Page 33 - Jewish News_December-2020
P. 33

ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD                                                            December 2020                                      33A

     Briefs...continued from previous page  Israel’s right to exist? Haven’t you been   On July 4, 1946, in the town of Kielce,   ticed that many of the Latvian men had
     THE ARAB WORLD                       negotiating with Israel all these years?   some 40 Jewish survivors were killed   their blood types tattooed under their
     HAS DECIDED TO MOVE                  Haven’t you been conducting security   in a pogrom: “stoned to death, beaten   left arms, revealing them to have been
                                                                                                                      members of the S.S. When British min-
                                                                                to death, thrown from windows, shot,
                                          coordination with Israel? Where is the
 divided into two hostile coalitions. On  FORWARD WITHOUT    problem, if an Arab country such as the   bayoneted,” Nasaw reports.  ers refused to work with the Baltic men
 one side is Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon,  THE PALESTINIANS  United Arab Emirates  wants to make   When it came to resettling the ref-  whose S.S. tattoos  they  had  spotted,
 Yemen,  Qatar and Gaza, supported  For the first time ever, the Palestinian   peace with Israel?”  ugees, the prospect of increased Jewish   the National Coal Board recommended
 from the outside by  Turkey, Russia  leadership is now feeling that the Arab   The Palestinians are afraid that if   immigration to Palestine, which Presi-  that they not be given jobs “where they
 and China.  Against  it  stands Saudi  world is really fed up with them and   you normalize  relations  with Israel,   dent Truman endorsed, exasperated the   might have to remove their shirts.”

 Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, Egypt, Jor- does not  want  to  wait  for them  any-  you are actually  recognizing  Israel’s   British who still controlled the region.   In late 1946, Jewish groups in the
 dan, Morocco, Sudan and Israel, sup- more. The Arab world does not like the   right  to exist  as the  homeland  of the   Yet there was no mobilization to bring   U.S. pushed Congress to pass legisla-
 ported from the outside by the U.S.  condemnations coming from the Pales-  Jewish people in this part of the world.   Jewish refugees into the UK. In the   tion to accept 400,000 D.P.s, estimating
 While there was no Saudi response  tinians and the accusations of treason.   This whole conflict is really about Is-  U.S., too, the number of Jews admitted   that based on the proportion of Jews in
 to the September 2019 Iranian attack on  They  do not  like  seeing  pictures  of   rael’s very existence  in the Middle   during the first years after the war was   the D.P. camps, a good 100,000 would
 Saudi oil-producing facilities or Iran’s  their leaders being burned at Al-Aqsa   East. There are still a large number of   achingly small.  be Jews. But senators who didn’t want
 attacks on oil tankers in the Persian  Mosque. They also do not like to hear   people in the Arab and Muslim world   At the same time, the British gave   to let Jews in added language excluding
 Gulf or the Red Sea, Israel has proven  the PA Mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Mu-  who continue to see Israel as a foreign   sanctuary  to thousands from the  Bal-  the Jews who had fled the Polish po-
 capable  of  inflicting  severe  blows  on  hammad Hussein, issuing a fatwa ban-  body imposed on this region by West-  tic states to address labor shortages   groms. Meanwhile, hundreds of thou-
 Iranian forces and pro-Iranian militias  ning citizens of any Arab country that   ern  powers, even  though  Jews have   in agriculture  and industry.  This hit   sands of non-Jewish Eastern Europeans
 in Syria.  normalizes  relations  with Israel from   been here for more than 3,000 years.   a snag when a doctor  in London no-   continued on page 35A
 It turns out that there are things  praying at Al-Aqsa.  (Khaled Abu Toameh, Gatestone Insti-
 more important to some countries than   I follow what is being said in the   tute)
 a resolution  of “the  Palestinian  prob- Arab world. It is unimaginable  what                                                                  WINNER!
 lem.” The Iranian problem has escalat- Arabs in the Gulf are saying about the   WHEN JEWS SOUGHT                                               4 Years in a Row
 ed to the level of an existential threat,  Palestinians:  “You  ungrateful  people.   REFUGE AFTER WORLD
                                                                                                                                                4 Years in a Row
                                                                                               Lakehouse West
 while  the  Israeli-Palestinian problem  We’ve  given  you billions  of dollars   WAR II      Lakehouse West
 is not an existential threat to anyone.  all these years. In the end, you spit in   As David Nasaw recounts in The Last
 Moreover, after  the “Arab Spring,”  our face and you burn our flag.” One   Million:  Europe’s Displaced Persons   R E T IR E M E N T   E S T A T
                                                                                                     R E T IR E M E N T   E S T A T E E
 which precipitated the collapse of re- prominent Emirati  academic  tweeted   from World War to Cold  War, after
 gimes  and economies  and  the  rise of  pictures of UAE flags in the Israeli city   World War II the Allied authorities ini-
 the Islamic State, the fight for the “lib- of Netanya. Next to them, pictures of   tially maintained that it was wrong to
 eration of Palestine” is not uppermost  the UAE flag being burned by Palestin-  differentiate Jews from other displaced
 among Arab concerns. (Lt.-Col. (res.)  ians in Ramallah and Gaza. He wrote,   people.  Instead, displaced  persons
 Dr. Mordechai Kedar, Begin-Sadat  “My  flag  is  being  honored  in  Israel   were to be sorted out on a “national-
 Center for Strategic Studies, Bar-Ilan  while these Palestinians  are burning   ity  basis,” which meant  that  a Polish    ank you to our staff and residents
 University)  my flag.”                   Jew who had survived the death camps                       during these difficult times.
        Other Arabs are asking Mahmoud    might share quarters with someone                        Our Lakehouse West Family
 THE DECORATED NAZI   Abbas: “Are you trying to punish an   who had guarded a camp in Poland.               is stronger than ever!              2017

