Page 36 - Jewish News_September-2020
P. 36
36 September 2020 JEWISH INTEREST
10 moments...continued from previous page
by the supportive words of Greenberg, Monsey in the span of a few weeks. a duty for all of us,” said Kanter, “I’m Halle Pro Sports Clubs unite against
who was praised in the African-Amer- Boston Celtics center Enes Kanter here to support my brothers and sisters anti-Semitism, racism and violence
ican press. Greenberg and Robinson posted a Twitter message that expressed […] I am humbled and honored to be On October 9, 2019, a heavily armed
remained friends over the years and, support for the Jewish community. part of this important event, […] It’s gunman with a live-streaming head
in the end of his career as Cleveland’s The 27-year-old Turkish NBA player, everybody’s fight. I’m a Muslim per- camera tried to storm a synagogue in
general manager, Greenberg would le- who is Muslim, tweeted, “America son coming here to give my support.” Halle, Germany, as congregants ob-
verage his stature, refusing to let his has no place for hate. Our Jewish sis- Soccer team FC Bayern Munich’s served the holy day of Yom Kippur.
team stay at any hotel that denied ad- ters and brothers should not be living commitment to rebuilding German- Foiled by a locked door, he killed two
mittance to all his players, remember- in fear. #Anti-Semitism will NOT be Jewish relations people outside and wounded two oth-
ing when he, as a ballplayer, had been tolerated.” Enes Kanter has spoken at When Hitler came to power, FC Bay- ers. The Halle assailant recorded him-
turned away from hotels because he many events about genocide education ern Munich, which was the biggest self in a 35-minute video of shooting,
was Jewish. and fighting anti-Semitism. In Janu- sports club in Germany and one of the mayhem and hateful language. The far-
Boston Celtics Enes Kanter ary 2020, he surprised participants by biggest football clubs in the world at right extremist denied the Holocaust,
standing up against anti-Semitism showing up at AJC New England’s Ho- the time, was denounced because the denounced feminists and immigrants,
At the end of December 2019, five locaust Remembrance Day event, host- club president and head coach were and then declared, “The root of all
people were wounded in an anti-Semit- ed by the Consulate General of Israel both Jewish. Kurt Landauer, President these problems is the Jew.”
ic stabbing attack at a Hanukkah cel- to New England, Boston University’s of FC Bayern Munich, and the head After the synagogue shooting, the
ebration in a rabbi’s home in Monsey, Elie Wiesel Center for Jewish Studies, coach were forced to resign. Landauer four largest sports clubs in the city
New York. The rabbi, who was gravely and Boston University’s program in was imprisoned in the Dachau concen- came together for a campaign of soli-
injured in the machete assault, passed Genocide and Human Rights Studies, tration camp in 1938. Because he was a darity and determination. The Saale
away a few months later. This incident sharing brief personal remarks about decorated German soldier from World Bulls (ice hockey), the Gisa Lions SV K’zohar Ha-Ivrit
took place after several anti-Semitic the need to remember the Holocaust. War I, he was released from the camp (women’s basketball), the Wildcats
attacks on the Jewish population in “Standing up against anti-Semitism is and escaped to Switzerland. (women’s handball) and third-division Te-vah – Nature
In 2018, in a joint effort to ad- soccer team Hallescher FC called for
DIANE LAWSON, CCIM vance German-Jewish relations, AJC “a common action against violence,
and FC Bayern hosted a screening in
racism and anti-Semitism.” They held
COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES New York of A Life for Football, a a rally against anti-Semitism and rac-
film about Kurt Landauer, along with
ism, gathering behind a banner that
Part of only 6% of brokers who a panel discussion featuring the Con- read, “Together against violence, rac-
have earned their CCIM sul General of Germany and Anthony ism and anti-Semitism,” and put to-
gether a fund for the victims’ families.
E. Meyer, Co-Chair of the AJC Berlin
designation Ramer Institute, to discuss the role of Holocaust survivor Alfred Nakache
both FC Bayern and AJC in rebuilding competes in 1948 Olympics
30+ years of experience in the German-Jewish community in the Born in Constantine, Algeria, in 1915,
commercial real estate in the aftermath of World War II and combat- Alfred Nakache, nicknamed Artem,
Sarasota/Bradenton area ing anti-Semitism. competed for France in the 1936
More recently, FC Bayern soccer Olympic Games and, in front of Hitler
Specializing in sales, leasing and player Leon Goretzka has been out- at a Berlin Games soaked in swastikas,
tenant representation of retail, spoken about the difficulty of oppos- Nakache finished fourth as part of the
office, and industrial ing right-wing politics in Germany 4x200m relay team, missing a Bronze
Senior Investment Advisor and explained that as a professional medal by just six seconds. The team
M: 941.780.6136 footballer, he has the ability to express may not have made the podium, but
E: his beliefs in a way that perhaps other they defeated the German team (who
1626 Ringling Blvd., Suite 500 occupations cannot. In February 2020, finished fifth) in their home country.
Sarasota, FL 34236 FOR ANY OF Goretzka visited the Dachau concen- Between 1936 and 1944, Nakache won
YOUR PROPERTY tration camp and published four pho- the French 100 freestyle six times, the
NEEDS! tos from the memorial on his day off 200 free four times, the 200 breast-
from training and wrote: “#NieWieder stroke four times, and an assortment of
#NeverForget #Dachau.” continued on next page
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Published by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee • The Jewish News is a monthly nonprofit newspaper supported by generous readers,
committed advertisers and The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.