Page 38 - Jewish News_December-2020
P. 38

38A                         December 2020                                                                          COMMENTARY

     Where’s your umbrella?

     By Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz, Community Chaplain
     A                                    an umbrella.”                         pelled him to. In other words, if Noah   character flaws.
           story is told of a severe drought
                                              Judaism places great importance
                                                                                possessed  certain faith, he wouldn’t
                                                                                                                          However, even if these alleged
           that  particularly  affected  a
           Jewish region of Poland in the
                                                                                                                      huge leap to assert Noah was deficient
                                          But while offering prayers with sincer-
                                                                                enter the ark. Surely, there’s got to be
     1870s. For an extended period of time,   on  kavana,  i.e.,  authentic  intention.   have  waited  for  the  rain  to  begin  to   failings had some validity, it is still a
     the  members  of  the  five  synagogues   ity and conviction is important, is it the   more to Rashi’s faith critique than this.   in faith.  After all, he’d unhesitantly
                       in the largest     ultimate measure of true faith? What if   Earlier in the Torah, Noah is char-  heeded God’s command to build the
                       town prayed  fer-  the people had brought umbrellas and   acterized as “a wholehearted, righteous   ark, a task that took many decades to
                       vently for rain,   it still didn’t rain?                 man in his generation who walked with   complete.  Furthermore,  immediately
                       but  to no avail.      Intriguingly, two of the  Torah’s   God.” But, similar  to Rashi, Jewish   after leaving the ark, Noah built an
                       With little hope   most notable figures were both accused   sages managed to find fault with this   altar to God who then established an
                       of precipitation   of lacking faith. First, recall that rather   praiseworthy description by suggesting   everlasting covenant with him.   n a recent  Facebook  post, a Jew-
                       on the horizon,    than  hearkening  to  God’s command-  that Noah’s virtue only seemed remark-    The Hebrew word for faith, emu-   ish mother of two teens wrote this:
                       the community’s    ment to speak to a rock to bring forth   able because it stood in sharp contrast   nah, is less about prayer and belief than  I“It’s not often that you get to squash
                       rabbis decided to   water, Moses struck it instead. The To-  to the thorough vileness of the people   it  is about action.  Sharing  emunah’s  your kids hopes  and  dreams  multiple
     Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz  consult  a  reclu-  rah later explains this absence of belief   of his time. If he’d lived in another era,   same linguistic root, the words ohman  times in one year but hey, 2020… Their
     sive, elderly Jewish sage who lived in   is why Moses wasn’t permitted to enter   Noah would not have been portrayed in   (craftsman)  and  ohmanut (craftsman- bubble of kids to do things with has
     a nearby village.                    the Promised Land.                    such exemplary terms.                 ship)  imply  that  faith  is  reflected  in  grown smaller overnight and the anger
        “Faith  and  unity  are  the  things   Though  the  authors of the  Torah   Perhaps Noah became  the  object   what we do, not what we may say we  is palpable in the air. Struggles with re-
     missing in your approach,“ he informed   may have had their reasons for not   of scorn of commentators  because of   do or don’t believe in. As Rabbi Morris  mote school and work are real… Tears
     them. “You must impress the need not   wanting Moses to cross into the land,   what happened after the flood when he   Joseph eloquently  put it, “The divine  of anger, frustration, guilt, grief and
     to simply pray, but believe. If you are   this  seems  like  fairly  flimsy  grounds   became drunk and passed out naked in   test of a person’s worth is not his the- stress…” The post received dozens of
     united and sincere, your prayers will be   to base it on, considering  Judaism’s   his tent. When his youngest son, Ham,   ology  but  his life.”  Obviously, Noah  sympathetic responses from other par-
     answered and rain will come.” Subse-  foremost  prophet  had demonstrated   reported  this to his brothers, they re-  passed that test with flying colors.  ents identifying with this mother’s pain
     quently, the rabbis declared that all the   extraordinary  faith  during  the  Exo-  spectfully covered up their father with   Before the start of the first game of  and frustration.
     men, women and children of the town   dus and tumultuous 40 years of desert     a garment. Noah then awoke and an-  the season, a high school football coach   Parenting in this time of COVID
     would come together for a joint day of   wandering.                        grily proclaimed that Ham’s son, Ca-  asked a local priest to offer a prayer for  is not for the faint of heart. As parents
     worship.                                 Noah’s faith was criticized as well.   naan (and his descendants), would be   his team’s success. The priest said he  navigate  through this uncharted  ter-
        At the appointed  time,  virtually   With all the animals inside the ark and   cursed and become servants to his un-  would  do so but  also  told  the  coach,  ritory, there are more questions than
     the entire populace gathered in a large   the rain having fully begun, the Torah   cles Shem and Japheth.        “It helps to have a good quarterback.”  answers. Is it  safe for children to be
     field  whose  crops  had  long  withered.   states: “Noah went in, and his sons, and   Though a  seemingly  minor  inci-  In the case of an ark in the midst  of  back at school in person?  Will par-
     Ascending a makeshift bimah, the sage   his wife, and his sons’ wives with him,   dent, this episode was later utilized to   the  most formidable  rainy  season  of  ticipating  in  extracurricular  activities
     stared out at the immense crowd and   into the ark, because of the waters of   help justify Israel’s conquest of Canaan   all time, that would certainly apply to  expose them to a greater risk of being
     then disappointedly shook  his head.   the flood.” This sounds like a rather an-  depicted in the book of Joshua. Though   Noah.                   infected?  Will  the  mental  health  toll
     “This will never work,” he announced   odyne verse. But Rashi, our tradition’s   a rather dubious way of indicting the   Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz serves as the  of isolation pose an even greater risk
     to the rabbis. “There will be no rain.”   most prominent biblical commentator,   Canaanites  and  showing cause  for   Community Chaplain and Director of  to their health? What about the more
        “But Rebbe,” they implored, “ev-  indicates  this  verse  actually  conveys   their conquest, this is how foundation-  JFCS’s Jewish Healing Program  and  vulnerable members of families? How
     eryone is here and we are all united.   how Noah exhibited “small” faith.   al narratives often work. But, leaving   the Director of Spiritual  Services for  can a sense of normalcy be maintained
     Surely  they  have  faith  that  rain  will   According to him, though Noah   the sum and substance of these narra-  Aviva - A Campus for Senior Life. His  for children without dire consequenc-
     fall. “No, they don’t really believe,” the   knew the flood was coming, he wasn’t   tives for discussion on another day, in   positions are underwritten by The Jew- es for the weak, ill or elderly? These
     Rebbe countered. “I scanned the entire   a genuine believer  because  he only   rabbinic  estimation, Noah’s drunken-  ish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.
     throng. Not one person has brought     entered the ark when the waters com-  ness and nudity pointed to significant

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