Page 26 - Jewish News_September-2020
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26 September 2020 JEWISH HAPPENINGS
Torah Study with Rabbi Samantha Kahn Anti-Semitism and Bigotry: How Prejudice
Join Temple Sinai’s Rabbi Kahn on Wednesdays at 2:00 p.m. on Zoom is Expressed by Children K-12
( as she brings to life many aspects of the
Torah. For more information, call the temple office at 941.924.1802 or
Learn How to Blow Your Own Shofar
Invites you to Join us at 7:30 p.m. on Zoom as Rabbi Sholom Schmerling teaches you
Meaningful High Holiday Services how to blow your own shofar in simple steps. You will learn the fundamen-
tals, including the three traditional ritual blasts for High Holidays: tekiyah,
At The Chabad Property shevarim and truah. Need help purchasing a shofar? Call 941.493.2770 or
5712 Lorraine Road email The cost for the class is $18. To regis-
ter, visit
SEPTEMBER 19-20 THURSD A Y , SEPTEMBER 3 Conversational Hebrew Classes, Level 2
Just Reel Education: Operation Wedding
YOM KIPPUR Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
SEPTEMBER 27-28 The Operation Wedding film link will be available from August 28 to Sep-
tember 3. On September 3 at 3:00 p.m., join a Zoom discussion on the
film with director Anat Zalmanson-Kuznetsov. Operation Wedding (2016;
Warm, Inspirational Services, Covid-19 Compliant, 63 minutes) is a documentary film about the Dymshits-Kuznetsov hijack-
ing affair, an escape attempt from the Soviet Union by a group of young
Special Family Programs, DIY Holiday Options Soviets, mostly Jewish, who were denied exit visas. The documentary is
told from a personal point of view of the filmmaker, a daughter of group
members. To register, please visit For more informa-
No membership fees or cost to attend. tion, contact Jeremy Lisitza at or 941.343.2113.
Donations Appreciated.
For more info and to reserve: 941-752-3030 “Hunger Crisis in Sarasota and Israel” Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
Join us at 4:00 p.m. for “Hunger Crisis in Sarasota and Israel.” The program is presented by Federation in partnership with All Faiths Food
Bank and Leket Israel, and facilitated by Rabbi Brenner Glickman of
Temple Emanu-El via Zoom. To register, please visit
For more information, please contact Program Director Trudi Krames at
*All services will be held in an or 941.706.0037.
open tent outside the Chabad
House in a socially distanced Jewish Music with Chazzan Cliff Abramson
manner. Masks are required. Join Temple Sinai’s Chazzan Cliff Abramson on Thursdays at 10:00 a.m.
Services will be held in shifts with on Zoom ( for a class on Jew-
a limited number of participants ish Music Education focusing on what we sing and why we sing it. For
per service. Advance reservations more information, call the temple office at 941.924.1802 or email office@
are required.
COVID-19 Update
with Dr. Benjamin Sachs and Dr. Andrew Krinsky
A lot has occurred since Doctors Sachs and Krinsky last reported to us
A COMMEMORATION on the situation with COVID-19. Please join our two resident specialists
to hear about the latest regarding this pandemic that has had such a great
impact on our lives. What is the latest in the Sarasota-Manatee area and
Join our community as we commemorate how are the local physicians and hospitals dealing with the pandemic? What
the Night of Broken Glass. new therapies and medications are being employed and how successful
have they been? What can we expect to see happen in the near future and
beyond? What is the latest on possible vaccines and developing treatments
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2020 that may be able to minimize the impact of the virus? These and other
7:00 pm • Via Zoom questions will be answered for you at this session, which begins at 7:30
p.m. on Zoom ( No cost, but donations are
$10 per household always appreciated. For more and information and the Zoom password,
Zoom registration required please call the Temple Beth Sholom office at 941.955.8121 or email info@
playing a Violin of Hope SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 6
On the evening of November 9,1938, Nazi leaders unleashed a
series of pogroms against the Jewish community in Germany Chabad of Venice Virtual Open House and Q&A
known today as Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass. Come meet the Chabad of Venice community virtually! Old and new
friends are invited to join the Zoom session at 11:00 a.m. Looking to join
We remember. We commemorate. a vibrant Jewish community? Have questions about Chabad? The Open
We stand up against anti-Semitism House gives you the opportunity to learn about programs and upcoming
and bigotry together. holiday events as well as to meet and interact with other members of the
community. RSVP at For more in-
formation, contact Rabbi Sholom Schmerling at 941.493.2770 or rabbi@
“Speak Out Stand Up Against Anti-Semitism”
In recent months, multiple synagogues in Sarasota have been the targets
Bette Zaret, Chair of anti-Semitic vandalism, spray-painted with swastikas and other mes-
sages of hate against Jews. Find out how Jews can advocate and protest
RSVP at for themselves. This class, presented by the Al Katz Center, begins at noon
via Zoom. Cost: $10 per day or $50 per month for all classes. To RSVP
QUESTIONS? For more information about the Heller CRC and receive the Zoom link, please call Beverly Newman at 941.313.9239.
or Holocaust programming, contact Jessi Sheslow, Director of
Community Relations, 941.343.2109 or ConneCt
with your Jewish Community
941.371.4546 •
Due to COVID-19, please check with each organization for event updates.