Page 25 - Jewish News_December-2020
P. 25
JEWISH INTEREST December 2020 25A
Rabbi Michael Shefrin renews his partnership Aging Jewishly – What our traditions teach us about growing old
with Temple Emanu-El Making virtual Chanukah together
with Temple Emanu-El. By Rabbi Barbara Aiello
“My mission of serving God and
the Jewish people is reinvigorated,” “ o how do you like it,” asked December 10, and the eighth candle on or shoebox (with a covering) so that tions, there is a Kabbalistic meaning
added Rabbi Shefrin. “I have immense Cora as she reached into her Thursday, December 17. your guests can view it easily. Check for each candle. (
With a bit of creativity and rising
Sshopping bag and retrieved
gratitude to the Board of Trustees and a lovely brass Chanukah menorah. to the technical challenge, grandpar- your lighting and take time to position jewish-holidays-blog/) Assign family
members to read each meaning and
lamps so that you and your menorah
membership of Temple Emanu-El. “Beautiful, Sweetie,” said Dan, as he ents can follow several easy steps to are not in the dark. take time to share your thoughts.
What a blessing.”
gave his wife of 48 years a peck on the make, share and enjoy their very own Make an agenda. Use a large font Select an ending blessing and
cheek. “But we’ve got a menorah. Why Virtual Chanukah Party. and have the agenda in front of you so concluding song. Ask the oldest fam-
do we need another one?” Talk with your family to select that you can transition easily from each ily member to make the Kohanim or
Cora explained that she was deep an evening when everyone can par- activity. Priestly Blessing. Direct everyone to
into planning for their family’s annual ticipate. Be aware of work schedules, Rehearse. With your Chanukah take hands, reminding them that we are
Chanukah party school schedules and time zones. Gabbai, practice your welcome, your linked soul to soul and heart to heart.
and although the Message family members and directions for lighting candles and the Conclude with a familiar song like
coronavirus had guests to remind them to find and shine actual lighting itself. To add drama to “Oseh Shalom.”
adversely affected their menorah, purchase a box of Cha- your ceremony, you can invite fami- Send a download with a list of
their family tra- nukah candles and have these ready ly members to light candles individ- items to have on hand, along with bless-
ditions, Cora was to use. (Cleaning your menorah: rabbi ually: “Kara, light your first candle. ings in transliteration, the Kabbalistic
pushing ahead. George, light your second candle,” meaning of the candles, and song lyrics.
Dan, however, was menorah/) etc. Offer individual family members (
not convinced. Select one family member to a reading, song or blessing and, with lighting-blessings/)
“So, Sweetie, serve as Chanukah Gabbai (as- microphones muted, lead the group in From across the miles, “Chag
Rabbi Barbara Aiello how can we do sistant). This person will obtain the singing “Maoz Tzur.” Sameach!”
Chanukah this year? Air travel is out of Zoom connection, admit guests at the Don’t Rush. In the glow of the For 10 years Rabbi Barbara Aiello
Temple Emanu-El Associate Rabbi Michael Shefrin the question, so the kids and grandkids start time and unmute the microphone Chanukah lights, take several minutes served the Aviva Campus for Senior
signs his new contract
won’t be here with us. And getting on when you ask individuals to share. to quietly admire the candle flames. Life as resident rabbi. She now lives
JCV Sisterhood stays in the computer to make Chanukah… I For months now we’ve been living in Ask each guest to share one or two and works in Italy where she is rabbi
Encourage guests to dress up!
of Italy’s first Reconstructionist syna-
don’t know. It seems like it could be
words to describe their feelings about
touch, helps the community boring, especially for our little ones.” sweatshirts and yoga pants. Wearing a Chanukah. gogue. Contact her at Rabbi@Rabbi
Add to the Chanukah experi-
“At first I felt the same way,” Cora
festive outfit will add to the Chanukah
received many checks and cash dona- explained. “But then I realized that feeling. ence. According to Sephardic tradi-
we’ve been talking with everyone on
Prepare for your Chanukah ex-
tions exceeding our expectations. I am the iPad. So, nu, how hard can it be to perience. Gather your menorah, can- Rabbi Barbara Aiello’s most popular
humbled by everyone’s generosity and make a party?” dles, matches, blessings, table covering
kindness. It truly makes one feel fortu- Not hard at all. Chanukah offers and the computer or device you plan to columns are now published in her new
nate to be a part of this amazing orga- families eight nights of brilliant can- use, and with your Chanukah Gabbai,
nization. We thank all who participated dles, traditional blessings, and familiar position your computer so that you and book, Aging Jewishly, available on
for their generosity at a time when so songs and treats. This year, light the your menorah can be seen. You may Amazon. It makes a great Chanukah gift!
many of our neighbors are struggling first candle on the evening of Thursday, need to place your menorah on a stand
to feed their families.”
For information about the JCV
and its many programs, please visit or
call 941.484.2022.
Food donations awaiting delivery in the JCV lobby