Page 38 - Jewish News_September-2020
P. 38

38                             September 2020                                     ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD


                                              PM NETANYAHU’S                        most advanced countries in the world.  knowing  immediately  what  sort  of
                                              ANNOUNCEMENT ON THE                      “Together,  we  will  transform  the   damage we have so we’re able to get
                                              PEACE TREATY BETWEEN                  region  and  forge  an  even  better  fu-  our power back on that much sooner.”
                                              ISRAEL AND THE UNITED                 ture for our people. This is a future of   (Shoshanna Solomon, Times of Israel)
                                                                                    peace, a future of security and a future
                                              ARAB EMIRATES                         of prosperity.                        AFTER 15-YEAR HOSTILE
                                              Prime  Minister  Benjamin  Netanyahu,    “I’ve  always  believed  that  we   BDS CAMPAIGN, ISRAEL
                                              this  evening  (Thursday,  13  August   could  establish  peace  with  the  Arab   HAS ONLY BECOME
                                              2020): “Today we usher in a new era
             EASY                             of peace between Israel and the Arab   that  lofty  goal  for  decades. You  may   On July 9, 2005, Omar Barghouti, then
                                                                                    world and I have been working toward
                                                                                    not know it, but I’ve been doing it all
                                                                                                                          a graduate student in philosophy at Tel
                                                  “I just came from an historic vir-
                                                                                    the time in meetings that are publicized
                                                                                                                          Aviv University, launched a campaign
                                              tual conference between myself, Presi-
                                                                                    and in many that are not. In Washing-
                                                                                                                          to boycott, divest and sanction (BDS)
           STEPS                              dent Donald Trump and Crown Prince    ton, in the Middle East, in daylight and   the State of Israel. In a May 2020 pod-
                                              Mohammed  bin  Zayed  of  the  United
                                                                                    in nighttime.
                                                                                                                          cast  in  Arabic,  Barghouti  confirmed
                                              Arab Emirates (UAE). We announced
                                                                                       “In  recent  years,  Israel  under  my
                                                                                                                          that BDS seeks to eliminate the “Zion-
                                              the establishment of a full and formal
                                                                                    leadership  has  made  advancements
                                                                                                                          ist state.” Yet, after 15 years, Israel has
                                              peace between Israel and the UAE. It
                                                                                    in  ties  with  such  countries  as  Sudan,
                                                                                                                          and diplomatically.
            How To Stay                       includes  the  mutual  opening  of  em-  Oman, Bahrain and other nations in the   only  become  stronger  economically
                                              bassies, direct flights and many, many
                                                                                    Gulf. I have reason to be very optimis-
                                                                                                                             BDS  has  notched  modest  suc-
                                              other bilateral agreements.
                                                                                    tic that today’s announcement with the
                                                                                                                          cesses  among  American  academics,
                                                  “This is the greatest advancement
              Up-To-Date                      toward  peace  between  Israel  and  the   UAE  will  be  followed  by  more Arab   church  groups  and  campus  organiza-
                                                                                    nations  joining  our  region’s  circle  of
                                                                                                                          tions, but it failed to make inroads be-
                 On Your                      Arab world in the last 26 years and it   peace.                             yond the low-hanging fruit. Many U.S.
                                              marks the third formal peace between
                                                                                       “And to the people of Abu Dhabi,
                                                                                                                          lawmakers  have  condemned  BDS.
                                              Israel and an Arab nation.
                                                                                    and its leader Crown Prince Moham-
                   Jewish                     achem Begin made peace with Egypt.    med bin Zayed, I say Salaam alaikum.   House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called on
                                                  “In  1979,  Prime  Minister  Men-
                                                                                                                          Americans  to  “be  vigilant  against
                                                                                    Shalom  Aleichem.  Peace  unto  thee.
                                                                                                                          bigoted or dangerous ideologies mas-
             Community                        In 1994, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin   Peace unto all of us.” (Communicated   querading as policy, and that includes
                                              signed a peace treaty with Jordan. And
                                                                                    by the Prime Minister’s Media Adviser)
                                              today, I am honored to announce a for-  ISRAELI DRONES                      BDS.”
