Page 23 - Jewish News_September-2020
P. 23

JEWISH INTEREST                                                                September 2020                                             23

        Aging Jewishly – What our traditions teach us about growing old

        Cognitive decline in the time of Corona

        By Rabbi Barbara Aiello
              ffie found a private spot for her-  and dementia and how to relate to those   an emotional level is the best course of   blocked weekly calendar with stars and
              self. It was in a corner near the   whose  cognitive  deficiencies  present   action. A warm smile along with body   stickers on her grandson’s visiting days
        Etelevision where she sensed she      unique challenges.                    language that conveys confidence and   – all in an effort to build Effie a new
        wouldn’t be seen. That way she could      In  a  recent  article,  “Effects  of   security  is  often  more  effective  than   routine.
        pick  at  the  scabs  on  her  arms,  rock   Coronavirus  on  Alzheimer’s  Patients   lengthy explanations. It’s not what we   After all, it is in Proverbs (16:31)
        back and forth and hum a song that she   & Caregivers (June 2020),” Dr. Bruns   say, but how we say it, that will reduce   that  we  read  that,  “A  gray  head  is  a
        thought she once remembered. When a   states that isolation during the pandem-  anxiety  in  these  tumultuous  times.     crown  of  glory.”  Sadly,  cognitive  de-
        staff member found her, it was obvious   ic is a heavy burden to be faced with,   Dr. Bruns cautions, “While the person   cline may have disheveled the “crown,”
        that Effie had been crying.           and  many  of  our  patients  in  memory   suffering from dementia might not al-  but for each of our precious elders, es-
            “Miss  Effie,  what’s  the  trouble?”   care  facilities  have  endured  an  ex-  ways have the context of what’s going   pecially those confused and frustrated
                           Effie  looked  up   tended time alone without fully under-  on, they are going to react to the stress   by  Coronavirus  restrictions  and  re-
                           at  her  longtime   standing why.                        levels of the caregiver.”             quirements,  we  are  reminded  that  for
                           caregiver  but  it     Caring  for  a  family  member,  in   Dr. Bruns encourages family mem-  even  those  most  debilitated,  reaching
                           was  a  face  she   particular a parent or a spouse whose   bers of those with Alzheimer’s and de-  out with respect, concern and patience
                           didn’t  quite  rec-  level  of  confusion  due  to  degenera-  mentia to take advantage of the myriad   is the righteous thing to do.
                           ognize. Effie said,   tive  cognitive  conditions  is  already  a   of services now offered online and em-  For 10 years Rabbi Barbara  Aiello
                           “Why did you put   daily challenge, and then adding social   phasizes  that  virtual  support  groups   served the  Aviva Campus for Senior
                           me in the corner?   restrictions to the mix can create new   make it easier than ever to access help   Life as resident rabbi. Her most popu-
                           Was I a bad girl?   problems for everyone involved. That’s   and share concerns.               lar columns are now published in her
                           Is  that  why  no-  why Dr. Bruns offers coping strategies   For  Effie,  her  grandson’s  virtual   new book,  Aging  Jewishly, available
         Rabbi Barbara Aiello  body comes any-  for caregivers and family members as   visits, three days a week on the same   on Amazon. Rabbi Barbara now lives
        more? I promise I’ll be good.”        together they navigate these uncharted   days  and  at  the  same  time,  created  a   and works in Italy where she is rabbi
            As her caregiver gently urged Ef-  waters.                              new routine for her to look forward to.   of  Italy’s  first  Reconstructionist  syna-
        fie from her self-imposed exile, it be-   Dr. Bruns reminds us that disrup-  Caregivers in Effie’s residential facility   gogue. Contact her at Rabbi@Rabbi
        came  clear  what  had  happened.  As   tion  in  routines  accelerates  the  level   supported the effort by creating a large
        often occurs with persons with cogni-  of stress that many dementia patients
        tive  impairments  such  as  dementia,     experience. She writes, “Due to mem-
        Effie reverted to behavior brought on   ory loss, forgetting why they can’t go
        by childhood memories.                places causes more pent-up stress and
            The  isolation  imposed  by  COV-  can  lead  to  pacing,  picking  at  skin…
        ID-19 seemed to have been the trigger.   sadness and loneliness if unable to be
        Possibly  decades  ago  Effie  may  have   with family.” She reports that patients   SUPPORT
        been  naughty  and  had  been  made  to   who are usually calm can fly into angry   Friendship at Home
        stand in a corner. Now that the Coro-  tirades when routines are broken, and       Financial Stability
        navirus required isolation from family   express  great  frustration  about  mask   In-home Support
        and friends, Effie’s dementia made her   wearing and social distancing without     Home Delivered Meals
        think that she was being punished once   understanding why.                        Educational Programs
        again.                                    How  to  cope?  Dr.  Bruns  offers
            The pandemic challenges all of us   suggestions which include establishing     CAREGIVING
        – parents, children, employers, teach-  a new routine. She writes, “If patients    Caregiver Resource Centers
        ers  –  but  no  one  group  seems  more   are  used  to  going  out  to  lunch,  have   Adult Day Care Programs
                                                                                           Support Groups
        vulnerable psychologically than our el-  a picnic lunch out in the yard. If they   Educational Programs
        derly, especially those with debilitating   are accustomed to going out shopping,
        cognitive issues.                     take them for a walk around the block.       HEALTH & WELLNESS
            Thanks  to  the  work  of  Dr.  Marla   If they are in a facility and anticipate   Medical & Dental Clinics
        Bruns, cognitive neurologist and co-di-  your visit, arrange for visits outside a   Senior Centers
        rector of the Rochester (NY) Regional   window or through video chats.”            Friendship Cafés
 Jump In!  bers  and  caregivers  can  learn  more   cognitive decline is often accompanied   FRIENDSHIP
                                                                                           Senior Fitness
        Health  Memory  Center,  family  mem-
                                                  Experts also point out that because
                                                                                           Balance Movement
                                                                                           Lifelong Learning
                                              by  diminished  understanding  of  spo-
        about  the  effect  of  the  Coronavirus
        pandemic  on  those  with  Alzheimer’s
                                              ken words and phrases, responding on
                                                                                          THROUGHOUT THE JOURNEY OF AGING

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