 COMMANDER’S SON WHO  Arab country simply because they want   Many Polish Jews did try to return
                                                                                                              (941) 923-7525
 JOINED THE ISRAELI ARMY normal  relations  with Israel?  What   home, only to be greeted with violence   3435 Fox Run Road | Sarasota, FL 34231
 Bernd  Wollschlaeger,  born  in  1958,  about you, Abbas? In 1993, didn’t you   from neighbors  who,  in some cases,
                                                                                                             Assisted Living Facility License #5850
 was taught that the Holocaust was a lie  and Yasser Arafat allegedly recognize   had taken  possession of their houses.
 and that his father, Arthur Wollschlae-
 ger, was a war hero who was person-
 ally awarded the Iron Cross by Adolf
 Hitler. A major turning point for Ber-
 nd came  when Palestinian  terrorists
 massacred  11 members  of the  Israeli
 Olympic team  at the 1972 Summer
 Games in Munich. His father reacted:
 “Look what they do to us again! They,
 the Jews, are tearing down our reputa-
 tion to make us look bad.” The mas-
 sacre  raised a question:  If Jews were
 being killed in Germany again, when   Would you like to pay less tax?
 had it happened before?
 He learned  that  his father’s  unit
 terrorized  Jewish villages  in Russia,
 slaughtering the locals, and tearing        Find out how we’ve helped our clients redirect
 out pages from the Torahs in the syn-      millions of dollars of taxes back to themselves,
 agogues to use as insulation for their
 tanks. Furthermore,  he discovered         their family and organizations they care about.
 that his father had sent people to their
 deaths at Auschwitz.                                                   ABOUT US
 At an interfaith summit in Germany
 he bonded with an Israeli girl and later               Everything we do is focused on increasing
 visited her in Israel. The girl’s parents                our clients’ enjoyment of their wealth.
 welcomed him. “They hosted me like a            We help them redeploy their wealth to more efficiently
 long-lost brother,” said Bernd. “I asked   Bruce Udell  sustain their lifestyles, so they can have more fun, help               Jeremy Udell
 the father how he learned German and   CLU, ChFC, MCEP  their families and create a lasting impact on society.                   CFP®, President
 he showed me the number tattooed on   Chief Executive Officer  We are Estate, Financial and Philanthropic planners
 his forearm.... He was in Auschwitz....
 He took me to Yad Vashem, the Holo-
 caust memorial in Jerusalem, and there  |  941.951.0443
 I realized the extent of the murder and
 I broke down emotionally.”
                       Securities offered through Kestra Investment Services, LLC (Kestra IS), Member FINRA/ SIPC. Investment Advisory Services offered
 Back in Germany, Bernd eventual-  through Kestra Advisory Services, LLC (Kestra AS), an affiliate of Kestra IS. Udell Associates is not affiliated with Kestra IS or Kestra AS.
 ly converted to Judaism and completed
 medical school. He later traveled to Is-
 rael and served in its army as a medical
 officer. Today, he is a family physician
 in Miami,  Florida. (Michael  Havis,
 Daily Mail - UK)
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