                                                                                                                             In 2017, governors of all 50 states
           1       STEP ONE                   Arab Emirates. I believe that there is   TO HELP FLORIDA’S                  signed  a  letter  opposing  BDS.  And
                                              mal peace agreement with the United
                                                                                                                          over half of U.S. states have laws that
                                              a  good  chance  that  we  will  soon  see
                                                                                    EMERGENCY RESPONSE
                                                                                                                          prevent  state  investment,  bar  state
                                              ing circle of peace.
             Hourly                           more Arab countries join this expand-  TO HURRICANE SEASON                  contracts  or  prohibit  the  use  of  state
                                                                                                                          funds for companies boycotting Israel.
                                                                                    Israeli startup Percepto, a maker of in-
             Social Media: While we don’t always   “I want to thank President Trump   dustrial  drones,  said  that  its  Sparrow   (David  May  and  Benjamin  Weinthal,
             post hourly, we do post often. What do we   for  his  critical  help  in  brokering  this   drone  system  has  been  proven  to  be   Washington Times)
             post? Time-sensitive news, alerts, items of   historic  accord. And  I  want  to  thank
             interest, and more. Follow us on Facebook,   him  for  his  revolutionary  Vision  for   able to withstand winds of up to 150   ISRAEL’S IRON DOME TO
             Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and more!    Peace, which is the most realistic and   mph, making it suitable to fly in the im-
             Find us by searching for “JFEDSRQ.”  important formula for peace in the re-  mediate aftermath of hurricanes to as-  BE MANUFACTURED IN U.S.
                                                                                                                          U.S. firm Raytheon Technologies and
                                                                                    sess damage on the ground.
                                              gion.  President  Trump’s  Middle  East
            2      STEP TWO                   plan served as a basis for today’s his-  Power  &  Light’s  drone  system,  said,   Israel’s  Rafael  Advanced  Defense
                                                                                       Michael  Dorr,  a  pilot  for  Florida
                                                                                                                          Systems have formed a joint venture –
                                              toric peace announcement.
                                                                                    “As soon as the storm passes, we can
                                                  “Israel and the UAE are two of the
                                                                                    have this up inspecting our plant and   Raytheon Rafael Area Protection Sys-
                                                                                                                          tems – to build the Iron Dome missile
             Daily                                                                                   defense system in the U.S., the compa-
             Whether you’re on your                                                                                       nies announced August 3. The system
             desktop, laptop or smartphone, the Fed-                                                                      is  capable  of  intercepting  cruise  mis-
             eration website, has everything above and                                                                    siles, unmanned aircraft, rockets, artil-
             below (and more) right at your fingertips.                                                                   lery, mortars and other threats.
             Keep our event calendars in your bookmarks   Learn about                                                        According  to  Rafael,  Iron  Dome
             bar for event information in a click.   our growing Jewish community…                                        is “the world’s most-used system with
            3      STEP THREE                       The first population study                                            more than 2,500 operational intercepts
                                                                                                                          and  a  success  rate  exceeding  90%.”
                                                                                                                          (Jen Judson, Defense News)
             Weekly                                  in 20 years is here!                                                 HUGE KINGDOM OF
             Federation Eblast: Receive timely                                                                            JUDAH COMPLEX FOUND                                                  Do not separate
             Federation news, topics, and more, in                                                                        NEAR U.S. EMBASSY IN
             your email every Friday                                                                                      JERUSALEM                                                         yourself from your
             by subscribing to the                                                                                        One of the largest collections of royal                        RESOURCES • RESILIENCE
             weekly newsletter, the                                                                                       Kingdom  of  Judah  seal  impressions                                    community
             Federation eBlast.                                                                                           has been uncovered at a massive First
           4       STEP FOUR                                                                                              Temple-period  public  tax  collection                              The Jewish Federation
                                                                                                                          and storage complex being excavated
                                                                                                                          near  the  new  U.S.  Embassy  in  Jeru-
                                                                                                                          salem.  Uncovered  3  km.  (1.8  mile)                   RESPONSE RESPONSE  of Sarasota-Manatee is
             Monthly             75 th  Annive  sa   y of Libe  atio                                                      outside the Old City, the compound is                               RESPONDING to our
             The Jewish News:                                     Celebrating        Years  P U B L I S H E D   B Y See more on pages 20–21  believed by Israel Antiquities Author-           new normal.
