Page 40 - Jewish News_September-2020
P. 40

40                             September 2020                                                                      COMMENTARY

        Monumentally speaking

        By Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz, Community Chaplain
                s many rabbis can attest, while   whose land purchase in 1929 enabled   Though we may not agree regard-   markable  heritage  and  legacy.  There-
                Jews  may  possess  significant   Jewish  laborers  to  cultivate  citrus  or-  ing beliefs about God and elements of   fore,  it  is  not  so  much  a  question  of
        Apride  in  their  identity,  they    chards  that  later  became  the  town  of   ritual observance, we nonetheless share   whether we have to agree, but recog-
        also can show no hesitation in declar-  Tel Mond, Israel (one of Sarasota’s Sis-  a strong sense of collective Yiddishkeit   nize, that by virtue of our unique histo-
        ing that its character is decidedly more   ter Cities), stands at the entrance to the   and the perspectives that flow from it.   ry, nature and circumstance, the extent
                           secular  than  reli-  community. But this statue is distinc-  No matter which Jewish identity camp   to which we are still bound up with one
                           gious.             tive  beyond  Mond’s  outsized  depic-  we  claim  to  belong  to,  a  passion  for   another.
                              This  divide    tion. Why? Because, of Israel’s 2,900   justice, learning, and the cultivation of   Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz serves as a
                           is  found  both  in   official  monuments,  few  memorialize   the  unique  potential  implanted  in  ev-  Community Chaplain and Director of
                           the  diaspora  and   notables or, for that matter, people in   ery human being, are characteristic of   JFCS’s Jewish Healing Program. His
                           Israel.            general.                              both.                                 position is underwritten by The Jewish
                              Nevertheless,       “Israelis  tend  to  be  uncomfort-  Additionally,  all  Jews  share  a  re-  Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.
                           such  a  line  of   able with statues of their leaders,” ex-
                           distinction  may   plains Maoz Azaryahu, a researcher at   An open letter to
        Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz  not  be  drawn  as   the  University  of  Haifa,  who  studies
        strictly as assumed. For instance, even   monuments. “They see them as golden
        the most chiloni (secular) Jew will still   calves.” According to him, the bust of   our Jewish community
        celebrate,  in  some  fashion,  Rosh  Ha-  David Ben-Gurion at the airport which
        shanah,  Purim,  Passover  and  Hanuk-  bears  his  name,  and  that  of  Yitzhak   By Dr. Bart Levenson and Toby Halpern
        kah,  and  hew  to  religious  mandates   Rabin near the site of his assassination,   n  the  age  of  social  distancing,  a   hotels and, most importantly, people.
        such as holding a bris on the eighth day   as well as Mond’s abstract representa-  trip  to  the  local  supermarket  or   And  for  those  seasoned  travelers
        and burying the dead as soon as pos-  tion and a replica of Raoul Wallenberg  Ipark  feels  like  a  postcard-worthy   to Israel who know more about where
        sible.                                in  Tel  Aviv  are  exceptions  to  a  rule   trip.  Yet,  despite  the  current  limita-  to find the best falafel in Jerusalem’s
            As  another  example,  look  at  the   grounded in the Torah’s prohibition of   tions on movement, there will come a   Machane Yehuda than the average Je-
        photo  below.  This  sculpture  of  Sir     idolatry.                       time when we will vacation beyond our   rusalemite, I ask of you, on behalf of
        Alfred  Mond,  the  British  aristocrat   David Stav, a prominent Orthodox   shores once more. As we think about   the communities that Jewish National
                                              rabbi, told the Baltimore Jewish Times   our next travel destination, I call on our   Fund-USA (JNF-USA) supports in Is-
                                              that  Israelis  are  “very,  very  smart”   community to first come home and join   rael’s north and south, to spend more
                                              about  their  leaders.  “Jewish  tradition   me  in  committing  to  visit  our  home-  time outside of Israel’s big cities and
                                              does not encourage admiring individu-  land, Israel, at     immerse yourself in the beauty and se-
                                              als, but rather admiring ideals,” he said   It’s impossible to measure the long-  renity of the Negev and Galilee. Why
                                              in  emphasizing  the Torah’s  conspicu-  term  effects  that  the  100%  downturn   not visit the historic city of Akko and
                                              ous  silence  regarding  the  location  of   in  international  tourism  and  80,000   the JNF Western Galilee Visitors Cen-
                                              Moses’ grave. “Directly and indirectly,   tourism-related job losses has had on   ter and let our friend and the Center’s
                                              this affects Israeli society, and it makes   Israel’s economy, however, you can be   CEO,  Michal  Shiloah  Gal-Nor,  show
                                              us scared of raising people up and mak-  certain  that  Israel’s  recovery  will  de-  you how the Galilee is becoming the
                                              ing statues of them.”                 pend on all of us to show our support   “foodie  capital”  of  the  world?  In  the
                                                  That  the  likenesses  of  leaders   just as we have done in previous cri-  Negev,  why  not  consider  taking  your
                                              should not be expressed in chiseled im-  ses to help our homeland bounce back   family  and  walking  in  the  footsteps
                                              agery appears to be ingrained in Jewish   stronger than ever.               of  King  Solomon  while  surrounding
                                              character regardless of which side one   For many of us, Israel always has   yourself in the colorful sands of Timna
                                              finds himself or herself on the secular-  been,  and  always  will  be  on  the  top   Park?
                                              religious mehitza. In other words, cer-  of  our  list  of  travel  destinations. Yet,   It doesn’t matter if you travel to Is-
                                              tain values can be so embedded in the   59%  of  American  Jewry  have  never   rael with JNF-USA, your temple, syna-
                                              overall Jewish mindset that they tran-  been to Israel. It’s hard to believe that   gogue or community group, as long as
                                              scend this perceived dichotomy.       almost  two-thirds  of  our  community   you join us in committing to travel to
                                                                                    have never experienced the magic and   Israel when it’s time to fly again.
                                                                                    spirituality of Jerusalem’s Old City, the   P.S.  While  we’re  grounded,  why
                                                                                    feeling  of  rejuvenation  from  floating   not  join  the  thousands  of  “travelers”
                                                                                    in  the  Dead  Sea  or  the  cosmopolitan   who are visiting Israel every week on a
                                                                                    buzz of Tel Aviv. Now, more than ever,   JNF-USA virtual tour? For more infor-
                                                                                    we must find the positive in these un-  mation, visit
                                                                                    precedented  times  and  encourage  our
                                                                                                                          Dr. Bart Levenson and Toby Halpern
             Hunger                                                                 ples to join us in committing to support   Jewish National Fund-USA in Sara-
                                                                                    friends, families, synagogues and tem-
                                                                                                                          are President  and Vice  President  of
                                                                                    Israel’s tour guides, small businesses,
                                                                                     Stay connected at

