Page 32 - Jewish News_December-2020
P. 32

5                              THE AMERICAN PUBLIC                   on fertilizers that flowed into the lake,   divided into two hostile coalitions. On  THE ARAB WORLD
      32A                         December 2020                                          ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD


                                                                                                                                                        HAS DECIDED TO MOVE
                                                                                                                                                        FORWARD WITHOUT
                                                                                                                      one side is Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon,  THE PALESTINIANS
                                                                                turned its normally-clear waters green-
                                          AND ISRAEL IN THE
                                                                                                                      Yemen,  Qatar and Gaza, supported  For the first time ever, the Palestinian
                                                                                ish-brown with a pungent odor. Contact
                                          21ST CENTURY
                                                                                                                      from the outside by  Turkey, Russia  leadership is now feeling that the Arab
                                                                                with the water can cause serious illness.

                                                                                    “We responded quickly to an emer-
                                          – between 2/3 and 3/4 – have held
                                                                                                                      Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, Egypt, Jor- does not  want  to  wait  for them  any-
                                          highly stable favorable views of Israel.
            EASY                          Considerable majorities of Americans   gency call from the Florida Depart-  and China.  Against  it  stands Saudi  world is really fed up with them and
                                                                                                                      dan, Morocco, Sudan and Israel, sup- more. The Arab world does not like the
                                                                                ment of Environmental Protection. In
                                              Israel even went up 12% in the past
                                                                                                                                                        condemnations coming from the Pales-
                                                                                a very complex logistical process, we
                                                                                                                      ported from the outside by the U.S.
                                          two decades – from 62% favorability
                                                                                                                          While there was no Saudi response  tinians and the accusations of treason.
                                                                                were able to put up a control station on
                                          in 2000 to 74% in 2020.
                                                                                                                      to the September 2019 Iranian attack on  They  do not  like  seeing  pictures  of
                                                                                the shores of the lake less than 36 hours
                                              Despite the unpopularity of foreign
         STEPS                            aid and the sizeable U.S. military aid to   from the call,” said Maayan Naveh, VP   Saudi oil-producing facilities or Iran’s  their leaders being burned at Al-Aqsa
                                                                                                                      attacks on oil tankers in the Persian  Mosque. They also do not like to hear
                                                                                of BlueGreen. (Idan Zonshine, Jerusa-
                                          Israel, majorities said it should be kept
                                                                                                                      Gulf or the Red Sea, Israel has proven  the PA Mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Mu-
                                                                                lem Post)
                                          at the current level or even increased.
                                                                                                                      capable  of  inflicting  severe  blows  on  hammad Hussein, issuing a fatwa ban-
                                              Between 2015 and 2019,  Ameri-
           How To Stay                    can Jews sympathized more with Israel   NEW POLL: AMERICAN                  Iranian forces and pro-Iranian militias  ning citizens of any Arab country that
                                                                                JEWS SEE RISING
                                                                                                                                                        normalizes  relations  with Israel from
                                                                                                                      in Syria.
                                          than with the Palestinians by a ratio of
                                                                                                                          It turns out that there are things  praying at Al-Aqsa.
            Up-To-Date                    86% to 7%. (Prof. Eytan Gilboa, BESA   ANTISEMITISM                         more important to some countries than   I follow what is being said in the
                                                                                The  American Jewish Committee
                                          Center for Strategic Studies, Bar-Ilan
                                                                                                                      a resolution  of “the  Palestinian  prob- Arab world. It is unimaginable  what
               On Your                    University)                           (AJC) has released a poll aimed at un-  lem.” The Iranian problem has escalat- Arabs in the Gulf are saying about the
                                                                                derstanding how American  Jews per-
                Jewish                    UAE TO IMPORT ISRAELI                 ceive  various antisemitic  threats,  as   ed to the level of an existential threat,  Palestinians:  “You  ungrateful  people.
