Page 12 - Jewish News_December-2020
P. 12
12A December 2020 FEDERATION NEWS
Federation distributes close to $60,000
in Stronger Together grants
By Kim Adler, Chief Operating Officer
ikkun Olam, or repairing the “Our grant provided food for sev- grateful to the Federation for helping ployees’ use of masks in the workplace,
world, is a major tenet of Juda- eral of our congregants. People can underwrite our High Holiday broad- which wouldn’t be possible without the
Tism. That value has been deep- survive without a lot of things, but food cast. It made all the difference for our generous donations of PPE and support
ly evident throughout our community is essential to life. The appreciation members who are missing so much in of groups like the Federation.”
during this COVID-19 pandemic. and wavering thank-you voices of the their lives right now. We gave them real Ron Eiseman, President of Temple
Beginning in March, The Jew- recipients brought tears to my eyes,” holidays. For thousands of years Jews Beth El Bradenton said, “Our grant was
ish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee said Karen DeValle, Board of Trustees have been observ-
started the STRONG TOGETHER: of Temple Israel of Highlands County. ing the High Holi-
Coronavirus Relief Fund. Thanks to “With the grant from Federation, days, even in much
the generosity of our Jewish communi- we joined with the Humanistic Jews of more challenging
ty, more than $330,000 has been raised Tampa Bay to have our first shared ser- circumstances. We
for this effort, including a $100,000 vices with readers from both congre- did not waiver. We
grant from our Federation board re- gations. Our Rosh Hashanah YouTube fulfilled our duty.
stricted fund. Under the leadership of service attracted 180 attendees, more Thank you, Feder-
Grant Committee Chair Stacey Gill- than both our combined membership! ation, for helping
man, these dollars have been distrib- We were so proud, and so very grate- fulfill this commit-
uted to support the needs of 15 local ful, for the chance to present mean- ment.”
Jewish organizations in three phases – ingful services so badly needed in this Teresa Martin,
spring, summer and fall. time of high stress,” said Margo Moore VP of Healthcare Temple Beth El’s Rabbi Michael Sternfield and Cantor Deborah Bard
To date, more than $285,000 has MD, President, Congregation for Hu- Services at Aviva presenting virtual Shabbat services
been granted, including $58,560 in manistic Judaism. said, “Through testing we have recent- used to purchase high-quality videog-
Phase 3 grants that were approved Senior Rabbi Brenner Glickman of ly identified positive employees who raphy equipment. Our rabbi and can-
by the Federation board in late Octo- Temple Emanu-El shared, “We are so had potential exposure to residents in tor were using a smartphone to create
ber. Grants addressed a range of pro- memory care and a YouTube Shabbat video every week
grams including hot meal deliveries our second floor of from their condo, which was very time
on Shabbat to families in need, per- Anchin. These resi- consuming and required many hours
sonal protective equipment (PPE), and dents had to quaran- of filming and editing before sending
much-needed technology upgrades at tine for 14 days due it out to our membership and guests.
synagogues and Aviva to assist with to potential exposure The new equipment has allowed us to
providing virtual services and pro- to a COVID-positive have professional quality videography
grams for many in our community, employee and none filmed at our temple and made a huge
especially those who are isolated and of them contract- difference for our High Holy Days ser-
alone due to the pandemic. ed the virus. This is vices, enjoyed by all!”
Here are a few comments from definitely a tribute For more information about
our Jewish community partners that to Aviva’s infection STRONGER TOGETHER grants,
address the impact these dollars have The Buchsbaum family enjoying Temple Emanu-El’s control and preven- please contact me at kadler@jfedsrq.
made on our community: virtual High Holiday services tion plan and em- org or 941.552.6300. he moving company has come
and gone, the boxes are almost
Tall unpacked, and here you are
in a new neighborhood, in a new town,
possibly even in a new state.
So, what do you do now?
One of the best things you can do
is start making friends and learning
about your new home. And one of the
best ways to do that is by taking part in
one of two virtual Newcomer Events,
hosted by The Jewish Federation of
Newcomers flock to our area every
year. Indeed, between July 2017 and
July 2018, more than 16,000 new res-
Unlike a idents decided to call Sarasota County
YouTube or Manatee County home.
video, this is a And while surviving the move is
professional one thing, meeting your neighbors is
LIVE SHOW, quite another.
with tons of The Jewish Federation is ready to
participation! help out with two Newcomer Events,
one for Bradenton and Lakewood
Ranch, hosted by Toby Simon and
Experience magic and mind-reading on FREE Susi Steenbarger; and one for Saraso-
screen from your own home! Jason has ta, hosted by Ronna Ruben and Lenore
been performing for over two decades EVENT These virtual events, held via
and has quickly become one of the go-to Zoom, provide newcomers with an op-
entertainers in the country. portunity to not only meet Federation
lay leaders and staff, but most impor-
IN PARTNERSHIP WITH tantly, to meet their own new neigh-
To register, go to bors. As part of these popular events,
QUESTIONS? Contact Jeremy Lisitza
we are or 941.343.2113 FED
Educating Jewish Minds Engaging Jewish Lives Enriching Jewish Hearts