Page 14 - Jewish News_December-2020
P. 14
14A December 2020 FEDERATION NEWS
Continuing to learn about BDS and anti-Israel trends
By Jessi Sheslow, Director of Community Relations
e were fortunate to be a part South Palm Beach, Broward, Miami a few words. Spoiler: It’s not easy! In Part 3: A Crash Course in Talking
of a three-part anti-BDS and Sarasota-Manatee to create a train- order to get the most out of these tools, to Younger Generations about Israel
Wtraining series, brought to ing session tailored to our needs. we split up into two breakout rooms: and Antisemitism
the community by Israel Action Net- Part 1: BDS & Anti-Zionism 201 Dialogue vs. Debate and Storytelling. As Jewish professionals, parents,
work (IAN), Florida JCRCs and the – a Deep Dive into the Latest Trends In Dialogue vs. Debate, we spoke grandparents and/or family members,
Heller CRC. We explored the latest BDS, Israel and about how we are often taught “how how can we best understand and re-
IAN was created by The Jewish antisemitism-related news, trends and to win” a conversation, but we rarely spond to the issues facing our younger
Federations of North America, in part- campaigns; discussed how they inter- learn about “how to have” a conversa- generations around antisemitism and
nership with the Jewish Council for act with today’s top-of-mind issues; tion. When it comes to Israel, a dialog- Israel on college campuses and in our
Public Affairs to address BDS – the and learned how we can better educate ical approach to Israel often serves our communities? We heard from three
Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions move- others and ourselves about the facts and advocacy purposes better and can help current college students on campuses
ment, and other forms of anti-Israel nuances. Some of those trends includ- mend some of the schisms in our com- in south Florida about their experi-
delegitimization and antisemitism. It ed the masterful use of social media to munity. ences. We heard ways to help navigate
mobilizes, advocates and educates to push an anti-Israel agenda to younger In the Storytelling session, partic- conversations about Israel with young-
build support for Israel and fight dele- generations. ipants received an overview of recent er generations and learned that it won’t
gitimization. Part 2: We Need to Talk: data, trends and viewpoints associat- be easy. Many of us will need to sus-
Although this year was rife with How to Have Effective, Meaningful ed with progressive movements. They pend our beliefs built over many years
challenges, it brought a new oppor- and Productive Israel Conversations watched a brief presentation on mes- to listen, listen and listen to what young
tunity to hold this training virtually, When it comes to talking about Isra- saging tactics and language that works. people are saying.
allowing more communities to join el, how do we say a lot with a little? The group then participated in an exer- To learn more about the Heller
without traveling to other cities. Over We participated in exercises that chal- cise about how to create a compelling CRC, please visit
the course of three dates, IAN worked lenged us to condense a lifetime of feel- Israel story that engages both the heart or contact me at
with the JCRCs in Palm Beach County, ings, thoughts and experiences into just and the head. or 941.343.2109.
CRConnect: Question of the month
By David Millstone
ach month, CRConnect brings to just take over someone else’s land, sader rule. Large Jewish populations Palestine during the British Mandate
you a question you may have, should they? were established in Jerusalem and Ti- had the Star of David on it.
Eor one you may get, about Israel The statement and question above berias by the 9 century BCE and in Jews didn’t just take over the land.
or antisemitism. Our goal is to provide are historically inaccurate. “Palestin- other cities throughout Israel/Palestine They purchased it, they developed it
you with material to help you answer ians” were NOT there first. Jews have by the 11 century. While Crusaders and they grew the country. Purchas-
them. This month’s question is: continuously been on the land for more massacred Jews in the 12 century, the es were made between the 1880s and
The Palestinians were in Israel than 3,000 years, from the time of
first, then it was flooded with Euro- Abraham. In spite of attempted exiles Robert and Esther Heller
pean Jews from the Holocaust. I have and expulsions, Jews have continuous-
sympathy for someone fleeing the ly lived in the Land of Israel, including
Holocaust, but they shouldn’t be able through Byzantine, Muslim and Cru- CRC
I T ’S S O Jewish population rebounded over the 1930s through the Jewish National
Fund, the Palestine Land Development
next two centuries, and at the time of
EASY ! the Ottoman conquest in 1517, Jews Company and the Palestine Jewish
Colonization Association.
lived in Jerusalem, Nablus, Hebron,
Safed and Galilean villages.
The Balfour Declaration, made
in 1917, stated British support for the
There was an influx of European
Jews starting in the 1770s. It did not
start with the Holocaust. As Jews de- establishment of a Jewish State in
Palestine. Post-World War I, the Al-
veloped the land, more Arabs moved lies created the British Mandate to put
into Palestine. The vast majority of the Balfour Declaration into effect.
You can now become a monthly donor to your “Palestinians” are descended from The League of Nations confirmed the
favorite organization, The Jewish Federation Arab economic immigrants of the late Mandate, charging the Mandatory gov-
of Sarasota-Manatee! 19 and 20 centuries. ernment with establishing a national GIVING
Palestine (“Palaestina”) was the
homeland for the Jewish people in Pal-
name given to Judea by the Romans estine. When the United Nations Char-
after they conquered the land in the 2 ter was adopted in 1945, Article 80 of
IN LESS THAN 60 SECONDS, you can easily set up century BCE. The Romans’ goal in re- the Charter maintained the rights to a / giv ing / noun
a recurring gift of $18, $25, $50 — any amount — naming Judea was to minimize Jewish Jewish homeland under the Mandate.
identification with the land.
For more detailed information and
per month and it will automatically be processed There was never a Palestinian original source material, visit jfedsrq. the best way to get more out of life
and credited to you. With less administrative state nor a Palestinian people that was org/crconnect. To learn more about the
Heller CRC, contact Jessi Sheslow at
“Arab.” Before the State of Israel came
processing, that means more of your money goes into existence, the term “Palestinians” or 941.343.2109
to where it’s needed most — to the Federation’s was used by Jews to refer to themselves Next month’s question:
Isn’t it true that Israel is an apart-
work at the forefront of Jewish life here in and their organizations. The Jerusa- heid state, just like South Africa was? At the Tidewell Foundation, the spirit of giving runs year round.
lem Post was known as The Palestine
Sarasota-Manatee. Post. The Palestine Symphony Orches- Doesn’t that justify boycotts, sanc- From providing exceptional care through Tidewell Hospice, to lifting
tra was purely a Jewish enterprise, as tions, divestment and isolation from spirits with music and pet therapy, to restoring hope for children and
Visit and select was Palestine Airways. The flag of the civilized world? families through grief counseling, your generosity makes it all possible.
“Make my Donation Monthly Recurring.” Read the current and previous
editions of The Jewish News Make life brighter. Visit