                                                                                                                      while  the  Israeli-Palestinian problem  We’ve  given  you billions  of dollars
                                                                                well as the general public’s views on
                                          WINE FROM GOLAN
           Community                      HEIGHTS, ANGERING                     American antisemitism.                is not an existential threat to anyone.  all these years. In the end, you spit in
                                                                                                                      Moreover, after  the “Arab Spring,”  our face and you burn our flag.” One
                                                                                    Jews overwhelmingly believe that
                                          ISRAEL BOYCOTT
                                                                                                                      which precipitated the collapse of re- prominent Emirati  academic  tweeted
                                                                                America  is becoming  a more  antise-
       1      STEP ONE                    MOVEMENT                              mitic  and physically dangerous place   gimes  and economies  and  the  rise of  pictures of UAE flags in the Israeli city
                                          The  UAE  has dealt  a  heavy blow to
                                                                                                                      the Islamic State, the fight for the “lib- of Netanya. Next to them, pictures of
                                                                                for them to live, work and study: 82%
                                                                                                                      among Arab concerns. (Lt.-Col. (res.)  ians in Ramallah and Gaza. He wrote,
                                          (BDS) movement after it signed a deal
         Hourly                           the boycott, divestment and sanctions   responded that antisemitism  has in-  eration of Palestine” is not uppermost  the UAE flag being burned by Palestin-
                                                                                creased over the past five years. 27%
         Social Media: While we don’t always   on October 28 to sell Israeli wine from   reported that Jewish institutions with   Dr. Mordechai Kedar, Begin-Sadat  “My  flag  is  being  honored  in  Israel
         post hourly, we do post often. What do we   the Golan Heights in Dubai.                                      Center for Strategic Studies, Bar-Ilan  while these Palestinians  are burning
         post? Time-sensitive news, alerts, items of                            which they affiliated had “been the tar-
         interest, and more. Follow us on Facebook,   The BDS movement  said it will   gets of antisemitism.”  37% reported   University)               my flag.”
         Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and more!    boycott any Emirati, Arab or interna-  they had “taken steps to conceal their                            Other Arabs are asking Mahmoud
         Find us by searching for “JFEDSRQ.”  tional company implementing the Emi-  Jewishness in public.”  43% of Jews   THE DECORATED NAZI            Abbas: “Are you trying to punish an
        2     STEP TWO                    rati-Israeli  normalization  agreement.   between  18  and  29  had  “experienced   COMMANDER’S SON WHO  Arab country simply because they want
                                                                                                                                                        normal  relations  with Israel?  What
                                          (Ahmad Melhem, Al-Monitor)
                                                                                                                      JOINED THE ISRAELI ARMY
                                                                                antisemitism on a college campus over
                                                                                                                                                        about you, Abbas? In 1993, didn’t you
                                                                                the past five years.”
                                                                                                                      Bernd  Wollschlaeger,  born  in  1958,
         Daily       ISRAELI SCIENTISTS                        74% of the general public agreed   was taught that the Holocaust was a lie  and Yasser Arafat allegedly recognize
                                          CALLED IN TO STOP
         Whether you’re on your desk-                                           with  the  85%  of Jews who view  an-  and that his father, Arthur Wollschlae-
         top, laptop or smartphone, the   TOXIC ALGAE BLOOM                     ti-Zionism  as  inherently  antisemitic.   ger, was a war hero who was person-
         Federation website, has everything above and   IN FLORIDA LAKE         However, only 43% of the general pub-  ally awarded the Iron Cross by Adolf
         below (and more) right at your fingertips. Keep
         our event calendars in your bookmarks bar for   Israeli scientists from BlueGreen Water   lic agreed that antisemitism is getting   Hitler. A major turning point for Ber-
         event information in a click.    Technologies, who specialize in clean-  worse. (Armin Rosen, Tablet)        nd came  when Palestinian  terrorists
        3     STEP THREE                  ing algae from large bodies of water,   THE NEW ARAB WORLD:                 massacred  11 members  of the  Israeli
                                          were brought in to keep the toxic algae
                                                                                                                      Olympic team  at the 1972 Summer
                                                                                NO LONGER UNITED
                                          in Lake Okeechobee from getting into
                                                                                                                      Games in Munich. His father reacted:
                                          the St. Lucie River estuary.          AGAINST ISRAEL                        “Look what they do to us again! They,
         Bi-Weekly                            Lake  Okeechobee  covers an  area                                       the Jews, are tearing down our reputa-
         Federation Eblast:                                                     It has been commonly  accepted  that
         Receive timely Federation        of 2,200 sq. km. (13 times the size of   there is an “Arab world” with an agen-  tion to make us look bad.” The mas-
         news, topics, and more,          the Sea of Galilee) and is a major tour-  da centered around the desire to see   sacre  raised a question:  If Jews were
         in your email every Friday       ist and recreation center.            Israel disappear and a Palestinian state   being killed in Germany again, when                        Would you like to pay less tax?
         by subscribing to the bi-weekly
         newsletter, the Federation eBlast.   The algae bloom, which feeds      take its place. Yet today this world is   had it happened before?
