one- Harold
Party in a coalition for the good of the Around the same time, the govern- year budget because planning for two Harold Halpern is a retired attorney
country without demanding political ment ordered a payment to all its citi- years is unrealistic. living in Lakewood Ranch Florida. He
benefits. zens to alleviate the economic pain. It It also serves him politically by is a member of the Board of Directors
And yesterday, you forwarded me then rescinded the order by directing giving him a chance in the second of the American Association of Jewish
an article from Tol entitled “Gov’t has that payments should be made on an year to dissolve Knesset if a second- Lawyers and Jurists, and of the board
lost public trust just when it’s most income basis, only to find out that it year budget is not agreed upon, end- of the West Coast Florida Chapter of
needed.” David Horovitz, the writer of doesn’t have sufficient records to pro- ing the agreement for Gantz to succeed the American Jewish Committee
the column, said that while Netanyahu ceed in this fashion. Netanyahu for 18 months beginning in
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