Page 29 - Jewish News_December-2020
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JEWISH INTEREST                                                                      December 2020                                      29A

     Stars of David                                                                       Interested in Your

     By Nate Bloom, Contributing Columnist
     Editor’s note: Persons in BOLD CAPS are deemed by Nate Bloom to be Jewish             Family’s History?
     for the purpose of the column. Persons identified as Jewish have at least one Jew-
     ish parent and were not raised in a faith other than Judaism – and don’t identify
     with a faith other than Judaism as an adult. Converts to Judaism, of course, are     Nate Bloom (see column at left) has become a family history expert in 10
     also identified as Jewish.                                                   years of doing his celebrity column, and he has expert friends who can help
                                                                                  when called on. Most family history experts charge $1,000 or more to do a
     New(ish) Broadcast                   is most famous as the star of the ’70s   full family-tree search. However, Bloom knows that most people want to start
     and Streaming Offerings              sit-com Alice. Kopell is best known for   with a limited search of one family line.
     The pandemic, frankly, has made writ-  playing  Dr. Adam  Bricker, the  ship’s
     ing in advance hard. Series and orig-  doctor, on the hit program  The Love                  So here’s the deal:
     inal films are now often added to the   Boat.
     TV/streaming  schedule  with short       About a week after the Israeli TV   Write Bloom at and enclose a phone number.
     notice. I mention this to explain why   series Valley of Tears began airing in   Nate will then contact you about starting a limited search. If that
     many “things” that began in November   Israel (October 15), HBO Max bought
     are being mentioned in this column for   it and begin streaming the series on   goes well, additional and more extensive searches are possible.
     the first time in December. The silver   November 12.  Two episodes of the   The first search fee is no more than $100. No upfront cost. Also,
     lining is that it is far easier now than it   10-episode  series are  being  shown   several of this newspaper’s readers have asked Bloom to locate
     was, say, 10 years ago, to catch up with   each week. Valley, the most expensive
     episodes of a series or to view a film   Israeli  series  ever  made,  is about  the   friends and family members from their past, and that’s worked out
     way after its premiere.              1973 Yom Kippur War. Here’s the of-     great for them. So contact him about this as well.
        The comedy/drama  series  B Pos-  ficial summary: “It tells four emotional
     itive began on CBS on November       and highly personal stories of individ-
     5 (8:30 p.m.). Drew (Thomas Mid-     uals swept away from their loved ones      Now streaming on Netflix is The   without screen credit, including a big
     dleditch) is a therapist and the newly   by the  ravages of war, four parallel   Life Ahead. Sophia Loren, 86, plays   part of The Wizard of Oz; and he just
     divorced father of a 12-year-old daugh-  plotlines, intertwined together into one   Madame Rosa, a Jewish Holocaust   couldn’t stop drinking  until it  killed
     ter. He needs a kidney transplant and   climactic battle.”                 survivor who became  a prostitute     him. All the well-known people named
     he  finds  a  match  in  Gina,  a  past  ac-  Valley of Tears was the name giv-  after being liberated. In her old age,   Mankiewicz were/are  closely related
     quaintance. SARA RUE, 41, co-stars   en  to  the Yom  Kippur War  battles  in   she provides daycare for the children   to Herman. Google him and you’ll find
     as Julia, Drew’s ex-wife. You might re-  the  Golan  Heights,  where  173  Israeli   of (active) prostitutes. The film focus-  them all easily.
     member Rue as the star of the sit-com   tanks stopped 1,200 Syrian tanks from   es on her relationship  with a black,     By the way, the  next  time you
     Less than Perfect, which ran for four   reaching the Jordan River. Valley was   Muslim  12-year-old  boy.  The  film  is   see a lot of Jews playing non-Jews,
     years,  ending  in  2006. She was born   co-written by RON LESHEM, 41. He   based on The Life Before Us, a 1976   think  of  this  film.  There  are  13  im-
     Sara Schlackman (Rue is her mother’s   also co-created  Euphoria, an Israeli   book  by  ROMAIN  GARY  that  won   portant  characters  and no Jewish ac-
     maiden name). Appearing in recurring   TV series that became, in its American   France’s highest literary  award. Re-  tors  play  any  of  them,  although  five
     roles are BERNIE KOPELL, 87, and     version, a hit for HBO. Leshem served   views  are  very  good  for  Loren’s  first   were “all” Jewish in real life and two
     LINDA  LAVIN, 82. Both  play  res-   in Israeli military intelligence, and for   film in 10 years. It was directed by her   more had Jewish fathers.  The direc-
     idents  of an assisted  living  facility   three years reported on events in the   son.                          tor (David Fincher) and screenwriter
     where Gina works. Lavin plays Norma,   Golan and the West Bank for a leading   Mank, a biopic about famous screen-  (the late Jack Fincher) aren’t Jewish
     a woman who lived a “big life.” She   Israeli paper.                       writer  HERMAN  MANKIEWICZ            either.
                                                                                (1897-1953), begins streaming on          On Thursday, December 17, CBS
                                                                                Netflix  on  Saturday,  December  5.  It   All-Access  will  start  streaming  The
                                     Robert and Esther Heller                   focuses on the period during which    Stand, a mini-series based on the Ste-
                                       CRC                                      Mankiewicz  co-wrote the script  for   phen King novel. Basic plot: Most of
                                     COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE
                                                                                the great film Citizen Kane with Orson   the people in the world die in a pan-
                             P  R   E  S   E   N  T   S                         Welles.  They were co-winners  of the   demic  and the ones left  are  psychi-
                    A Ritchie Boy                                               1939 Oscar for best screenplay for the   cally  drawn  to  a  religiously  devout
                                                                                                                      African-American woman or to an evil
                                                                                film.  Mank, which opened in limited
                                                                                                                      white man who may be the devil incar-
                                                                                theater release (to be “Oscar eligible”),
                      with author Linda Kass                                    has received rave reviews and it will be   nate. NAT WOLFF, 25, plays Lloyd
         Wednesday, December 9  •  2:00 pm                                      a best-film Oscar nominee.            Henreid, a petty criminal who becomes
                                                                                    A biopic about Mankiewicz can’t
                                                                                                                      Mr. Evil’s smartest and most loyal lieu-
                     (Waiting room opens at 1:30 pm)                            be  dull.  He  was  extremely  funny;  he   tenant.
                                                                                improved  hundreds  of  films,  usually
                                 n her moving and memorable novel
                               Iinspired by her father’s life and written
                                using different stories, bookseller Linda                                                  SERVING THE JEWISH
                                Kass shares the little-known account of                L’Dor                               COMMUNITY SINCE 1978
                                                                                                                           Charter Members of Temple Sinai
                                the Ritchie Boys. Often Jewish German-
                                speaking immigrants, the Ritchie Boys,
                                worked in US Army Intelligence and                            V’Dor                        Selling Real Estate
                                helped the Allies win World War II.                                                        to Every Generation

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