                                FEDERATION NEWS
                                Celebrating Jewish Life in Sarasota and Manatee Counties, Israel and the World
                                       The Jewish
                                       Federation                                                                         ity archaeologists to have served as an
             The publication that brings the   INSIDE THIS ISSUE:  FAMILY CAMPUS FOR JEWISH LIFE
                                       OF SARASOTA-MANATEE
                                       THE LARRY & MARY GREENSPON
                                 16A  Community Focus
                               January 2020 - Tevet/Shevat 5780                Volume 50, Number 1
                                 26A  Jewish Interest
                                  2020: Join us as we TRANSFORM
                                 32A  Commentary
                                 36A  Focus on Youth  and Howard Tevlowitz, Chief Executive Officer
                                  our Jewish Federation
                                 39A  Life Cycle
             Jewish community right to        1B  Jewish Happenings ILife will begin a tremendous trans-  ‹ ‹  Learning and building community   ‹ Cultural arts, food and programming  administrative center during the reigns
                                  n 2020, The Larry & Mary Green-
                                  By Randon Carvel, President; Kim Mullins, Chief Operating Officer;
                                  spon  Family  Campus  for  Jewish
                                  formation. Our recent Jewish commu-
                                      Offering formal K-8 Jewish educa-
                                     tion and engagement for our area’s
                                       coming environment
                                       communities in an inclusive, wel-
                                  nity  study,  showing  that  our  Jewish
                                  population has doubled in the last 18
                                     youth, with our partner, Hershorin
                                 years,  presents  The  Jewish  Federa-
                                    Schiff Community Day School
                                      Educating  our  community  about
                                 tion of Sarasota-Manatee with huge
                                         Producing innovative, quality pro-
                                       gramming for “babies to bubbies”
                                 cultural  arts  partnerships,  programs
                                    vocacy  against  anti-Semitism,  in
                                 3A  opportunities  for  growth  in  outreach,   diversity,  the  Holocaust  and  ad-  ‹ ‹   Providing  affordable  communal                                  As the global health
                                       meeting space and catering services
                                 for  families  and  so  much  more.  Our
                                    the Robert and Esther Heller Israel
                                 community  members  expressed  their
                               Sarasota’s Blumenthal family:    Jews, more options for engaging with   ‹    Continuing to act as a community     Bringing  the  best  Jewish  thought
                                       leaders  and  entertainment  from
             your door every month with   like-minded individuals, and thought-  with  the  Jewish  and  non-Jewish   continued on page 2A  of  Judean  kings  Hezekiah  and  Me-
                                 desire for greater connections to other
                                       Manatee area
                                    convener,  building  relationships
                                       around the world to the Sarasota-
                               Building for a better tomorrow
                                 provoking, innovative educational pro-
                                 grams.  Our  centrally  located  32-acre
                                 campus on McIntosh Road will serve
                                 as the hub for many of these offerings.
                                 a complete renovation is in order.
                                 However, in order to meet the demand,
                                 Space  will  be  flexible,  allowing
                              Save the date for Federation’s  8A  Federation to respond quickly to com-
                                 munity  needs.  No  membership  is  re-
                              annual Jewish Film Festival  quired. Federation will remain nimble                                                                                              crisis is changing our
             news, events, and more.  Get   11A  Jewish Federation announces                                              nashe (8  century to the middle of the
                                 with  a  pay-for-service  model  focused
                                 on the following areas:
                                 2020 Board of Directors
                                 By Gayle Guynup
                                 he Jewish Federation of Sara-
                                 sota-Manatee’s  Board  of  Di-
                              Robert and Esther Heller
                              Namesake Israel Center donors   Trectors  approved  its  new  slate
                                   on our incredible re-imagined 32-acre
                                 of  officers  for  2020  at  its  December
                                   them throughout our two-  other Jewish organizations valuable in-
                                   campus and by bringing Federation to
                              honored by Federation
                                   county area.”
                                 the new president of the board.
             your FREE subscription today!  The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life  nomic  gains  most  of  our  community   campaign required to fund the project.  Randon Carvel Ritter,  Immediate  Past  President;  Ian   7  century BCE).  world by the minute,
                                 meeting. Randon Carvel will serve as
                                      formation about the needs and wants of
                                    Past President Michael
                                 “My  goals  as  the  new  president
                                   Ritter  noted,  “During  the
                                       our community members.
