Page 28 - Jewish News_December-2020
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28A December 2020 JEWISH INTEREST
K’zohar Ha-Ivrit
Se-vi-von – Dreidel
By Dr. Rachel Zohar Dulin
he lovely holiday of Hanukkah, many cultures around the world and miracle happened there.’ The word the fun celebrating Hanukkah, the Hol-
also known as Chag Ha-urim, has no Jewish roots. sham, ‘there,’ implies that the nes, ‘the iday of Lights. However, true to the
Tthe ‘Holiday of Lights,’ is at our Some say the spinning top was an miracle,’ happened in Israel. The ac- Jewish culture, the inscription on the
door. Hanukkah commemorates the ancient Indian game that represented ronym, then, connects the game with Se-vi-von is in Hebrew letters. And, New(ish) Broadcast
Jewish victory over Greek religious the cycle of the sun. Others trace it to Hanukkah, the holiday we celebrate to even though the Se-vi-von is used for and Streaming Offerings
oppression, the rededication of the a gambling game in England and Ire- commemorate the victory of the Mac- fun and games, it carries the profound The pandemic, frankly, has made writ-
Temple in Ye-ru-sha-la-yim and the re- land called Totum, meaning ‘All’ in cabean revolt. message that a nes gadol happened on ing in advance hard. Series and orig-
establishment of Latin. Accordingly, to facilitate the When the game arrived in Israel, it Hanukkah for the Jewish people in the inal films are now often added to the
the Jewish state game, four letters, T, H, P and N, were became equally as popular. Here, the land of Israel. Enjoy the fun and Chag TV/streaming schedule with short
in Eretz Israel inscribed on the sides of the Totum to dreidel received the Hebrew name Se- Sa-me-ach. notice. I mention this to explain why
(164 BCE). It is represent the words: ‘Take all,’ ‘Half,’ vi-von. Se-vi-von is derived from the Dr. Rachel Zohar Dulin is a professor many “things” that began in November
interesting to note ‘Put down’ and ‘Nothing.’ And, even in verb le-so-vev, which means ‘spin,’ of biblical literature at Spertus Col- are being mentioned in this column for
that the Hanuk- the Amazon of Peru, a ‘top’ was a part ‘turn,’ ‘circle’ and ‘encompass.’ Words lege in Chicago, and a retired adjunct the first time in December. The silver
kah story is not of an old native gambling game played like s’vi-vah, namely ‘environs’ or ‘vi- professor of Hebrew and Bible at New lining is that it is far easier now than it
recorded in the in the forest to pass the time and fol- cinity;’ or saviv, namely ‘surrounding;’ College in Sarasota. was, say, 10 years ago, to catch up with
Hebrew Bible. Its lows rules with which we are familiar. and mi-sa-viv, meaning ‘round about,’ episodes of a series or to view a film
message of the It is not surprising that the game are derived from the same root. way after its premiere.
Dr. Rachel Dulin fight for religious traveled to the Jewish European world Unlike other places in the world, in STAY CONNECTED The comedy/drama series B Pos-
freedom was written in the Books of as well. Influenced by the German Israel the four Hebrew letters inscribed itive began on CBS on November
Maccabees. language where the spinning top is on the Se-vi-von are Nun, Gimel, Hay 5 (8:30 p.m.). Drew (Thomas Mid-
Many customs and rituals devel- called a trundl, in Yiddish it is called and Pay. These letters represent an dleditch) is a therapist and the newly
oped through time as part of the cel- a dreidel. As part of Hanukkah, the acronym unique to Israel: Ness Gadol divorced father of a 12-year-old daugh-
ebration of this lovely holiday. One game was adapted for fun, however Haya Po, meaning ‘a great miracle ter. He needs a kidney transplant and
of the most popular games associated a Jewish meaning was inserted into happened here.’ The word po, which he finds a match in Gina, a past ac-
with Hanukkah is the spinning of the it. So, traditionally, in the Diaspora, the means ‘here,’ implies that the miracle quaintance. SARA RUE, 41, co-stars
dreidel. A dreidel is a ‘top,’ tradition- Hebrew letters Nun, Gimel, Hay and occurred in Israel. as Julia, Drew’s ex-wife. You might re-
ally made of wood or clay, which spins Shin are inscribed on the sides of the In short, a simple gambling game member Rue as the star of the sit-com
on its pointed base. This is a very old dreidel representing the acronym Nes played all over the world and adapted Less than Perfect, which ran for four
gambling game, which was played in Gadol Haya Sham, literally ‘a great by the Jewish world became a part of years, ending in 2006. She was born
Sara Schlackman (Rue is her mother’s
maiden name). Appearing in recurring
LINDA LAVIN, 82. Both play res-
JEWISH IDENTITY idents of an assisted living facility
where Gina works. Lavin plays Norma,
a woman who lived a “big life.” She
PEOPLE OF THE BOOK Thursday, December 10 at 10:30am
Danielle Renov
Peas, Love & Carrots
Author Lecture Series This is a cookbook for everyone. Filled with over 360 recipes of all va-
rieties: easy, involved, Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Middle Eastern, weekday,
Shabbos...truly something for everyone on any given day!
Featuring 25 Danielle Renov is the blogger/influencer behind the popular brand, website and Instagram account @peaslovencarrots.
virtual events From her kitchen in Israel, she creates delicious and approachable reci-
pes, lifestyle tips and hacks, and shares all things motherhood and family
through June 2021 related. But mostly, it’s food.
Tuesday, December 15 at 7:00pm
Events are $10 each per
household or $18 for all Stephanie Butnick
three December events. & Liel Leibovitz
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purchase a Page Turner This highly entertaining encyclopedia of all things Jewish and
Jew-ish covers culture, religion, history, habits, language and
more. Readers will refresh their knowledge of the Patriarchs
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minor holidays. Learn how the Jews invented Hollywood.
Includes hundreds of photos, charts and illustrations.
For a complete schedule Wednesday, December 16 at 7:00pm
of events, admission
information, author bios Rabbi Corinne Copnick
and book synopses, visit A Rabbi at Sea While most people were enjoying well-deserved retirement, at age 73,
author Rabbi Corinne Copnick began her six-year course of study and was
ordained a rabbi at the age of 79. The ordination was the beginning of a
new adventure; she’s had an unconventional “pulpit.” In A Rabbi at Sea,
Authors appearing in the Rabbi Copnick narrates 40 interconnected stories of her travel experienc-
monthly series of the People of es as a guest rabbi on cruise ships. On every journey and in every country
the Book are members of the visited, she discovered and explored Jewish life. Offering a global per-
spective, she presents a host of insights about the culture and the people
Jewish Book Council Network. she encountered throughout her travels.