                                                                                                                          He learned  that  his father’s unit
       4      STEP FOUR                                                                                               terrorized  Jewish villages  in Russia,                                   Find out how we’ve helped our clients redirect
                                                                                                                      slaughtering the locals, and tearing
         Monthly              FEDERATION NEWS L ’Shana Tova!   BELONG                                                 out pages from the Torahs in the syn-                                     millions of dollars of taxes back to themselves,
                                                                                                                      agogues to use as insulation for their
                                  FROM THE BOARD AND STAFF OF
         The Jewish News: The                                     Celebrating        Years  The Jewish                tanks. Furthermore,  he discovered                                        their family and organizations they care about.
                              Celebrating Jewish Life in Sarasota and Manatee Counties, Israel and the World
                                    P U B L I S H E D   B Y
                                    OF SARASOTA-MANATEE
         publication that brings the        25  Jewish Happenings  Staff Report programming for the 2020-21 season
                                    THE LARRY & MARY GREENSPON
                                    FAMILY CAMPUS FOR JEWISH LIFE
                                  13  Community Focus
                             September 2020 - Elul 5780 / Tishrei 5781       Volume 50, Number 8
                                  20  Jewish Interest
                             INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Federation to offer all virtual
                                  39  Commentary
                                  43  Focus on Youth
         Jewish community right to your   Where your dollars go:    4  cases that continue to climb in Flori-  in-person  event,  what  conditions   ‹ ‹ event. All  answers  clearly  showed   that his father had sent people to their
                                he Jewish Federation of Sara-
                                  47  Life Cycle
                                sota-Manatee has made the dif-
                                  2020-21 season?
                                  38  Israel & the Jewish World Tficult decision that all programs
                                  door event for the coming Fall-Winter
                               for the 2020-21 season will be virtual.
                               Chief Executive Officer Howard Tev-
                                  As you can see, an overwhelming
                                  majority  would  not  feel  comfortable
                                    reluctance on the part of the com-
                               lowitz  says,  “In  an  effort  to  keep  the
                                  attending or thought it was too soon to
                               community  safe,  we  feel  we  have  no
                               choice but to make this decision. The
                                    Many  of  the  comments  were  en-
                                    lightening. Here are a few:
                               health of our Federation family is too
                                  Other  questions  included  at
                                  what capacity one would attend an
                                      I will not be attending in the fore-
                               In  addition  to  the  Coronavirus
                                    asking, but no, no and NO!!!
                                    seeable  future. Very  glad  you  are
                                 would  have  to  be  in  effect  to  feel
                                 comfortable to attend an in-person
         door every month with news,   taken to a new level  12  answered  by  more  than  550  re-  event  (i.e.,  masks,  sanitizers,  etc.)  4.0 %  9 .5 %  sider, no indoor events should be   deaths at Auschwitz.    ABOUT US
                             American Friends of
                               da, Tevlowitz  points  to  the  results  of
                                      With  an  older  population  to  con-
                             Leket Israel
                               our recent event survey, which clearly
                               showed the community is not ready to
                               attend in-person events for the foresee-
                                 and  when  would  you  see  yourself
                                    planned  until  there  is  a  vaccine.
                               able future. “We have heard you loud
                                    and films you’ve provided.
                                    Appreciate  the  varied  programs
                                 ready to come out to an in-person
                               and clear,” says Tevlowitz.
                               The  event  survey  sent  out
                                     continued on page 2
                                  LEVEL OF COMFORT TO ATTEND INDOOR EVENTS
                               via  email  and  social  media,  was
                                   3 .2 %
                                    SURVEY RESULTS
                               feedback  about  our  current  virtual
                             Lechlechallah – Challah baking
                               spondents.  They  were  asked  for  57 .2
                                    .2  Percent  Will avoid attending in-
                               programming and questioned about
                                    57door events for the foreseeable future
         events, and more.  Get your FREE   Temple Beth Sholom Catering:  16  time to let us know their thoughts.  26.1 26 soon to tell 3 attending indoor events .2  Percent  Have no concern about    At an interfaith summit in Germany
                               how comfortable one would feel at-
                               tending in-person events this com-
                               ing season. We are so grateful that
                               so many in our community took the
                                    4 but may still attend indoor events
                                    .0  Percent  Would be nervous,
                               answer to the main question: What is
                               The  pie  chart  at  right  shows  the
                               your level of comfort attending an in-
                                    9federal/state guidelines are strictly followed
                                    .5  Percent  Will attend so long as CDC/
                                    .1  Percent  Think that it is too
                            Keeping connected and
         subscription today!  reflect the views of, or serve as endorsement  46  gramming, including helping a number   was  overwhelming.  The  committee   mittee focused its efforts on fulfilling   he bonded with an Israeli girl and later   Everything we do is focused on increasing
                            kosher with Shabbat meals
                               Federation awards 2 nd  phase of COVID-19
                              assistance to area Jewish organizations
                               n April  of  this  year,  The  Jewish
                               Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
                                 to  provide  virtual  ser-
                                 visual  systems  in  order
                              Ibegan  raising  funds  to  provide
                              By Kim Adler, Chief Operating Officer, and Stacey Gillman, Stronger Together Granting Chair
                              COVID-19  relief  to  Jewish  organiza-
                                 vices  and  programs  for
                                 our  community  mem-
                              tions  in  our  two-county  area.  As  of
                            The Gan plans an exciting
                            and safe school year
                                 bers, many of whom are
                              has contributed more than $330,000 to
                              this printing, our generous community
                                 isolated and alone due to
                                 the pandemic.
