Page 16 - Jewish News_December-2020
P. 16

16A                         December 2020                                                                FEDERATION NEWS

     Holocaust education zooms forward

     By Jessi Sheslow, Director of Community Relations
            ver  the  many  months  since   to them via Zoom. As Rifka told her   me, especially when she started talking   learned  more  from her than  from the
            COVID-19  arrived in our      story of being a child at the beginning,   about how the Jewish Hungarians   movies  because  hers  was  a  firsthand
     Obackyard,  I was concerned          during and end of the Holocaust, the   helped fight in World War I only to be   experience we got to listen to and learn
     that the distance and change in teach-  students were enthralled and received   hated and killed in the next war.”  from.”
     ing style would put a strain on our abil-  her message loud and clear. She said,   “After  watching the  presentation,   “It was an honor to hear your story.
     ity  to  provide  Holocaust  survivors to   “Love wins over hate, always be kind,   I was very  moved  by her  story. She   It’s unbelievable  to hear some of the
     speak to students. We did not want to   and  don’t  listen  to  people  who want   opened my eyes to the reality  and   situations you and many other inno-
     put the lives of our survivors at greater   you to hate someone else because they   struggles that many Jewish people ex-  cent people experienced. It is my job
     risk. Plus, the schools are taking extra   are different.”                 perienced throughout the Holocaust.   to learn about this so I can help prevent
     precaution  by halting  outside guest    We heard from some of Mr.         I thought the  presentation  was great   this from ever happening again.”
     speakers from entering the classrooms.   Brown’s students after the class was   and  I’m very  thankful  for her  being   The Jewish Federation of Sara-
     Thankfully, the Zoom platform with   over:                                 able  and willing to share her story     sota-Manatee is proud to be able to
     its virtual  technology  is available  for   “This presentation meant  a lot to   with us.”                      provide this experience  for our stu-
     more than just the student/                                                    “Listening  to her story made me   dents and teachers in Sarasota and
     teacher experience.                                                        feel sympathetic for her, and the mil-  Manatee counties. To learn more about
        AJ Brown, a dedicated                                                   lions of other Jews  who  were unfor-  our Holocaust education  initiatives,
     teacher  at  Riverview  High                                               tunately killed during the Holocaust.   contact me at or
     School who teaches the Ho-                                                 After listening to her, I feel that I   941.343.2109.
     locaust  Studies class  and  is
     part of the Heller CRC But-                                                Generations After
     terflies  of  Hope  Holocaust
     teacher training, asked if he                                              lives on
     could have a survivor speak
     to his class. Mr. Brown’s stu-                                             By David Grace, Generations After Chair
     dents are incredibly  lucky                                                          hy are we still talking about   distinct purpose. The members of the
     that our own Rifka Glatz                                                             the  Holocaust  in  2020 and   group  want  to  maintain  their  unique
     was comfortable  speaking     Rifka Glatz Zooms with Riverview High School students  Wwhy do we need a Genera-   connection  to  the  Holocaust  and  to
                                                                                tions After group? We are talking about   become  an integral  part  of the local
             Courtyard                                                          membrance)  has no ending  timeline.   members go into local schools and oth-
        THE                                                                     the Holocaust because “Zachor”  (Re-  Holocaust Speakers Bureau, whose
                                                                                                                      er organizations to educate  about the
                                                                                Zachor means to remember the Holo-
      AT MICHAEL’S ON EAST                                                      caust journeys of our family members   Holocaust and share their stories.
                                                                                and our collective Jewish community,      At  our  first  meeting,  which  was
      Safe, socially-distant, outdoor dining                                    and that the acts committed against   held via Zoom, we discussed how and
      is NOW available Tuesday-Saturday!
                                                                                the Jewish people are genocide. These   when we will share our Holocaust
            RESERVE ONLINE                                                      points  are  all  valuable  teachable  mo-  backgrounds. We are in the process of
                                                      ments. Holocaust deniers will never go   creating a schedule for the group that
                                                                                away, therefore it is our job to remind   will include informative presentations,
                                                                                people of the truth and help them un-  book and movie discussions, and les-
                                                                                                                      sons on how to research our family’s
                                                                                derstand the terrible destructive power
      Laugh your                                                                that is hatred.                       history and create our own “story.”
      Laugh your
                                                                                    The  Generations After group is a
                                                                                                                          For more information  about the
                 tuchus off!
             tuchus off!                                                        of Holocaust survivors. While it might   Generations After group, contact Jessi
                                                                                newly formed  group for descendants
                                                                                                                      Heller CRC or to learn more about the
                                                                                seem  a  bit  strange,  even  morbid,  for
                                                                                                                      Sheslow at or
                                                                                such a group to exist, it does serve a

                                                                                                      SIGN UP TO GET

                                                     SHOW                                THE SCOOP!
                                     Noam Shuster

                                     December 31 • 10:30 AM
                                     December 31 • 10
                                                                 30 AM
                                     LIVE FROM ISRAEL
                                     LIVE FROM ISRAEL
                                     via Zoom, political comedienne,
                                     Noam Shuster will be entertaining
       our community in a pre-New Year’s Eve celebration!

       Noam says she believes politics and comedy
       feed off of each other. “Politicians are the            $10.00 per
       best comedians we have right now.                       household
       And comedians are the best
                                                    Do not miss this
       politicians we have right now.”              Do not miss this
                                                      performance!                         Stay informed with Federation’s Eblast newsletters
                                                                                                      delivered right to your inbox.
       To register, visit                                                                       Go to and click the
       JFEDSRQ.or         g/events                                                           GET UPDATES  button at the top of the page.

       For more information, contact
       Jeremy Lisitza at
       or 941-343-2113.
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