Page 45 - Jewish News_September-2020
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FOCUS ON YOUTH September 2020 45
Community Day School adds rabbi to professional team
ershorin Schiff Community Prior to coming to Sarasota, Rab- Rabbi Moskowitz is kowitz hopes to get
Day School is pleased to an- bi Moskowitz served as the rabbi for particularly impressed by the wider community
Hnounce that it has hired Rabbi Congregation B’nai Torah in Westmin- the school’s mosaic of more interested and
Anat Moskowitz, who has extensive ster, Colorado, for a decade, and teach- Judaism, with every kind engaged in – and sup-
experience as a rabbi and educator. She er and rabbi at Denver Jewish Day of Jew at every level of portive of – the school
will serve in a part-time capacity, per- School. Prior positions have included affiliation as well as non- as well as to re-engage
forming duties such as outreach to the two other rabbi positions; Jewish day Jews who are seeking school alumni.
community, leading K-8 Shabbat ser- school middle school principal; adjunct a Jewish-based educa- With community
vices, and assisting with the planning professor in the religion department at tion. She also feels the support, school lead-
of special services and events, advising Colorado College as well as the first school’s Project-Based ers hope to be able
on curriculum, and guiding students, rabbi to serve as the college chaplain; Learning philosophy is to make this position
families and teachers on Judaic issues several other chaplain positions; and “brilliant,” noting that full-time in the future,
and beyond. elementary school teacher. she was impressed during which will be espe-
a tour by how busy, hap- cially important as the
Infusing joy into py and socially engaged (photo by Jennifer Bernthal) school moves to its
Rabbi Anat Moskowitz
new campus in 2021
the students were. “There
our empty spaces is a lot of joy in this school,” she says. and explores year-round Jewish pro-
gramming opportunities.
In the coming year, Rabbi Mos-
By Sabrina Silverberg, MARE, Temple Emanu-El Dir. of Education
midst social distancing this ing our children and young families.
spring, our learning commu- On June 14, Temple Emanu-El
Anity received another blow. launched Keif Bakayitz, Summer Fun,
Many Jewish sleepaway camps were a six-week Sunday Funday virtual
cancelled due to COVID-19. program for grades K-7. Keif Bakay-
The closing of camps had a devas- itz included games, cooking, dancing,
tating impact. Jewish camp profession- singing, show-and-tell, stories, art
als are amongst the hardest working and more. Temple Emanu-El rabbis,
and most dedicated leaders. They wit- Education Director, teachers and teens
nessed all their work go down the drain. entertained, amused and shared the
Parents were left with limited options. joy. Our summer also included fam-
But the hardest disappointment was on ily engagement opportunities such as Serving Preschool - Grade 8
interactive Shabbat and
Havdalah services and Socially distanced classes with low student:teacher ratios
opportunities for parent Instruction tailored to each student's individual needs
learning and socializing. Intensive outdoor learning and play in every grade
It was nice to stay Multiple foreign languages, including Hebrew
connected and infuse joy Daily fine arts
into the void caused by Competitive athletics
camp closing. Our efforts Medical professional on-site each day
were met with gratitude Convenient hours for working parents
and appreciation. As one
parent put it, “We love it! Accredited by FCIS, FKC, and Prizmah
Temple Emanu-El kids enjoyed Keif Bakayitz with Director of Thank you, teachers and Adaptive Learning Program (online) available for grades K-8
Education Sabrina Silverberg, MARE, staff and teen volunteers volunteers, for all that 941-552-2770 |
the kids. The children and teens who you do so that our families can stay 1050 S. Tuttle Avenue | Sarasota, FL 34237
waited all year for summer, to be with connected as a community.”
their friends, to feel carefree and enjoy We pray that we are all together
unique camp experiences – for them, again soon. Until then we will do all
this news was the most devastating. that we can to help maintain a sense of
We knew that we could not replace normalcy for our families, show them
seeing camp friends, or things like rope that they are cared for, and provide
burn, Maccabiah or communal Shabbat them with meaningful and engaging
walks, but we decided to continue serv- Jewish learning.
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*We limit ads to a maximum of 4 per Eblast, and only one
business per profession.
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The Jewish News is a monthly nonprofit newspaper supported by generous readers,
committed advertisers and The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.