                              our Stronger Together effort, including
                              a  $100,000  matching  grant  from  our
                            PAID POLITICAL
                                 In  July,  the  Stron-
                              board-restricted fund.
                                 ger  Together  Granting
                              uted close to $70,000 of those dollars
                              Readers may recall that we distrib-
        5     STEP FIVE     Annual voluntary subscription: $25  NON-PROFIT ORG.  U.S. POSTAGE MANASOTA FL PERMIT 167 PAID  fall. After much deliberation, the com- See our ad on page 3A  for $157,660 in grants for the follow-  visited her in Israel. The girl’s parents   Bruce Udell  We help them redeploy their wealth to more efficiently    Jeremy Udell
                                 Committee  met  to  re-
                              to eight Jewish organizations and syna-
                            This issue of The Jewish News contains a paid
                                 view applications for the second phase
                              gogues in early June to support Food
                                 of the granting process. The response
                            political advertisement. The ad does not
                            by, the staff or leadership of The Jewish
                              Security  and  Health/Wellness  pro-
                                was available to distribute, which was
                              of synagogues make much-needed up-
                            Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.
                                   those  grants  that  address  Food  Secu-
                                received  requests  totaling  more  than
                                   rity and Health/Wellness programming
                                concerning as the plan was to make a
                                   for this phase. The committee recom-
                              grades to their technology and audio-
                                                                                                                                                                                                              our clients’ enjoyment of their wealth.
                            A publication of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
                                   mended  and  received  Board  approval
                                third phase of grants available in early
                            The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life
                                   ing programs:
                            Klingenstein Jewish Center, 580 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota, FL 34232
                                    continued on page 2
                                 BUY • SELL • CONSIGN • REPAIR
                                1484 Main Street | Sarasota FL 34236 | 941.312.5566 |
                                                                                                                      welcomed him. “They hosted me like a
                                                                                                                                                                                                     sustain their lifestyles, so they can have more fun, help
                                                                                                                      the father how he learned German and
         Yearly                                      WHERE YOU WHERE YOU                                              long-lost brother,” said Bernd. “I asked    CLU, ChFC, MCEP                     their families and create a lasting impact on society.                         CFP®, President
         ShalomSRQ: Your resource                                                                                     he showed me the number tattooed on      Chief Executive Officer         We are Estate, Financial and Philanthropic planners
         guide to everything Jewish in                                                                                his forearm.... He was in Auschwitz....
         Sarasota-Manatee. Keep it on
         hand to quickly find Jewish                                                                                  He took me to Yad Vashem, the Holo-
         goods, services and organizations.                                                                           caust memorial in Jerusalem, and there                            |  941.951.0443
         Request to be on the mailing list!                                                                           I realized the extent of the murder and
                                                                                                                      I broke down emotionally.”
                                                                                                                                                                           Securities offered through Kestra Investment Services, LLC (Kestra IS), Member FINRA/ SIPC. Investment Advisory Services offered
             Find and Subscribe at                                                                                        Back in Germany, Bernd eventual-                through Kestra Advisory Services, LLC (Kestra AS), an affiliate of Kestra IS. Udell Associates is not affiliated with Kestra IS or Kestra AS.                                                                                   ly converted to Judaism and completed
                                                                                                                      medical school. He later traveled to Is-
                                                                                                                      rael and served in its army as a medical
                                                                                     officer. Today, he is a family physician
                                                                                                                      in Miami,  Florida. (Michael  Havis,
                                                                                                                      Daily Mail - UK)
                                                                                                                                   continued on next page
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