Page 34 - Jewish News_December-2020
P. 34

34A                         December 2020                                                                          COMMENTARY

     Hanukkah reminds us to have hope in times of despair

                                          As others were—I have not seen        age make them vulnerable to the dis-  those who struggle.
                                          As others saw—I could not bring       ease, who have gone ten months now        And for those who find themselves
                           From           My passions from a common spring—     without touching another person.      among the isolated, Hanukkah reminds
                                          From the same source I have not taken
                                                                                                                      us to have hope in times of despair,
                                                                                    While there is nothing wrong with
                           the            My sorrow—I could not awaken          being  alone,  the  feeling  of  loneliness   and to kindle the light and love we all
                                          My heart to joy at the same tone—
                                                                                                                      share. I offer you now this new addi-
                                                                                can  be  a  heavy  burden.  The  Torah
                           Bimah          And all I lov’d—I lov’d alone …       makes  this  clear  when the  only  two   tional prayer to recite each night of
                                                                                things reported as “Lo Tov” or “not
                                                                                                                      Hanukkah. Though it  won’t suddenly
                                              It’s been 10 months now of wor-
                                          ship apart. While we at Temple Sinai,   good” both relate  to loneliness.  The   allow you to hold someone’s hand, I
                                          like so many of the congregations and   first  instance  we  are  told  plainly  and   pray that it will help you to feel held by
     Rabbi Samantha Kahn                  organizations in town, have been inno-  clearly, “Lo tov lihyot  adam l’vado,”   God. Just pause for a moment before
                                                                                                                      lighting your candles and say:
                                          vative  and adaptive, the fact remains
                                                                                “It is not good for a human being to be
     Temple Sinai                         that something is missing.  Technolo-  alone.” The second occurrence, as Mo-  Yodeah ta’alumot, Knower of all
           he  sanctuary  was  filled  to  the   gy allows for “I-It” relationships that   ses learns how to lead, declares “Lo tov   mysteries -
           brim with bodies, laughter, song   are  nice  but transactional.  We want   ha-davar asher ata oseh,” “The thing   May you who performed wondrous
     Tand a marvelous glow from the       our members  to know more relation-   you are doing is not good.” In both   deeds for my ancestors,
     several  dozen  hannukiot  that  shone   al “I-Thou”  experiences  instead.  We   these texts we learn that it is not good   At this season in days of old,
     upon us. Last year, while celebrating   want to embrace one another, to have   to be alone and it is not good to lead   Help the socially distant love I share,
     side by side, I explained that the large   our voices mingle in song, and to ex-  alone.                         Be expanded enough to nurture my
     variety of hannukiot on the tables at the   perience  the  transformative  nature  of   Winter days can be long and dark,   lonely soul.
     front of the sanctuary reminded us that   in-person Jewish community.      and holidays often heighten emotional   Like the oil that miraculously
     we were  there  in  celebration  of  both   Technology, while impressive, is   struggles. So as we prepare for Hanuk-  replenished itself,
     ancient miracles and modern commu-   quite simply not enough. The wonder   kah this year, we must take a moment   May my resilience continue to be
     nity. As I contemplate how people are   of technology  can’t make  up for the   to remember and connect with all those   replenished as well,
     feeling while looking forward to the   fact that we have many who are unable   in our community who are experienc-  Until you see fit - to bless us all -
     holiday  of Hanukkah this year, I’m   to navigate online platforms and unfa-  ing the added hardship of loneliness.   With the miracle of health and
     drawn to the words of Edgar Allan Poe,   miliar  technologies.  There are many   We must let our voices carry and con-  togetherness once again.
     who writes, in Alone:                who are living alone, whose health or   vey our hearts, as we try to nourish

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