                                 will  include  continuing  to  raise  valu-
                                   last two years, through the
                                       “Our  new  President,
                                 those members of our community who
                                 able resources in order to provide for
                                       Randon  Carvel,  has  been
                                   hard work of our talented
                                       very  involved  with  Fed-
                                   staff  and  lay  leadership,
                                       eration  for  several  years
                                 still have real needs in spite of the eco-
                                   we’ve  made  great  prog-
                                       and understands our orga-
                                has experienced,” Carvel said. “In light
                                   ress  toward  realizing  our
                                       nization and its challenges.
                              Temple Sinai Religious School
                                       I  am  very  confident  that
                                   vision of redeveloping our
                                of  the  amazing  growth  of  our  local
                                       Randon is up to this chal-
                                   32-acre  campus,  as  well
                              students enjoy Hawaiian Luau
                                Jewish community, now with approxi-
                              and Scavenger Hunt
            5      STEP FIVE            Repairs t Jewelry      Appraisals   Repairs ▼ Jewelry   Appraisals Located in Lakewood Ranch   & Bands ▼ Pearl   Re-string      Re-string      Battery    & Bands t Pearl  2,700 years ago with ancient Hebrew   we are READY to
                                       lenge  and  will  do  a  great
                                mately 35,000 people living in Jewish
                                   as  successfully  launching  our  capital
                                households,  we  hope  to  engage  them
                                      Other officers will include Michael
                                   We also completed our first communi-
                                in  even  more  meaningful  ways  both
                                   ty-wide population study in 18 years,
                              A publication of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
                                                                                                                             Over  120  jar  handles  stamped
                                  NON-PROFIT ORG.
                                      Black,  Vice-President  Campus  Utili-
                                   which will provide the Federation and
                              Klingenstein Jewish Center, 580 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota, FL 34232
                              Annual voluntary subscription: $25
                                   ▼ Fine
                                      zation; Merrill Wynne, Vice-President
                                  U.S. POSTAGE
                                       continued on page 2A
                                   t Fine
                                       ▼ Watch
                                  MANASOTA FL
                                   ▼ Expert
                                   t Expert
                                  PERMIT 167
                                       t Watch
                                       t Buying Gold
                                    Located in Lakewood Ranch
                                                                                                                                                                                              provide RELIEF for
                                                                                                                          script  seal  impressions  were  discov-
                                                                                                                          ered  at  the  site.  Many  were  stamped                      RELIEF & RECOVERY •  RECOVERY and the
                                                                                                                                                                                              necessary RESOURCES
             Yearly                                                                              Sponsored in part by     “LMLK,”  “LaMeLeKh,”  or  “Belong-                                  to get through this.
                                                                                                  a grant from:
             ShalomSRQ:                                                        2019                                       ing to the King.” The ongoing salvage                               Jews are a RESILIENT
             Your resource guide to                                    Jewish Community Study                             excavations  in  Jerusalem’s  Arnona
             everything Jewish in                           Cohen Center Authors:   A socio-demographic portrait of the Jewish   neighborhood  are  being  conducted                          people and our spirit
                                                              Matthew Boxer
             Sarasota-Manatee. Keep it on hand to quickly    Matthew A. Brookner  community in Sarasota-Manatee           ahead  of  the  construction  of  a  new                            remains strong.
                                                              Eliana Chapman
             find Jewish goods, services and organizations.   Janet Krasner Aronson                                       building project. Jerusalem District Ar-
             Request to be on the mailing list!                              Learn about our Sarasota-                    chaeologist Dr. Yuval Baruch said gov-
                                                                                                                          ernment agencies are working together
               Find and Subscribe at                                      Manatee Jewish community:                       to preserve the site within the plan of                             For resources to
                                                                                                                          the  new  project.  (Amanda  Borschel-
                                                  Dan, Times of Israel)                                   JFSM        help you during
                                                  For more information,                                                     Get to know Israel                                          READINESS •  this time, visit
                                                  contact Kim Adler                                                       and her people! Visit                                     
                                                  941.552.6300                                                                                                                                coronavirus
         Read the current and previous editions of The Jewish News online at                                                                          Please support our advertisers. They help make The Jewish News possible.
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