              Crisis in Sarasota
              and Israel                                                                     What do you think?

                                                                                                  The Jewish News
              Innovations in the Face of Unprecedented Need

                                Thursday                                                            wants to know!

                                September 3 • 4:00pm                                  Send an email to
                                                                                                                Letters Policy
                                Via Zoom                  FREE EVENT                  Letters to the editor should not exceed 300 words, must be typed, and include the

                                FEATURING:                                            writer’s name, mailing address and phone number. Letters can be submitted via USPS
                                                                                      or email ( Not all letters will be published. Letters may be
                                Sandra Frank, CEO of All Faiths Food Bank             edited for length and content.
                                Lauren Yoked, Executive Director of American
                                Friends of Leket Israel

                                MODERATED BY:                                        THINKING  OF          SELLING OR TRADING
                                Rabbi Brenner Glickman                                                              THAT CAR, BOAT, OR RV?
                                JOIN US for an urgent webinar on                                                  • Our online form makes it easy.

                                the crisis of hunger. As unemployment has                                         • Support a worthwhile cause.
                                skyrocketed, hundreds of thousands of people in
                                Sarasota and in Israel have become food insecure,                                 • Receive tax benefits.
                                many for the first time in their lives. Two organizations
                                are meeting this challenge with overwhelming effort
                                and innovation. We are honored to hear first-hand
                                from the leaders of All Faiths Food Bank and Leket:
                                Israel’s National Food Bank.


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                 Looking for something to do in your spare time? Visit                                                                        Published by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee •
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